Shadow Rogue

V2.Chapter 1642

"Is this power beyond order? It's a new world indeed

He opened his eyes and felt the different world in his eyes. Chu Rui couldn't help sighing.

After the energy core of Pangu's energy and law burst, he didn't expect to let him go to this step. As an old order strong man, Pangu's strength is beyond doubt, and his rules and secrets are countless. However, it is impossible to complete the qualitative leap directly after swallowing all his things. What Chu Rui pursues is just the accumulation of quantity. His previous state, faced with fate, was just looking for death. In such a state, it is necessary to enhance some strength. After all, the top priority is to protect life.

Unexpectedly, the talent of chaos wheel -- the six circles of chaos wheel -- ghost phage, human spirit, spirit, immortal spirit and chaos, directly compressed Pangu's all into an energy core. By bursting it, swallowing its energy, it really let itself complete the qualitative leap. From the order level, he was promoted to a higher level. At this moment, Chu Rui's gaze at fate was no longer the same as it was at the beginning. It was all a secret. In addition to knowing that the goods were very powerful, all the rest were unknown and could not be seen through at all.

In such a completely equal state, Chu Rui understood that at this moment, he was already at the same level with fate. Perhaps in terms of strength, he just entered this stage is not enough to compete with fate, but in the end, at least in terms of class, he is an equal level. Chu Rui doesn't know what level this new level is, because no one has reached it except fate. Now there is another one. Since it is such a unique fate, and the existence at this level is enough to control the so-called destiny, then it is called destiny level, which is very appropriate.

"Has it inspired the power of the heart core and thus led out the potential of the body? Yes, it's decent at last. It's worth my hand! "

Fate is to see through the state of Chu Rui at the moment. Even if Chu Rui was promoted to the same fate level as him, he was not in the least flustered. He is invincible, he is destiny, the destiny that dominates everything. Whether it is, in his eyes, it is just like a doll.

"Long wait!"

Chu Rui took a deep breath, gave up his thoughts and adjusted his state to the peak.

Fate does not move, Chu Rui knows this is to let him attack.

This is really a little arrogant!

Even if they are of the same fate level, but the strength gap is there. Being so lazy by fate, Chu Rui has no emotion at all. Originally in an absolute disadvantage, once their own chaos, it is completely no hope.

"The chopping of chaos!"

It's a stunt. Today's chaos blade is not the original chaos blade, and Chu Rui is not the former churui. With the increase of the strength of destiny level and the purest power of chaos, the power of this move has been infinitely enlarged. It can even be compared with the exclusive skill of six life pearls. Moreover, it is superior to the pure attack.

"A little bit of a look!"

However, such a strong attack, fate is just a pinch, that is enough to destroy the entire universe of energy to seize, gently force, directly crush it.

Churui is a little silly. Is NIMA too cruel? Although you know the fate is very strong, but it is not so bug, this is your sister's open hanging?

A blow is broken, Chu Rui's face is gloomy. Even the chopping of chaos has been so lightly resolved. Ordinary moves have no effect at all, and they are just a waste of effort and energy.

In that case

Chu Rui bit his teeth severely, and his eyes became fierce!

"Sky fall!"

The wings of chaos burst out a thousand radiance and devoured Hongjun and Pangu. The power of Zixiao God thunder and Hongmeng reached the peak, and the power of purple thunder contained in it reached the peak. The fire of rosefinch also evolved into Hongmeng daohuo, which has been transformed into the ultimate form. Because of Chu Rui, the master, it has also stepped from order level to destiny level.

Tianqiu: chaos technology, need special state to open and use! Specific effect: unknown! Specific damage: unknown! Specific duration: unknown! Specific cooling time: unknown!

At the time of the ultimate evolution, each component of the chaos suite had a final skill, but this final skill had nothing but its name. However, when he evolves to the level of destiny, all these skills will be released. They are all destiny level skills. They can only be used under destiny level strength.

Stars shine, endless stars in response to the call of the wings of chaos, turned into pure star force, concentrated to a point, forming a huge energy ball, churui thrown, and restored to countless stars, crashing into fate!

Sky meteor: control hundreds of millions of stars, just like the sky falling, bombard the enemy crazily!

"Well, I didn't expect that in my field, all the rules are limited, and you can still use such tricks Chaos suit? It is a collection of the most advanced and non renewable precious materials in the chaotic world. It has the power to surpass all taboos! It's the only strength you can take against meThe sky meteorite works, and the crushing of hundreds of millions of stars directly blows the fate into a disgrace.


Chu Rui coldly, for the fate of that lofty tone is very disdainful. Before I thought that the goods were so strong, it turned out that everything was just forced. At present, the power of the chaos chopping that he makes today will never be weaker than that of Tianqiu, but the fate has been lightly resolved. It turns out that this is not because his strength has reached that position, but because of other reasons. From the moment he came out, he immediately eliminated the dominating space created by "chaos wheel and chaos breaking", which destroyed Pangu. But that's not his real strength, but because he has created a similar space, squeezing out the dominant space. It is for this reason that chaos is cut off, so it is invalid. It is not that he directly exterminates it with extremely strong strength.

The chaotic suit has evolved to the extreme form and reached the level of destiny to a certain extent, so it will not be constrained. At the end of the show, he could not use the domain space to erase. He fought a hard blow and was on the verge of destruction.

"Show your noumenon. Destiny, I am not what you can overcome with such a wisp of consciousness." , the fastest update of the webnovel!