Shadow Rogue

V2.Chapter 1641

"They are my women. My own woman, I will save myself, don't bother you. As for Tianyun and Tianyun, ha ha, you probably forget where you are now. "

Chu Rui pupil shrinks, immediately hang up the corner of the mouth more cruel sneer. Pangu's threat, as far as he is concerned, is useless, just makes him more angry. Even though he had expected Qin Yue's death for a long time and could not get rid of this guy's connection, now hearing him say it himself, he was mentally prepared, but still angry.

The death of a man is not absolute and his words are good. This is especially true for ambitious and schemers like Pangu. After all, he is not dead now, that is, whether he is dead or not, everything depends on himself. Under such circumstances, it is normal to deceive yourself to achieve the goal. If he was successfully bewitched by him, delayed the time to come up with a way, when he was finished, what to take to save Qin Yue and them? As he said, he would save his own women without the help of an outsider or even the culprit of their death.

As for fortune and Yun, the threat is of no use at all. Because, at this moment, Chu Rui is omnipotent. Being in his field, which is absolutely dominated by him, Pangu is naive enough to threaten.

"Split off!"

A circle of light from Chu Rui's hands spread out, straight to Pangu's body. In a flash, the phantom overlapped. Pangu is as like as two peas, but his shoulders start to pull out two figures, but the figures are the same but have different temperament. One is heaven's luck, the other is Tian Yun.

"No, it's impossible!"

Pangu tried his best to suppress Tianyun and Tianyun from his body. This is not only the final card threatening Chu Rui, but also the source of his strength. Now, in a place where Chu Rui has been transformed and absolutely dominated by Chu Rui, all his energy, magic weapons and secret arts have been sealed. The only thing that can be used is the body. In order to stabilize his fate, he destroyed himself and became the six realms of today. Now the body, is with the help of his descendants of heaven and Yun. Once Tianyun and Tianyun are separated, he will return to the state of soul again, and he will not have the only capital to compete with Chu Rui.

"Want to suppress it? Do you think you can do it? "

When Chu Rui pinched his hand, the energy of the aperture soared, and Pangu's insistence on repression suddenly disintegrated.

"No, I won't!"

The howl of indignation is the cry of the weak. Pangu has returned to the state of soul, and his sister combination of Tianyun and Tianyun has been released. This means that all his capital that can compete with Chu Rui is gone. He failed.

"You go back and give it to me here!"

Looking at the magnificent twin sisters in front of him, Chu Rui gently said a word. Without waiting for their reply, he directly took them back to the heart of chaos. He wants to kill their ancestors, so it's better for them to avoid such scenes.

"Pangu, die!"

Pangu, who has become a lamb to be slaughtered, has no resistance at all. Even though he has the advantage now, Chu Rui will never waste a little time to give the enemy even a tiny chance to turn the corner.


Cut out the attack through the body, Chu Rui's eyes can not help but squint. The blow just now must have killed Pangu, but it went straight through without causing any damage.

"What a wonderful play

At this time, a very familiar voice sounded, let Chu Rui's pupil suddenly shrink.


At the top of the eye of heaven exploded, into a streamer into Pangu's body.

"You are, destiny!"

Pangu's absence is Pan Gu, which can be seen from the light in his eyes at the moment. I didn't expect that after planning for so many years and doing so many things in order to defeat fate, he was possessed by fate in the end and wiped out his spirit. It's really ironic.

"I didn't expect you to be able to do this. It's really amazing Come on, let me see how great you are. Give full play to your full strength, otherwise, you will not even have the qualification to start with me. "

Fate Jie ran a smile, although the words are hard to hear, but Chu Rui is not angry. If he has strength, he is qualified to say such a thing. Angry? The cruel reality will not change a little because of your mood. It's better to think about how to defeat the enemy than to take the time to get angry.

"Give you a chance. It's a special treat. But don't keep me waiting. I've been waiting long enough to stop waiting. "

Fate spoke again and waved. Under the gaze of Chu Rui's panic, the chaos of the wheel of chaos is broken, and the space that belongs to him is abandoned and dissipated completely.

What strength is this?

Churui's scalp is numb!

In this dominating space, he is the absolute master. However, it is easy for an outsider not only to break through all the rules specified by him, but also to break the space directly. Such strength is definitely not at the same level as him.Fate has only revived a little consciousness, and it is only consciousness, not the body, nor the soul. Consciousness into Pangu's soul, with the help of the spirit of the body to play out the power is so terrible?

Calm down, calm down!

Taking a deep breath, churui forced himself to calm down. No matter how powerful the enemy is in front of him, it will always be the same thing. The way out? There is no way out! Only forward, constantly forward. One step back is death.

"Let go

Facing the most ultimate enemy in the chaotic universe, Chu Rui does not have any anxious mood. In an instant, the energy core in the body will be exploded, and a terrible energy will spread directly, impacting the whole body. This energy core is formed by the absorption of Pangu in the dominating space just now. Before Pangu was trapped in the dominant space, everything else was sealed except the physical body. The stripping just now is not only to separate Tianyun and Tianyun, but also to deprive Pangu of all energy and laws except the physical body.

If it is not your own, it will never be your own. Since ancient times, you have to pay a price if you take a shortcut to become stronger by relying on others, no matter how strong you are. This price is that you will never be able to climb the top, because you are not pure any more. You have impurities in your body, which is tantamount to destroying your future. However, even if Chu Rui knew this, he had no way to avoid it. He had to make such a choice.

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