Shadow Rogue

V2.Chapter 1643

"Show your noumenon. Destiny, I am not what you can overcome with such a wisp of consciousness."

The meteoric strike and the bombing of hundreds of millions of stars directly destroyed the destiny consciousness which occupied Pangu's soul. But this is not a victory. The real fate has not yet emerged.

"As you wish!"

Fate toward Chu Rui showed a smile of evil charm. Pangu's soul body dissipated, was completely drained of the final use value, and disappeared. The space tears, before that familiar sound spreads again, Chu Rui squints to see, see a person's shadow from inside slowly.

"What? Are you surprised? "

Looking at the face of fate itself, in and out look dull, set off a storm in the heart. His fate is as like as two peas? This is, what's going on?

"You are me, I am you!"

Fate showed a smile. That familiar face and familiar smile, as if in the mirror, let Chu Rui a burst of dazzle.

"You are just a frog in the well. How can you know the vastness of the universe. This chaotic universe is boundless in your eyes, but it is actually my body. Well, how to say, for example, I am a human being, and you are a cell in my body A cell wants to dominate itself? Pangu's group also thought too much. As for you, something special, because you are my heart. Chaos green lotus, is equivalent to my heart. But in the end, it's just an organ. You don't have the ability to fight me. "

"Then try it!"

Chu Rui can feel the gap between himself and fate, which is not just a wisp of consciousness that just occupied Pangu's soul. Even if they are still at the same level and destiny level, it is just like the difference between ordinary immortal and Daluo Jinxian. They are both immortal, but their strength is one day and one land.

"Blade of fate!"

A very strange weapon, almost the same as the blade of chaos, appeared in the hand of fate. With a strange smile and a gentle wave, a chopping power came at the speed of faster than light.

"Curtain of heaven!"

The ultimate mystical skill of chaos armor takes effect in an instant. Before a blink of an eye, Chu Rui has a curtain as a barrier which is even wider than the sky, blocking the attack of fate.

Sky curtain: take the sky as the curtain, contain and absorb, block all attacks!

"It's interesting, but it's not enough!"

Although the curtain of heaven is strong, it is impossible to maintain it all the time. Moreover, Chu Rui is not passive. Only by attacking can we win. Defending blindly is just self destruction. If you want to exhaust the energy of destiny with the shell like defense, it is a fool's dream.

"Eye of heaven!"

At a glance, the helmet of chaos spills two drops of light similar to water drops and falls into Chu Rui's eyes.

"What did you do?"

Ten thousand years, one second vicissitudes! It's only a second to open the heart of heaven. However, Chu Rui's expression is greatly changed. There are some expressions in his eyes that make fate very unhappy.

"It turns out that the relationship between you and me is like this!"

Chu Rui looks very complicated. The eye of heaven is not the eye he used before, but the ultimate mystical skill brought by the decoration of chaos. Its effect is to peep into the world and see through the past and this life. Just that second, let him see the destiny thoroughly, also understood many unknown secrets.

"Looking for death!"

Fate is furious. Holding the edge of fate is a crazy attack. Every second, it throws out tens of thousands of attacks and extremely powerful slashes, which can destroy the surrounding space, such as the destruction of stars, the collapse of space, and the fury of magnetic field. Fortunately, it is in the universe. Otherwise, it will be very open and there is no life around. Otherwise, the disaster will be great.


Stepping on the void, the chaotic boots released an invisible wave, which absorbed the virtual boundless stone in churui's backpack, and instantly burst out a burst of energy to wrap Chu Rui's whole body.

There are many terrible attacks in 10000 units, each of which can expand the space and destroy the stars. However, Chu Rui was standing there, motionless as a mountain. Under the fierce gaze of fate, all the attacks passed through Chu Rui's body, without any impact on him. It was as if they were chopped in the air.

TianDun: the rule of nihility is promoted to rule, and the ultimate presentation of nihility state!

"Seven stars in a row!"

With TianDun the most invincible defense technology, Chu Rui immediately sounded the horn of attack. The taboo skill of chaos wheel breaks out in an instant. Seven life beads are suspended and connected in the posture of Big Dipper, forming a chain of iron cables.


with Chu as like as two peas, seven lives became seven people, the same as him. Each of them has the same strength as Chu Rui, and a hundred percent strength. We should know that Chu Rui is a strong man of destiny level. The skills he used before can't be used at the moment, because he is too weak to separate such a strong body. The other function of the skill of "seven stars in a row" is to be a person with seven hundred percent destiny level strength.Fate has changed! Even though he is very strong, he will not be able to challenge eight strong people of the same class.

"Do you want to catch the thief first? It's a pity that you can do what you want! ——Heaven

Chu Rui and the seven separate bodies are in a moment of confusion. After a while of chaos, fate can't tell who is the true God and who is the body. If the energy and secret arts fall on the sub body, it will be in vain if the energy and secret arts are consumed in vain, but the master is not defeated. He wants to distinguish with the eyes of fate, but Chu Rui is a step ahead of the preparation, directly broke his mind.

Tianmian: block all prying, any existence can not be explored!

"I don't know if you've heard a word? What mankind invented is to know oneself and know the enemy, and win every battle! You can't peep at me, but I can peep at you. ——The heart of heaven

The heart of chaos is shining, burst out a white light, such as the eyebrows of eight Chu sharp, the eyes of chaos open.

Tianxin: peep into the heart of the target!

"What if you have the advantage? Let you be rampant for a while, when your avatar disappears, is your death date. Don't think you can never make up for the gap

Besieged by eight Chu sharps, fate has already shrunk up, can only defend but not attack, even so, it is still attacked infinitely. However, his body is a chaotic world, and its strength is almost invincible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!