Shadow Rogue

V2.Chapter 1640

"The six circles of chaos, the wheel of the wheel of chaos, the demon spirit lives through life!"

The nether world is always corrosion, which is a kind of alternative attack method, which is relatively slow, and more is to torture and let the enemy feel incomparable fear and despair in this long time. And the evil spirit lives through life, that is a thorough and violent attack, directly with the most ferocious attack.

"Chaos six circles wheel reincarnation is born!"

In some aspects, the reincarnation is even more powerful than the black hole in terms of the attack. The reincarnation channel originally only accepted the dead into reincarnation. This demon world life bead is aimed at life. In fact, this skill can really revive people, but Chu Rui's reversal effect is not to save but to attack.

"The force of the emergence of the six circles of chaos -- reversal!"

Each life orb specific skill has two effects, one positive and one negative, either attack or save, or increase their own or weaken the enemy. The power of eclosion can eclipse the enemy, and its attack means are similar to the terrible corrosive force of the nether world. It also slowly melts the enemy. But the power of eclosion is not corrosion, but purification and destruction of life.

"It's chaos wheel, it's really strong!"

The power of six life pearls, the strongest exclusive skill of six life beads, even Pangu also changed color instantly. However, just these, can't help him. With such an ultimate treasure, such an attack is not enough to kill him.

"It seems that you have forgotten that chaos wheel has seven life beads!"

Chu Rui smiles indifferently and opens the exclusive skill of chaos life bead without hesitation.

"Chaos and chaos wheel, chaos is broken!"

The vast territory was instantly covered by an invisible force of law.

"This is it

Pangu finally changed his face, because he felt a threat to his life.

"Here I am the God, the master of all things, the maker of all orders!"

Chu Rui changed the previous suppressed decline and made a high-profile declaration.

Chaos wheel chaos breaking: the exclusive taboo skill learned after the return of chaos life bead, the use of chaos life bead forms a big chaotic world. In this big chaotic world, the user, as the creator God, will be the master of all, and all rules and regulations will be regulated by it. In this world, only the power of chaos can be effective, and the rest of energy can be used All void!

Terrible chaos life bead, terrible chaos wheel!

Once this skill is opened, Chu Rui can basically be said to be invincible. Fortunately, Pangu, with the strength of order level, will not be suppressed in this respect. Fortunately, Pangu has the power of chaos, so that even energy can not be used. However, even so, he lost his advantage in an instant, and turned into a decline. Because his rule is totally invalid. After all, Chu Rui is the ruler of the moment. Everything has the final say. All the rules and rules will be regulated by him.

"The jade ultimatum of fortune is the ultimate force of creation!"

Pangu didn't expect that Chu Rui had such a terrible move. When his rules were all limited, and in the absolute main battlefield of churui, his strength could not play half of that of his heyday. In this state, maybe not lose, but at least will be at a disadvantage, very passive. This is what Pangu can't bear. After all, his purpose is to obtain Chu Rui's body and complete the strongest evolution. How can you get it if you don't defeat it and destroy its soul? The beginning of everything should be based on the premise of defeating Chu Rui. And now? Not only did not occupy the advantage, but also fell into the decline.

"It's up to me to make the rules. It's up to me."

Chu Rui gave a cold smile and looked at Pangu who was not willing to be saved by Koi. In his eyes, he was furious and couldn't stop boiling. It's this kind of goods that treat everyone as dolls and play with each other. From his birth, even his own birth, is his conspiracy. On the surface, it is kind, but in the dark it is hypocritical. Such a super hypocrite and schemer who deceived the whole world is really unbearable. Chu Rui is not a saint, but the goods hit his head, since it is already the enemy, it must be killed.

"The power of creation, seal!"

As an absolute master, Chu Rui can seal all laws and powers. Except for the power of chaos, which can't be banned under the circumstances of the big environment, and he himself also uses such power, he can seal all the other forces.

"The power of creation is also one of the forces of chaos. You can't block it!"

Pangu's cold voice came, but only made Chu Rui disdain a smile.

Except for the most pure force of chaos, the power of any other name can not be regarded as the pure force of chaos. Whether it is the power of creation, the power of the devil, the power of Hongmeng, the power of celestial demon or the power of the nether world, each of them is mixed with the power of chaos, not to mention that they are not as strong as the pure power of chaos. Even if they are stronger than the pure power of chaos, Chu Rui can still be sealed.

The special skill and ultimate meaning of chaos wheel's chaotic life bead basically dominate the whole chaotic universe. Chu Rui strength is not home, can only dominate such a part of the region, can not radiation to the entire universe. But in this, he is absolute, his words are the most reasonable. If he wants to open up a world now, it will form a world immediately. If he wants to open up his mouth, he will immediately produce what he wants."It's impossible!"

The power of nature is sealed, and the jade certificate of fortune is completely stopped. The rules are sealed, and the secret arts cannot be used. At this moment, Pangu is just a strong man with a strong body. Although there is also chaos in his body, it is very limited. Compared with Chu Rui, who basically has unlimited energy here, he is a mole ant.

"Your fortune jade certificate has become a piece of broken jade that can't be done. Pangu, I think you still have any tricks."

Chu Rui didn't have the kind of second goods who took the upper hand and began to force the enemy to leave time and opportunity to turn the table. After thoroughly suppressing Pangu, he immediately rushed forward to end the battle as soon as possible.

"Stop it, my body now is formed by the blood of Tianyun and Tianyun. If you kill me, you kill them. And I can tell you how to revive your women. Before Hongjun acquiesced in the nether world and ordered Beifeng to kill them, so I stayed behind. "

Pangu suddenly cried out. In the face of death, he gave everything. He is the real culprit who killed Qin Yue. He manipulates everything.

PS: the last chapter finale tomorrow! , the fastest update of the webnovel!