Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 947

Each time Qin Yi enters and exits the time illusion space, it will temporarily close the difference effect of time flow rate.

Otherwise, the difference of time and space can tear him up at the moment when he goes in and out.

So what tassel and Yu Shang heard and saw in it was not super slow. It took a day to listen to a sentence and watch a frame of action, but a live synchronous live broadcast.

Now Yushang people are stupid.

This clam is still very easy to bully on weekdays. It looks like a little white flower shrinking back. It is used as a water bed and doesn't make a sound. Now I know that the clam girl is in a hurry.

Is Ann soft?

Of course, it's soft. Compared with her body like javelin and a pair of big wings in her feather dress, An'an is just made of water, not as soft as bone.

Yu Shang and she passed through the air in person. We all know how soft and fragrant An'an is. As a woman, I can't help but feel like rubbing it

Yu Shang can't help it. How can Qin Yi stand it?

At the moment, Qin Yi was watching with his feather clothes. He was still quite embarrassed and wanted to get up: "soft, but..."

Ann stretched out his hand, pressed his hand, moved slowly to the softest place, and continued to wink: "Sir, is Ann big?"

Critical strike!

Feather clothes half open mouth, language ability has disappeared.

She was not small, and she was medium-sized, but of course, she couldn't show off. How could she compare with Ann who couldn't hold her hand? Usually I envy you to death, not to mention this kind of time

Tassel also can't laugh out, cage hand squats on one side, look dignified, mouth has been pursed into ^.

After observing for a long time, he sighed softly. It seems that Ann's is not bigger than himself.

He leaned back comfortably: "the way of heaven is balanced. It's not that everything is said as big as possible. Although she can In any case, we are not as big as Cheng foxes. We are proud of half a bucket of water. "

The feather dress looks sideways.

You're a ball. It's weird to comment on it. In other words, your spherical hemispheres seem to be about the same size as Ann's, and seem to be a little bit smaller. Are you changing according to your own size? Then you have a good shape

In that case, Qin Yi kneaded you at ordinary times, did he knead that thing? No wonder he likes to roll the ball so much.

As soon as the thinking is divergent, I almost forget to watch the scene that An'an's wife is currently committing.

Qin's game at this time is really a dilemma.

Ann is so fragrant. Who can resist such teasing?

But she is to challenge Yu Shang face to face. How can Mr. Qin be her tool man? How does Yu Shang think in his eyes?

But then again, Yu Shang didn't know about the relationship between An'an and herself. She did everything except the last step. She had already acquiesced that this was a fight in the backyard. Do you still believe that this is a pure friendship?

So it's nothing, but it's not suitable in this way What a tool man

General Wang Fu of various forces, that is dignified!

Should smart people take advantage of this opportunity to make Yushang more enlightened? She's too passive, um At this time, An'an is going to give her eye medicine. Will she do more performance?

Qin Yi's eyes turned several times and commented solemnly: "big."

Ann: "what

This is it?

"But An'an..."

"Ah?" An'an is in a muddle.

"Since she has an advantage that she doesn't have, we should take advantage of this advantage and do what she can't do."

The words are a little twisted. Yu Shang doesn't even understand what he's talking about. However, An'an is clever enough to understand what he is saying, and soon realizes the meaning of Qin Yi.

This gentleman is really shameless.

Ann belly Fei, face or with obedient clever smile: "I understand. Mr. Chen has worked hard in refining alchemy, and he will have a rest for a while

With a wave of his hand, the soft and comfortable water bed lay beside Qin Yi.

Qin Yi leaned down on it and sighed comfortably.

An an gently unties Luo's clothes and lies down on him. The water is as smooth as water, with waves warm and warm. The ripples are up and down.

Qin Yi felt that he was no longer in the world

Feather clothes eyes are straight, after a while just eat to convection Su way: "return, still can such?"

Tassel holding a piece of melon in his hand, he didn't chew it for a long time. His eyes were also staring at the scene outside and murmured to himself: "really good at playing In other words, I have seen some obscene memories of the goods, but I have seen this scene. How can mussels be born? "

One person, one ball, you see me, I see you. After a long time, Yu Shang looks down at her scale and tries to ask, "Bang Bang Can I have this one? "

"It should be OK. You are not so smooth as to knock people. Even if it is not as soft as her, it's a bit of material." Tassel comments: "but you can't bring your own water smooth effect, you need to use things to assist."Feather clothes struggle ran: "I have resin soft and smooth, can you use it?"

You build wood life resin to do this? Tassels can't tuck up and skim over their heads: "make complaints about what to use with ice and what's needed. You don't need the same means. How can you crush the black mussel like this

Yu Shang thought for a while, and seemed to be right. He clasped his fist and said, "thank you for your advice. Let me see... "


Why should I tell you foxes to compete for favors?

Why do I want to beat him? Isn't it a comfortable day?

Forget it, you love to fight. What's the matter with me? Hum. ^。

Tassel lost melon, hold up the big fairy, began to suck Dan.


Yu Shang has not come up with a new method, those Beiming creatures summoned by the sea demon to see the new king finally come.

Qin Yi couldn't go on with An'an in the main hall of the palace palace. They arranged their clothes and sat in front of each other, looking at the vast magic objects kneeling on the ground below.

The scene was as follows:

Yu Shang was not happy. She sat on the central throne with a straight face. The icy air of the throne wrapped around her body. Somehow, a kind of ethereal artistic conception was produced. With the momentum of her stiff face and wanting to scold his mother, Yu Shang was really called a powerful group of demons. The lower ten thousand demons bowed their heads, shivered and did not dare to make a sound, thinking whether he was late, which made the new king unhappy?

On the left and right sides of the throne there are two more. Qin Yi on the left and An'an on the right are also high seats, overlooking the demons. The two of them were wandering in the sky with strange smiles.

Qin Yi is reminiscent of the dreaminess of pushing back, and An'an is in the mood of feeling maddened by anger in the taste of feather clothes. Their faces are wandering, and the demons are even more trembling. The reaction in their hearts is that the king Wei Ling is cruel, and Wang Fu and the two kings are insidious. They are not good hosts.

They are also used to serving the Demon Lord. Their first reaction is this kind of thing. If you know the real background, I don't know if you will rebel on the spot.

When it comes to rebellion, they don't have the guts.

In theory, now the great king is also a perfect emperor. Wang Fu and the second king are both in the late Qianyuan period. In fact, in terms of absolute strength, there are many lower level demons who are similar to them. It seems that they are not qualified to be king, and it is impossible to achieve this kind of pressure.

However, this is Beiming.

All the demons born here can feel the pressure of the northern underworld, the shivering from the depths of the soul and the sense of submission from the blood, especially the latter, which is not even brought to them by the original non perfect Demon Lord.

At the beginning, it was the suppression of demons, but now it is the obedience of blood.

They can feel that as long as the two kings in the seat want to deal with themselves, the whole Beiming energy can crush themselves, and they don't need the king's hand.

This is the master of a domain, the real control.

Unless you don't want to hang around here, defecte.

Where can we go?

The North Pole longitude and latitude look down, Tianshu Shenque Bodhi Temple two mountains, town people scalp numb. A town of magic tower torture, a bodhi tree purification, fall in their hands will not reason with you, it is better to kneel and lick the king.

When the people trembled and thought about how to please the king, the big king's face finally spoke after a long time.

When the demons raised their heads, they saw that the king gently opened his lips and clenched his teeth: "it's too much..."

Qin Yi An's eyes did not squint, and the northern demons almost peed their pants. , the fastest update of the webnovel!