Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 948

The king of the sea demon stands at the bottom of the steps and acts as the chief manager. She knows that none of the three in the seat has anything to do with brutality, and she doesn't know why she is so gnawing at people.

Seeing that all the demons were scared to urinate, the sea demon king thought about it, but he still insisted on Hosting: "let's make you come here quickly, procrastinate, all palms!"

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

In the hall, the sound of palms and mouths is magnificent.

I startled all the three distracted people, and then I realized what kind of environment it was, not when I thought about it.

Yu Chang an an looked at the scene of the situation of self pumping. She could not bear to witness it. For a while, she didn't know what to say.

Qin Yi holds his chin.

These demons are so honest

Not honest, is the most typical bully soft afraid of hard, strength for respect.

As long as you are strong enough, they can make you a dog. Dignity is not a thing for them.

This is the devil, which is even more ridiculous than the demon. Although the concept of honor and disgrace of monsters is different from that of human beings, they still have the most basic integrity. There are also lambs kneeling milk, tigers poison not eating children, and ethnic honor.

And these demons don't.

In this environment, minutes can turn the ruler into a tyrant of extravagance and extravagance.

He looked at Yu Shang anxiously.

But see feather clothes wake up God, drink a way: "stop!"

The voice of the palm disappeared in an instant, and all the demons stood at the scene with low eyebrows and obedient eyes.

“……” Feather clothes sighed mouth way: "this is the North Sea, not the devil's land."

The demons raised their heads, and their eyes twinkled. They didn't want to clean the Beiming demons, did they? If that's the case, I'm afraid we'll have to.

However, Yu Shang continued: "you are all of the attributes of Beiming. In fact, you can be regarded as resonating with my blood. They are all our own people I was born with the source of forgetting Sichuan. I was born with a devil, and I didn't want to be a devil myself. I won't exclude you. I can rest assured. "

Demons in the heart of dark relief, or very seriously observe the expression of feather clothes.

They are not born to be credulous.

Yu Shang said, "it's a devil. In fact, you didn't go out to harm people. You were trapped in the northern Ming region. As far as I know, many people in the temple have never seen the face of an outsider. The devil returns to the devil, and he doesn't do anything, does he? "

Many of the demons said, "King Mingjian, over the years, there are few foreigners in Beiming. Occasionally, some of them are evil masters who take them to fill in three ways. It has nothing to do with us. We fight with each other a lot. What's the matter with others... "

It's not a toss, it's real. There are countless souls in the three routes, which are accumulated over tens of thousands of years, especially at the beginning of the early years. Now there are few foreigners coming to Beiming. There are also people from the Tianshu Shenque who have come to practice. On the contrary, these magical creatures have been ploughed over and over again.

They dare not move at all. Now Qin Yi also knows that it is because the Demon Lord himself is a crane mourning for the evil, and there must be a tacit understanding between him and the body. I'm afraid it would be a bad understanding to move the disciples of Tianshu Shenque.

So when Ming River comes here, it's like entering a deserted land. If you don't go deep into exploration, it's a peaceful situation.

Some foreigners outside the Tianshu Shenque are hard to come by. They are all "scarce resources". The Demon Lord himself is like a treasure, but he can't get them.

Many of the old demons who had done harm to people in the early years were cut off by the people of Shenque in Tianshu. However, most of the newly born demons have never been seen before.

The demons in the devil kingdom are clean It sounds unbelievable, but it's true.

It is mainly due to the contradiction of crane mourning, which not only expels evil thoughts, but also refuses to harm people. It seals the devil kingdom without saying, but also makes the demons dare not go south. Finally, a clean devil's land is created, which is also a wonderful flower.

Yu Shang said: "born in Beiming, you are the life of Beiming and belong to Kunpeng. Now that forgetting Chuan has gone and the magic atmosphere has been exhausted, the level of Kunpeng's territory is also very high, which is enough to eliminate other attributes. It is likely that your demonic nature will gradually fade away here and become the common people with good and evil. We can become a new Northern underworld group, and we should not think of ourselves as demons. "

The demons looked at each other, but they didn't feel that there was any difference in their hearts. Did they have a good name?

Yu Shang said: "when you are a normal ancient Kunpeng family, you can go to and out of Beiming at will, go south to the Shenzhou wilderness and travel in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. Why are you trapped in a place? What does it have to do with Beiming people to get rid of demons at the Shenque Bodhi temple in Tianshu? "


"As long as it doesn't harm people, it's true." Yu Shang glanced at Qin Yi secretly. Seeing that Qin Yi was smiling, she also sighed and continued: "we have good contacts with various forces, including Tianshu Shenque."

This is to borrow Qin Yi's potential, otherwise several people sell her face? But Qin Yi was very happy to hear that, which was a good thing.

The demons worshipped one after another: "willing to work for the king!"

"Not for me, but for the future of Beiming." Yu Shang said cautiously: "go back to boil well, refine and suppress the magic. If one day let me find out who goes out to mess, bad my reputation of Beiming, this is an example! "With a thump, the slender hand patted on the armrest of the throne, which broke into powder.

It's not her own frozen throne. It's safe.

An an:

What is promiscuity? Can you make it clear?

Feather clothes of course won't tell her clearly, the demons in the hall kowtow one after another: "don't worry, we have a few."

You have a fart number.


A "meeting" of demons to visit the new king came to an end.

It's too simple, because the new king didn't even recognize the faces of the leaders of different ethnic groups, so he sent them away In the eyes of the demons, this is the embodiment of "the power of heaven is unpredictable", and they feel that it is normal and incomparable.

But simple as it is, it has extraordinary significance.

Because this completely established Yushang's ruling prestige in Beiming and determined the political direction of the whole Beiming.

This set is not taught by Qin Yi, nor is it what Yu Shang thought. It's because people often talk about these things in the space of time and illusion in recent months. Naturally, Yu Shang summarized and summarized them.

Otherwise, she would not dare to take the place of Qin Yi and say that she could make friends with various forces

Yushang was originally a saint of a clan. She was the master of the city. At the beginning, she was worshipped as a goddess to kneel and lick. In fact, it was very easy to do these seemingly high-ranking things, but after playing chess with Qin, she didn't play much.

When given the right stage, she can play well.

In the past, An'an used to be in charge of the affairs of the family, such as the trade of mussels and pearls, which made up for the unfamiliar aspects of Yu Shang, and also had a little cleverness She cooperates with Yu Shang to take charge of this place, which is really a very suitable match.

The premise is that the two sides can cooperate with each other sincerely.

But it seems a little difficult at the moment.

Just sent the demons away, the cold ice Temple just empty, feather clothes in front of An'an's face, twist waist, sit in Qin's arms.

If you want to say that this kind of figure is enchanting, An'an is a little short of it.

The style of T-stage models is different from that of a child. An'an school doesn't like it.

This time it was Ann's turn to look at her directly and spat: "fox spirit."

Yu Shang didn't care what An'an thought. He was tired of playing chess in Qin's arms and put his hand around his neck: "husband, how do I behave today?"

Qin Yi said with a smile, "it's very good. I was afraid that you can't cure this group of demons. I'm relieved to see today's situation."

Yu Shang bit his lower lip: "is there the kind of husband you want On a throne, conquer the queen who has just been kowtowed and looked up to? "

Qin Yi blinked his eyes.

Yu Shang kisses his cheek: "no matter how many people kneel and kowtow Yu Shang only kneels down on her husband. "

As he said this, he slowly slipped down from Qin's arms and knelt down. With a piece of ice in his mouth, he slowly bowed his head.

"Hiss..." Qin Yi took a breath of cold air and was about to fly.

Ann's eyes are in circles.

When did you learn to play so well?

It seems that this move can still be learned. It can be combined with the situation that the demons have just bowed their heads and held their heads high. At one command, all the people are in charge, overlooking the hall and looking down on the heroes Turn your head and kneel on the ground with ice in your mouth

Ann knows that she can't compare the psychological taste.

Temperament is not the same, can't learn

The feathered man was very passive at the beginning. She was bound by her husband. How could she become so active and play today? Is it their own stimulation that led to the variation of the feathered?

An old saying flashed through Ann's mind.

A snipe and a clam fight for each other.

Since Mr. Zhang deliberately encouraged himself to "do things that other people can't do", he came to this place , the fastest update of the webnovel!