Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 946

The first time he saw the sea demon king biting An'an and whispering, Qin Yi felt a little bit of space-time crisscross in his heart.

These people are all from the East China Sea ethnic group, although the sea demon is not original.

I always feel like I'm back in the East China Sea. It's just the sea outside. Now I can hear the sound of waves

The sea demon king over there looks at An'an when he sees Qin Yi coming out, which means "look, I'm right. There's not a single stick of incense yet..."

Ann's face was a little red, pursed her mouth and didn't say a word. She wanted to find a chance to push Mr. smelly to see if he could keep a bowl of water level. Now, the king of the sea demon said that it was somehow reasonable

In fact, Mr. Zhang has been thinking about it all the time?

Should we continue to play with him so that he can't get it?

With these problems in mind, Qin Yi has already arrived. He didn't know what they were murmuring about. Smiling, he handed Ann a Dan: "yours."

An an took it over and thought about it. In fact, he never lost his own Dan. The Dan he knocked before was no less than half a grain of feather clothes. It seems that there is no bias.

Often let oneself come out, in fact, An'an also knows what the main reason is.

Every time I let myself out, it's time for Mr. and Yu Shang to do that. I'm always embarrassed to let her watch by the side, right

"Ann, why are you so stupid today that you have been distracted?"

When Qin Yi's strange voice came, An'an came back to his senses and said with a smile: "well, sir, while playing binding, he was still thinking of sending me Dan. An'an was moved for a moment, nothing, nothing."

Qin Yi said:

Are you moved?

The sea demon king couldn't bear to look straight over his head.

Qin Yi's eyes fell on her and said with a smile, "I didn't cheat you."

What did you say? Blowing the pillow before my lord?

You are very proud, aren't you!

the sea monster king could not speak out, and he could not even make complaints about it. He laughed like Ann, "it was the most correct decision to choose to stand on the side of Mr. We, the sea monsters, are driven by our master and have no other words. "

Ann looked at her warily and said, "don't mix your feet. Don't think this gentleman is not interested in the spirit. An'an has watched her dream and immortality all the way

Although Qin Yi is also interested in spirit body, she is not interested in complaining spirit. No matter how beautiful and obedient the sea monsters are, they are also the condensation of resentment, hiding a lot of ferocity and resentment. It's better not to be too close to them. If it wasn't for the river Styx, would they be obedient to you? Think it's beautiful.

Qin Yi was even afraid that the sea demon king would teach An'an.

But in any case, they are also the most loyal subordinates of the river Styx, the creatures directly under the river Styx. After tens of thousands of years of waiting for the master to wake up, he came thousands of miles with a call, and then waited for the next call without complaint or regret. This loyalty is really great, but it can't chill people's hearts.

Qin Yi directly handed the sea demon king a small storage ring.

The sea demon king is surprised: "this, what is this?"

"It's all pills." Qin Yi said, "you are of the same race, and you all need it. A lot of materials here have dark meanings and belong to the sea. They have good effects on you. I have refined some of them. "

The sea monster was overjoyed.

You know, you can't make alchemy even with sticks and sticks. It depends on Qin's chess. Of course, their spirits can't be refined. They usually absorb raw materials directly, and the effect is far from satisfactory. If they want to use Dan, they trade with all ethnic groups, which is very rare for them. Unexpectedly, there is a ring on hand, which sweeps the vast expanse of divine consciousness. This is the benefit of the whole family.

The sea demon was excited and blurted out: "thank you, Queen!"

Qin Yi's face is green.

An an is smiling.

The sea demon awkwardly stepped back half a step: "well, I'm going to see if they've summoned the demons to pay homage to the king. Have you come back or not I'm leaving. "

Then he disappeared.

An an covered his mouth and laughed: "Sir, alchemy is great now. A furnace is a batch."

Qin Yi stares at her: "is this what you want to say?"

Ann's eyes dodged: "Sir, do you want me to count how worthy this queen's name is?"

Worthy of its name

Qin Yi looks at the sky.

It seems to be right

The king of Rift Valley demon, the emperor of Shenzhou, the Lord of the river Styx, the emperor of birds, and now the king of Beiming.

Everyone has the same husband.

It's a royal husband, not a queen!

Seeing xiaobeng's teasing eyes, Qin Yi said with a straight face: "I think left and right, at least one Beng princess is missing, which deserves the name?"

"The Beng princess is just a maid." Ann retreated: "Sir, don't you like the smell of the fallen virgin and the queen bowing down? The little servant girl has no taste, so you'd better go in and tie that one. "

Qin Wu's face.How can we all know this hobby It seems that there is something wrong with this matter. In terms of this point, it is more like a stick hobby. As for his own hobby, it is called "all you want". This is just one of them!

Bullying and teasing little white flower, that is also fun!

Qin Yi came forward and said in his ear, "was it a little aggrieved before?"

An's eyes twinkled, reaching out and pressing his face: "no, there's no injustice. I've got Kunpeng's idea for nothing. I've only been told a few words about what's wrong with me Don't be so close to me

"What you wronged is not, I immediately coax Yu Shang, but did not care about you?"

An'an was stunned for a moment, and secretly said in her heart that it was true. She was so sour at that time, but she should not show it. Has Mr. Zhang been so keen?

"So, so you know you're biased." Ann pressed his face harder: "I'm not without effort. What's her Wangfu, I'm..."

"You are Wangfu, too." Qin Yi took her little hand and gave her a kiss: "at that time, Yu Shang's ancestral blood was divided into two parts. You didn't want to quarrel with her at that time. Of course, you should obey her first. But you have to be lucky. Qin Yi thanks An'an for his help If you are not happy, just send it to me... "

Inside the tassel opened his eyes, the stomach called a sentence: grass.

Outside Ann's mind was in a daze.

How did this product evolve so This speech makes people feel a little angry. They are not only scattered, but also numb, as if there are some ripples in it.

But think about it carefully and you will know that this is a very poor man. If you put one out and put another in order, you can't even find his mistakes. You have to praise him for being able to lower himself to deceive people, right.

"You, you..." Ann stuttered: "speak as you speak, praise as you speak, and don't rub your lips against other people's fingers I, I itch... "

As she said this, she pulled back, but Qin Yi held it tighter than before, and the whole person stuck it on the armrest of the frozen throne.

Ann did not know that the opportunity to take advantage of the idea, or to listen to the sea demon let him not get to miss. All in all, his consciousness was almost gone. He bent his waist back instinctively and broke his face with the other hand: "Sir, no, don't I, I called people... "

Qin Yi laughed: "who are you calling? I don't want to break my throat... "

The voice of Yu Shang came from the space of time illusion: "I am here."

An'an still keeps the posture of lower waist, and Qin Yi is still attached to kiss.

The picture is fixed.

Looking at Qin Yi's embarrassed look, An'an's stomach gradually starts to have evil fire. You're too much of a dead bird in the dark. I'll play a half hearted game with my husband. Do you mind?

At that moment, the sea demon's instruction was thrown out of the sky by her.

The look changed for several rounds, and finally turned into a face of flattery: "Sir, are you safe and soft?"

The voice is not big or small, and it is like whispering, and it is just transmitted to the time space. Make sure that the person inside can hear clearly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!