Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 803

If Xi Yue lived in the palace, she would look like a concubine, and be oppressed by Cheng Cheng. If she lived as a guest, she would attract Qin's body to the inner palace.

Living in jinxiufang, we live in a courtyard, living in guest rooms, and most of them are guests and guests. We don't have the strong sense of sight of the queen and the concubine in the palace. We have no problem.

Tassels don't know how Qin Yi came up with this kind of strategy that can be accepted by both women in a moment, and at the same time, it can make him have the possibility of embracing others. Is there a professional textbook for this kind of problem in his world?

Anyway, it seems to have come to an end. The demon king Cheng Cheng has his own national affairs to do, so he takes Qin Yixi Yue back to the Jinxiu square.

When everyone lived in the Fairview, it seemed that there was no focus to tear off for a while, and the atmosphere of Mars hitting the earth suddenly subsided a lot.

After all, all of them are high-ranking men with great accomplishments in practice. They can still understand when they are in dispute for a moment. It is really like a mortal woman who makes trouble and tears endlessly.

Before we reflect on it, we will be dumbfounded and laugh. Do you think that you are a little bit out of your mind and mad, just for a while?

It's not that he doesn't have peach blossom. There may be many shortcomings in him, but it is obvious that this is the first time that we can respond to it

After all, it's hard to say whether the peach blossom is a defect or not At least these two are latecomers. If he doesn't have this shortcoming, they can't do their business. I'm not happy to think about it Don't talk about it.

Calm down, Xiyue feels that she is too impulsive this time. She really shouldn't come Think about it. Maybe it's naughty. It's meaningless. What you want is like this, and there is nothing to regret. Since you are here, you should have a good contact with the demon city. After all, it is the place that you have been paying attention to for a long time.

In the splendid square, the Bank of the flowing water, in the pavilion, before the flowers under the moon. Cheng Cheng buys wine to entertain him. Qin Yi and Xi Yue sit at a small round table, forming a delicate triangle.

"Since sister Yue is good at drinking, you might as well try the wine of our demon city, which is not inferior to the world." Cheng Cheng elegantly pours wine: "after all, the demon city has some special products, which are not found in the world."

At this time, Cheng Cheng could not see the coquettish appearance of the dead goblin, nor did he have the momentum of tit for tat. He was really a lady of a big family. He was gentle and graceful. That kind of human spirit and graceful feeling bloomed quietly in the realm of all the demons, with a unique beauty.

If the demon city has some special products, which are not available in the world, you are also a kind of changeable fox. In the heart of the moon, Tucao, however, had to make complaints about what Cheng Cheng could not afford to carry.

She took a sip of wine, and sure enough, she tasted mellow, and there was a kind of wild nature in the demon kingdom. She could not help but praise: "I walk in the wilderness and drink all kinds of good wine. There are not many people who can compare with this wine."

"Not much?" Cheng Cheng Qi said: "this wine is a collection of the spirit of the demon city and the essence of human brewing method. It seems that the great wilderness civilization is also very good, not as desolate as it sounds."

Xiyue smiles: "the wilderness is indeed relatively desolate. Many places still retain the characteristics of tribal customs, and civilization is far away from China. Only a few countries, such as the gentleman's country, the lady's country, and the state of officials, are more prosperous. That is also the result of communication with Shenzhou before the cattle were imprisoned in the early years. Many of them are simply the people of Shenzhou. "

"I see." Cheng Cheng looked up and thought about it, but he also yearned for it: "Qin Yi knows that I have been at the bottom of the rift valley, yearning for the sky and the sea of the outside world. It's just that the atmosphere here is indescribable. It's better not to go. It's said that hundreds of nationalities coexist in the great wilderness, and there are many ancient characteristics preserved. It seems that if I have time, I can go to the wilderness for a walk

"Yes In theory, the state of Bai should have been a country of great famine In addition, there is no Qingqiu kingdom in the wilderness. It seems that Qingqiu foxes are also melting here. Before the closure of the sea, there must have been some kind of exchanges between the two sides of the Strait, which led to this kind of migration But now it doesn't matter. " Xi Yue raised her glass to Cheng Cheng and said, "you're great. There's no one in the wilderness that can match you."

In fact, to some extent, it can also be said that the motionless concept of non phase has such a great influence on the cause and effect. She wanted to take xiaochenghe as an apprentice. Minghe was not a common person. She wanted to save xiaochenghuang. That xiaochenghuang would not be a mediocre person.

This is the theory of Qi and causality. Qin Yi and Cheng Cheng may not believe it, but Xi Yue is. Therefore, Tianshu Shenque does not like to mix with the world, and the cause and effect caused by every move is hard to say. Even if it should not be in the present, it may be years later, even if you are not aware of it.

Cheng Cheng laughs: "sister Yue, can't you compare with me?"

"I have not shouldered the weight of the ethnic group. I don't need to compare this with you."

Cheng Cheng's smile in the eyes if there is a deep meaning: "sister can not phase, do you really do not need to bear the weight of the family?"

"In my opinion, the future of Terrans depends on the Terrans themselves, not on one or two heroes. It was a great misfortune when it came to that time. Of course, it's up to me. I'll do it myself. "

Cheng Cheng is silent.

Xiyue's words are a little cold, and there is nothing wrong with careful thinking. Just as when the demon clan needs to be pulled out of the garbage heap by her, it is a great misfortune. It can achieve her pride, but it has witnessed the shame of the ethnic group.It's just that this macro perspective is really cold. Should it be said that it is the way of Tianshu Shenque In a sense, Tianshu Shenque and Tianren are really close.

However, Xiyue also said, "I will bear what I should bear", so she is different from crane mourning, which is also the root of her being in prison.

Qin Yi has been drinking quietly beside him without talking. Listening to the communication between the two girls, he also has some thoughts in his heart. Although he did not know the identity of Xi Yue, he could see through this perspective. This is the communication of the most outstanding women in the world, not the kind of palace fight that was forced before

Sometimes, Qin Yi feels that his own pattern or vision has never been better than those around him, from meeting tassels to Yuexi. Also in front of ANN can brush a sense of achievement, look at her adoration and admiration of the small eyes dark cool one or two.

But he was so inexplicably in the center of all the whirlpool, in the South China Sea Battle reflected incisively and vividly. Don't say Zhao wuhuai didn't think of it in advance. In fact, he didn't think he had such a big face in advance.

Is there a destiny in the world?

But see tassel jump out, squat on his shoulder, point to the wine cup in his hand: "give me that, I want to drink."

Qin Yi speechless handed over to the past, tassel holding a cup of wine at the sun moon for a while: "you are good, and you drink a cup."

Xiyue:.... "

Cheng Cheng can't laugh or cry. He says "you're good" to a Wuxiang with his nostrils facing heaven and earth. The little ghost's farting virtue is just like Taiqing.

But see tassel gulp gulp to drink wine, the body becomes pink again, murmur says: "if people have the heart, all can be like a dragon. If people don't have this heart, who can save them? If you have done what you should do, you have no shame. If you jump out, you can be too clear. "

Then he rolled back into the stick.

Qin Yi said:

Xiyue is Zheng Zheng, holding a glass of wine and thinking for a long time, suddenly show Yan a smile, look up to drink up: "thank you."

Qin Yi didn't want them to ask about the identity of the little ghost who loved to show off. He interrupted: "Miss Yue is here. Do you have any idea about the demon city?"


Cheng Cheng is stunned: "huh?"

You have an idea. Didn't you come here to force?

Xiyue said: "when others come to see shenglongfeng, it is to verify their resentment. I think of some things in shenglongfeng Your ancient array of demon spirits in the rift valley is so intertwined that it is almost impossible to break through But if the seal of the holy Dragon Peak is untied, will the irrational Dragon Spirit wreak havoc on your Rift Valley demon array? "

Qin Yi was startled.

It seems like this The ancient demon soul array in the Rift Valley seems to be solid, but in fact, there are bombs buried at the mouth of the array, and the whole demon array may be destroyed at any time.

Cheng Cheng said: "I have considered this problem, but I can't solve it. Can only improve their own cultivation, see more Gu Shenglong Feng line. "

Xi Yue looks at Qin Yi: "did you learn the method of time?"

Qin Yi nodded: "learned some..."

Xiyue took out a jade slip: "this is the way to return to the array. You can try under the cloth of shenglongfeng. At that time, if the seal is released, the array can be activated instantly to restore the seal to its original state Maybe we can't cure the root cause, but we can definitely fight for the first line of changes, and the victory or defeat is here. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!