Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 804

Xiyue's resume, one of them is particularly dazzling: she was once the main force of human anti demon in the demon robbery, and there are countless demon spirits under her hand.

Along with the admonition to the apprentice when he was walking out of the mountain, he said: "look at the human affairs quietly, but don't involve in it; you are too young to kill even if you are not angry, so as not to be involved in cause and effect." If you want to get rid of demons, you should pay more attention to eliminating demons. Maybe it's not a good thing to do now, but once you get the power, it's a disaster for people, and it's not innocent to kill one after another. "

When Qin Yi first met Minghe, he could find its source from Xiyue. Minghe could listen to Shifu.

To be honest, even if Cheng Cheng knew that the old Taoist nun had ever saved himself, he would only think that it was a pity for him. He did not think that she was really considering the safety of the demon city as an anti demon general. He also provided this kind of array which was obviously the top-level collection of their clan.

She was very surprised to see Xi Yuelao for a long time, but after all, there was no doubt, but relieved with a smile: "to my sister, a cup."

Xi Yue raised her glass and drank it with her. If nothing happened, she said, "if you have time to go to the wilderness, please drink the wine of all nationalities. It has a unique flavor."

Cheng Cheng looks at her with great interest and smiles. There are more closeness and more playfulness in his smile. He seems to be asking if you are not tired of being so hard dressed in front of him every day?

Xiyue understood her meaning and blinked.

In order to hide and pretend, will feel tired not tired, if think is a very interesting thing, how can tired? That's a lot of fun.

Cheng Cheng also understands and laughs. This elder sister is very childlike and playful God knows how people think of her as a staid old Taoist?

Sometimes the friendship between women is very easy to be born, just need a small "she is not bad ah" on the line.

Qin Yi didn't notice the eye color interaction between the two women. He was still studying the array in the jade slips.

He realized the way of time by himself. He could raise some tassels, but he didn't know how to use the related skills. He also created several kinds of them, which were also powerful. However, some temporary self-made applications are obviously not as effective as the high-end methods that people have really inherited. This time turn return array just fills in this gap. It is not only a high-end array itself, but also an excellent reference for the specific application of the way of time.

Because the array itself contains a lot of relevant knowledge, from which we can even deduce some other techniques to form a system, which is of great value to Qin's game at this time.

I don't think it's for the demon city. It's more meaningful to give it to him

It's very likely that when he had the veil of time illusion, Miss Yue went back to the ancestral gate and went to search for it. However, her clan was not a researcher of time, and there was no systematic related classics. It was not easy to find one like this.

He couldn't help saying, "Miss Yue has a heart."

Xiyue smiles: "you are lucky."

It's really a good luck, because Xiyue didn't expect to meet Qin Yi in a short time before. In fact, there were a lot of tails left unsolved in the Shenque of Tianshu at this time. Heming has no appearance, not without a lineage. As a "murderer", she is quite insidious at this time. She is not that kind of cruel and repressive temperament. It takes more effort to smooth things out.

However, it was quite unexpected that Minghe was more "decisive" and "cold and merciless" than her in this matter, and she also helped her deal with some things that were not easy to do.

If Minghe sings black face, she Xiyue can do it well, because if she is too Iron-blooded, it is inevitable that people will panic. If Minghe does a little too much, she only needs to rebuke her face and sing back to the red face, which can smooth the atmosphere a lot. Even if some people think it's acting, the atmosphere can really be less rigid.

In fact, she didn't do any acting. Everyone did their own things. Xi Yueming river was not the kind of person who could arrange political skills. If she really wanted to arrange this way for Minghe, Minghe would look at her master with astonished big eyes and look at her in a daze, which made her feel embarrassed.

But he didn't say anything. Instead, Minghe did a good job After all, it's the Styx.

At this time, the Tianshu Shenque was much quieter than when she just came back, and gradually returned to the right track. Only then did she have the leisure time to run out. However, we have to admit that there is no one in Tianshu Shenque, the real strength is greatly reduced, and the status of the whole clan is very low. At this time, she can not stay in the foreign minister.

After a pause, she added, "I always thought something would happen here in the rift valley. I thought so a long time ago, although I didn't know where to go In short, since you are so involved in the Rift Valley demon city, and King Cheng Cheng is also a visionary, I feel quite at ease. In fact, I have nothing to live in. After drinking this cup, I will go back. "

"No Qin Yi and Cheng Cheng share the same voice.

Qin Yi peeks at Cheng Cheng in embarrassment. Cheng smiles and signals to him. He kept it in a low voice: "you are in the wilderness, and I seldom go there. It's not easy for us to meet It's an unexpected pleasure to meet each other. If there are no other important matters, I'll stay for a few more days... "

Xi Yue said with a smile: "can't you give me up? Do you say that in front of the fox? Don't you fear that she will not be happyQin Yi said in embarrassment, "I'm merciful everywhere. It's really bad. I know you don't like this, but Let me give up who, I do not want to... "

The classic quotations of Zha Nan finally appeared in this world.

However, compared with the earth in this world, it is hard to say whether this is a slag. After all, the secular world is not monogamous, and the immortal cultivator only talks about his own mind. Moreover, before he is involved with him, he does not know that he has a woman and is prepared for it. No one is willing to give up. It's more comfortable than the pants? If fan Mei wants to wash the floor, it can be said that this is a responsible man.

Xiyue then smile: "I think you are very aggrieved."

Qin Yi looked up: "eh?"

"If you are too Qing, I'm afraid you don't have to appoint qu'baba like this." Xi Yue stood up and stretched out a stretch: "it's a pity that the women around you are always better than you, so you fight hard to catch up with them and surpass them one by one. It's really difficult. I'm afraid this is also an important factor for you to practice hard... "

Qin's face is red and his ears are red.

Cheng Cheng's voice suddenly makes sense.

Maybe it was an important factor that made Qin Yi practice hard. Perhaps in the tassel at that time inadvertently said: as long as you are strong enough, this is not a matter.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he is not so motivated. He may have to continue to climb to Qianyuan in 20 years.

Cheng Cheng couldn't help but smile and said, "yes, he wants Minghe, so he's so angry with an old Taoist aunt that he doesn't want to If one day the certificate is too clear, it will not be a problem to catch up with the old Taoist nun, let alone yiminghe? "

The moon glared.

Cheng Gancheng.

Qin Yi jumped and said, "don't say it's too unclear. Even if you brush me with a bristle brush, I won't beat that Taoist priest with orange peel!"

Cheng carefully moves the stone stool back half a foot.

Xiyue's face became very dangerous. She almost squeezed out a sentence from her teeth: "since you are enthusiastic to stay, I will not leave tonight But I'm a guest from far away. Will you give me some master spirit and let me use this product tonight? "

Cheng Cheng almost did not smile to break fox skin: "no problem."

That night, the neighborhood of Jinxiu square was rumored to be haunted by ghosts, and a man screamed bitterly.

Some people retorted that it was auditory hallucination, and soon it was a woman's voice. It was a terrible cry.

Others retort, as if more than one woman's voice.

There are many different opinions. In a word, we all know that it is the king's body. There are fox spirits in it. Some illusions are not uncommon If there is a storyteller's brain to make up the story, it's OK to hide the taboo and make up another one. Anyway, the king has not forbidden the hearsay that the king was arrested by Shangqing qinyi before, as if she had read it with relish. , the fastest update of the webnovel!