Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 802

On the way back, the two women also exchanged views briefly.

"You are not allowed to call Cuihua in front of him. I changed my name hundreds of years ago and didn't call it that name!"

"You must not tell him who I am

“…… A deal. "

Xi Yue lifted the soft Cheng Cheng and went to the demon palace.

The monsters in the demon city were stunned to see that their king was picked up like a quail by a woman, and ran away quickly For a while, we thought that the young master was being carried. Originally, we thought that the picture was quite used to it, but we could seriously see that it was the king!

Is this the king captured by assassins?

Many loyal to pull up their sleeves to save the king, but was secretly accompanied by the fox's own guards to stop back.

"What are we doing? That's an assassin

Little fox looks strange: "if you stab a guest It's in the palace. "

In fact, Mr. assassin in the palace didn't want to do anything. He knew that Cheng Cheng's double body induction would cause an accident there. But the king himself is too coquettish, forgetting that he will have a sense, and he has to be entangled

No one in the world can stand Cheng Cheng's deliberate courtship and be sure.

The battle began.

Cheng Cheng really overestimated his personal cultivation and underestimated the physical cultivation level of Qin Yi at the moment.

Her body is not so strong as demon body cultivation, which is far from strong. Even if she does not care about the foundation and is full of herbs to upgrade, she is only in the early stage of Huiyang, which is pure Taoism. Qin Yi is a real Qianyuan. It's qingtianyu Volume.

The war situation can only be described as a disastrous situation. The tassels cover their eyes, which means they can't see. It's too miserable.

When Xiyue kicks in the door with the demon body Cheng Cheng, in fact, Cheng Cheng has been begging for mercy for a long time, and is playing the third function of her mouth besides eating and talking.

As soon as the demon body came, he immediately got rid of the demon's claws, and then he used electric fire to pick up the disgraceful person: "Sao hoof, you have the ability to steal, you have the ability to win! I will lose the king's face like a pug

"You have the ability, you come!"


Is this too humiliating to lead to subconscious fine division of the pot? I can't understand what I've seen!

"Wait, wait!" Qin Yi glanced to see Miss Yue standing at the door, where she could sit still. She hurriedly covered the quilt: "can we have a rest or a truce?"

Two Cheng Cheng together hold him: "no rest!"

"Hello, Hello, you, no!"

Xiyue stepped back without expression and closed the door.

I thought I was looking for trouble, but I didn't expect to be shown a face by the fox spirit.

No, it's too big a gap.

The moon looks at the sky, or green sky and day, her eyes seem to be able to see the Milky way.

I can't beat myself. How can the apprentice who seems to be cold but in fact muddled?

There was a flurry of birds and dogs inside. Obviously, Qin Yi couldn't be so ambitious. She really asked her to stand outside and listen to her own nonsense. She didn't know what to do with Cheng Cheng. She put on her clothes in a panic and shrugged her head and said, "here you are..."

"I shouldn't have come."

"But you have come..."

"Do you want to be together?"


"The fox is demonstrating to me." Xiyue tone cool: "it seems that you have her is a double happiness, do not need others."

"No, no..." Qin Yi was too embarrassed to know what to say People are reserved in this respect, but fox spirits really don't. anyone who uses the human template to set up the process will suffer a lot. If Miss Yue is a little stingy, it will be normal for her to be alive this time.

So it's not easy to say that men want to be sleeping with each other, and make you fly at any time. It's a dream to take Miss Yue off the stage with "come all here". It's not a matter of temper.

But it looks like Miss Yue didn't mean to be angry?

He said cautiously, "you How did you come to the Rift Valley this time? "

"What? Not welcome? Do you think I disturb you and the fox spirit

"No, no..."

Of course, Qin Yi doesn't know that this is the reason why "Miss Yue" didn't get angry. Because people are here to disturb you, isn't it a big loss to be angry? Dead support also want to continue to pestle here!

What's more, her excuse for coming here is to visit for the sake of the opening of the rift valley. If she turns around and leaves because of this, doesn't it look like she's here for business? This is called riding a tiger, can not walk, tear and tear, pure send.

Why does Cheng Cheng have to be so coy? It was because of this that she was deliberately angry.

How can he understand the secret war between women?

He can only continue to smile: "because the first time in China to see people from the wilderness, very, very curious. Of course, I'm glad you're here. I didn't know when I could meet... "Xiyue said: "the South China Sea incident, the dragon was startled. Of course, the wilderness has also heard of it. I'll come and have a look. When you see the opening of the demon city of Rift Valley, let's have a look. I'm sorry to disturb you. "

"Hum." Cheng Cheng in the room has already sorted out his appearance and walked out: "I'm afraid you've seen all the things in the South China Sea. How can you not know that Qin Yi is here? You are on purpose."

Xi Yue felt guilty, and her eyes wandered for a while. She said to herself, "I know that Qin Yi is here. Come to see what happened to Qin Yi? God knows that he still keeps goblins here... "

In fact, she would like to say that if it wasn't for you two who scolded me so hard, I didn't care about you. Now, how does it end up

Cheng Cheng stares at you, stinking Taoist nun, and Cui Hua's Qiu Da Tian. He scolds you for what's wrong.

Xiyue glares back, pay attention to your words, farewell, Cuihua!

The gratitude and resentment can be traced back to thousands of years. Qin Yi didn't know that. He felt that both sides glared at each other, and the atmosphere was about to explode. At the beginning, Qingjun and Cheng Cheng didn't see each other like this. What happened to the two

He could only sweat and sweat: "well, Cheng Cheng and I were Cheng Cheng, it's very important for the overall situation to come to the rift valley. We should sit down and have a good talk about the business. What else What else

Cheng Cheng wins a game and waves his hand in a fresh air: "no problem. Someone, please, give Miss Yue a bedroom. She can live as long as she likes, and she can get a title."

Xiyue almost didn't spray out, living in the palace also received the title, really when you are the empress, I am what concubine? She turned her eyes and smiled: "a man of practice can't live in a secular palace, but the king's kindness has come to him. I saw that there were mountains outside the city with pleasant scenery, so I lived in the mountains for a while. If the king was free, he would talk about Tao again. "

Cheng Cheng's heart is cluttered. He secretly says that this move is very clever. As long as she lives alone outside the city, Qin Yi's heart is obviously flying. She wants to go out to see her all the time. Where can she be warm in the palace?

You are an old Taoist nun who has practiced in Qing Dynasty for thousands of years. Where did you learn the art of human palace fighting?

Or is it a temporary skill, the potential of live activation?

Seeing Cheng Cheng's face changing slightly, Xi Yue makes a gesture of victory in a comfortable way. In the dark, everything is learned. Compared with the evidence of no Xiang, this kind of thing is just a superficial skill I don't know how to deal with affairs as well as you?

"Miss Yue likes to be clean and clean, but she doesn't have to live in the barren mountains outside." Qin Yi suddenly said, "jinxiufang in the east of the city is a courtyard of human beings. It is secluded and secluded, with pavilions and flowing water, and the craggy rocks can make it clean. It's also a rare practice. You may as well have a try. "

Xi Yue Cheng Cheng looks at him at the same time, and his eyes are full of sense.

Tassels are amazing in the stick.

Although he didn't realize the core point of the contradiction, and even didn't understand the meaning of Miss Yue's coming here, the compromise between the consciousness of his subordinates and the muddle that didn't offend him was really superb, which was much better than his immortal martial arts cultivation , the fastest update of the webnovel!