Science and Technology Library

Chapter 999

The sky over the forest of Steles is as silent as death. Chen Moliang's antimatter weapons exceed all life's expectations.

No life dares to act rashly.

The radar response of the 300 Shenwei activated antimatter bullets was enough to destroy Mu's star.

Once Chen Mo was annoyed, Shenwei made a round of shooting here. They were not killed by antimatter bullets. Tianxing Beilin and even Mu's Tianxing might not exist.

Moreover, the planet was destroyed, and they all wanted to escape into space. At that time, Chen Mo had a great chance to escape.

All the eyes looking at Chen Mo have deep fear.

The scene fell into an awkward standoff.

All eyes are focused on Tong Qing to see how he should move next.

"Even if you destroy the planet, you can't run." Tong Qing looks at the Shenwei who opens the weapon. He is not frightened to be pointed by the antimatter weapon. He still looks calm.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Chen Mo said.


Just at this time, a cry appeared on the public platform of the universe, interrupting the dialogue between the two.

Gallo doesn't want to appear, because they can't participate in the struggle of divine civilization. But Chen Moliang came up with antimatter weapons. He realized the seriousness of the problem and had to appear.

Otherwise, if the problem is out of control, no one can take responsibility, and Mu's Celestial Star will become a victim, and there will be no loss of divine civilization.

Gallo showed up with 20 police officers.

At the same time, other police officers arrived at the scene one after another to control the situation, a total of thousands. Each police officer is equipped with antimatter weapons and is on guard at the scene.

"Mr. Chen Mo, give me a face. After all, the forest of stars and steles is the heritage of the universe civilization. Can we not use antimatter weapons here?" Said Gallo.

Chen Mo didn't mean to let Shenwei put down his weapons: "the space is blocked. Can you tell me a better way?"


Gallo is in a dilemma. He can't persuade Chen Mo's life to be besieged. Tianxing's letter is in Chen Mo's hands. Maybe there is a big secret in it. None of them want to give up.


"If it goes on like this, will it get out of control?" The assistant beside tea cloud asks.

Their escort group of Yunzhou civilization also came, but only to join the fun. The mystery of the stars was born. No one seems to miss such an opportunity to witness history.

"No, they are all in the upper echelons, and they know the scale and the pros and cons of the struggle." The voice of tea cloud is much easier.

"What about this impasse? We can't surround him now, but we can't let them leave. " Tea cloud side of the assistant said.

"Step by step, you will find a way."

Tea cloud to look at Chen Mo in the field, some worry. He wants to help Chen Mo, but he can't.

Today, the elite civilization of the whole universe is besieged here. Whoever helps Chen Mo will be the target of public criticism. If he is intimate, he can help, but if he comes forward to help in this situation, he will be the enemy of the elite civilization of the whole universe. At that time, Yunzhou civilization will also get into trouble and be regarded as the target of public criticism.

Tan Yun takes a deep look at Chen Mo, who is wearing battle armor in the center of Tianxing stele forest. This young man is always unexpected, and he doesn't know whether he can get away safely this time.


The appearance of Gallo can only temporarily prevent the situation from deteriorating, but it can not solve this dilemma. Maybe he has great prestige in Mu's Tianxing, but in the universe, especially in the eyes of the great civilization, he is just a small person.

His prestige can't support all civilizations to stop fighting.

The stalemate is still going on. No one dares to do anything. Chen Mo stands still in the air. At this time, he is more patient.

"Everybody, give me a face."

A bright and rapid voice suddenly appears in the public screen channel of the universe. The life watching is watching, subconsciously looking in a direction.

See Mu Shizhong and Mu's eldest father and son, are galloping towards here.

And beside them, in addition to the guards, there is a third life, flying side by side with Mu's heavy. Judging from etiquette, this life is highly valued by the Mu family.

"He is the purple emperor." I don't know who called, and the identity of the third person around Mu's heavy became clear.

Purple emperor, the legendary figure who once shocked the universe, appeared in public again.

His body was covered with a black cloak, and his face could not be seen clearly. His cloak swayed in the wind, adding a bit of mystery to his body.

All life subconsciously look at crape myrtle civilization.

Ziyun looks at Zidi calmly. As a legend of Lagerstroemia culture, it is a taboo in Lagerstroemia culture, and it is also the object of life worship of Lagerstroemia civilization.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope to give me a face and end this dispute by peaceful means."

Mu saluted all the people on the court.

As soon as these words were said, the eyes of all life were again focused on the book in Chen Mo's hand. Obviously, if Chen Mo did not hand in the will of Tianxing, the dispute could not be settled peacefully."Give me the book."

Purple emperor suddenly opened his mouth, and a low voice appeared in the public channel of battle armour, which shocked all the life spirit on the field. They are in awe of the legendary murderer.

Chen Mo throws the book to him like a worthless stone.

"So simple as that?" Said a life in disbelief.

"Did purple emperor know him?"

"Rarely did he fear the purple emperor?"

"Unlike the fear of purple emperor, they are more likely to know each other."

Chen Mo threw the book to the purple emperor as worthless, which surprised the onlookers.

Just now, Chen Mo had a fight with Raytheon civilization for that book. He also confronted several other God level civilizations, which almost triggered a world war. Now Chen Mo gives it lightly, which makes them doubt that the book is true or not.

Purple emperor heft the book in hand, also did not go to look.

"Battle a vs. gambling, two wins in three games." Purple emperor's voice with no doubt.

Mu's eyes brightened, nodded slightly, and agreed with the purple emperor's method. Now it seems that this is the best way to solve the dispute peacefully.

"Not right."

A voice of no objection appears, and all life looks to the life that speaks.

Tong Qing looks directly at the purple emperor, and their eyes collide in the air. This is the collision between two generations of legends, which seems light and light.

"It's OK to gamble. There are five big players in the universe alliance. Naturally, they have to work hard and win three games in five games." Tong Qing said.

Without waiting for the purple emperor to open his mouth, Shuiling stepped forward. His armor was floating in the air, and the Trident was emitting a faint blue light. He was valiant and valiant: "this dispute has nothing to do with the endless sea. The endless sea does not participate in this dispute."

Shuiling finished, returned to the team, or a pair of play appearance.

As if it had nothing to do with her.

Endless sea is now making friends with Chen mo. the teacher tells her not to be the enemy of Chen Mo, and it is even more impossible to help Chen Mo at this time, so she can only abstain.

Water Ling's words fell, thunder appeared from the guard group.

His armor was restored to its original state, and his expression was not seriously injured. It was obvious that he had been treated by the security group just now, and his serious injury was under control.

"The Thor civilization just lost, no longer participate in the fight."

As soon as the thunder fell, the voice of alarm rose again.

Chen Mo can't help but look up at thunder. There are not many people who dare to admit their failure publicly. Thunder is a man of great courage.

Even purple emperor and Tong Qing also looked at Thunder more.

Now there are black pupil, white star and Lagerstroemia indica.

"Since endless sea and Thor have given up, we are willing to replace one and produce a battle armour division."

Another sound appears, and all life follows the sound and looks to the source.