Science and Technology Library

Chapter 998

"I will give you the letter of death." Tong Qing's voice with supreme dignity, spread on the public channel of the universe, seems to have a strange magic, shocking the heart.

Even some experts on the field are awe inspiring.

The universal public channel is dead, and there is no life talking.

All the onlookers' eyes fell on Chen Mo, more or less gloating.

It is impossible for a single life to swallow the secrets left by Mu's Tianxing. Now that the books are in Chen Mo's hands, countless lives are envious.

Today, Chen Mo is surrounded by five divine civilizations. Even if Chen Mo is in the limelight, he can't stir up the storm.

"No?" Chen Mo's voice was calm, as if he was talking about something that could not be understood.

As soon as this is said, the onlookers are stunned. I can't believe the answer.

What does that mean? Chen Mo doesn't want to hand over Tianxing's letter?

How dare you resist the five divine civilizations?

How fat are you?

Even the lives of the five God level civilizations were startled by Chen Mo's answer, and then his face became angry, especially the black pupil civilization. Looking at Chen Mo's eyes was murderous.

Not even God level civilization?

Not waiting for Tong Qing to continue to open his mouth, the purple eye of Lagerstroemia civilization stood up and said with disdain: "do you think you are a character? As president Tong Qing said, to hand over the legacy of Tianxing is also to know the current affairs. "

As soon as he said this, Chen Mo and others all raised their eyebrows.

Without waiting for Chen Mo to open his mouth, Zhao Min stepped forward and stood beside him: "when has the life of crape myrtle civilization become the lackey of black pupil civilization?"

All the onlookers were shocked by Zhao Min's words.

This kind of Chen Mo is not cruel in general. In a word, crape myrtle civilization is disgraced in front of the whole universe.

The onlookers, such as Shuiling, watched the scene with great interest.

At this time, Ziyun takes a deep look at Zhao Min, turns her head, and looks at Purple eyes with cold eyes. The meaning is self-evident. Purple eyes face extremely ugly, eyes are murderous, calm face back, no longer dare to interrupt.

"Mouth pilyso, can not solve the reality that you are besieged, obediently hand over the star will, the speaker promised to spare you once." The opening of Tara beside Tong Qing.

"The book is here to see if you can get it."

Chen Mo takes the book from Mo Nu's hand and raises it in her hand.

"A group of them dare not do it. I'll come first." Among the onlookers, a battle armour division appears, some of whom speak out in anger. The armour urges him to rush to Chen Mo with great speed.

Without waiting for the attacker to approach Chen Mo, the body of Jingge on Chen Mo's right suddenly disappears in place, and the fighting sting in his hand twinkles with the cold light of death.


The sound of metal penetrating appears, and then it falls into silence.

The attacker's head was pierced by the fighting thorn and hung in the air like dried bacon. There was no sound from the beginning to the end, and even there was no time to scream.

From the beginning to the end, less than three seconds, the time to fight less than half a second.

The onlookers were startled by this scene and looked at Jingge strangely. Only then did they remember that this unknown armour division was very strong. Just now, one on six, they also killed a warrior division with Raytheon civilization.

Because of the battle between Chen Mo and thunder, he was ignored.

Now let's get him in the eye of the onlookers.

They played back the scene with armor. The invisible man who sneaked attack found something wrong in a short period of time and made a dodge action. However, Jingge, as if predicting the opponent's movement trajectory, penetrated perfectly through the back of the operator's head and out of the eyebrow.

There is no delay in the whole process.


The top division a on the field is very cold.

Including Tong Qing and others, their eyes are focused on Jingge.

No wonder Chen Mo is not afraid of God level civilization. He is calm and calm on the field. He has top experts around him, and he doesn't mean to be weaker than the top elite of God level civilization.

Is that Chen Mo's confidence?

This problem appeared, which made the onlookers shake their heads.

It is impossible to solve the dilemma in the field only by the master.

The five God level civilizations came together, and there were other big forces. Even if the God level civilization let him go, other forces could not easily let Chen Mo leave.

Jingge shot, to suppress some want to move life, but the situation in the field did not change.

In the black pupil civilization's guard, a Armor Division full of black eyes stood up and said in a loud voice, "speaker, I will meet them."

"Speaker, I'll do it." A nearby armour Division also spoke.

"Don't worry."

Tong Qing shakes his head and looks as calm as ever.

"Brother Chen Mo, you have a lot of talents, but you can't change anything. It's good for you and me to get acquainted with each other and hand in the will of the stars. Rarely do you think that you can leave the forest of celestial steles safely with the legacy of the Celestial Star? If you leave, I'm afraid the crowd on the field will become a joke of the whole universeTong Qing's words make the onlookers nod in secret.

If Chen Mo is allowed to leave Tianxing stele forest with Tianxing's will letter, it will be a joke for all participants on the field.

Now it's just a lack of opportunities and ways to start. Once they rush in, there will be chaos on the field, which will benefit Chen Mo, because they have seen Chen Mo's ability, which is a little special.

"You and I know each other. Shouldn't you help me leave and then we share the secret? Now it's an opponent? It seems that the friendship of President Tong Qing is not worth money. " Chen Mo said.

Tong Qing chuckles and shakes his head: "someone has always done the right thing. Tianxing's letter should not be possessed by a life."

"Who is the super ability development technology of the demon flame civilization? Who owns it now? You open the super power technology that you got from the demon flame civilization. How about I open this book Chen Mo seems to be talking about a matter that has nothing to do with it.

This words a, pupil blue black pupil becomes deeper, fall into silence for a moment.

Other lives are sweating.

Chen Mo is really not afraid of death, drawing the problem to the death of Tong Qing and several other divine civilizations. In particular, Tong Qing and Shi Ganxing were rejected by the universe after the battle of Shi Ganxing, and they were also imprisoned in the black hole prison of Heitong civilization.

"At that time, we won the bid for the technology in the hands of demon flame civilization, which was obtained through legal transaction. It's just that in the middle of the transaction, I was disturbed by other forces, and the demon flame civilization was not destroyed in my hands. I am not responsible for this. "

Tong Qing smiles indifferently and doesn't take what Chen Mo said to heart.

"It's no use delaying time. If you don't hand in the will of the stars, then I can only take back the will of the stars on behalf of many lives in the universe and on behalf of the Council of the universe alliance."

Tong Qing stepped forward. Behind him, all the guards entered the fighting state, and the atmosphere suddenly became depressed.

The life of the onlookers is also ready to move.

Chen Mo waves his hand, and a group of Shenwei immediately enters the state. The three hundred outer Shenwei are scattered and all the weapons are displayed.

War violence maniac.

In an instant, life on the field did not change much.

Antimatter weapons.

At the moment when the war violence maniac is activated, all of their war a division radars will have an antimatter activated alarm. And the active antimatter has the equivalent of destroying the planet.

Why can Chen Mo's subordinates carry antimatter weapons into Mu's Celestial Star? The news made them extremely shocked and worried.

"You can try it." Chen Mo's voice is as plain as water.

In an instant, the sword was at war.