Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1000

Emperor Wu, Emperor Wei, and Emperor Yu emerged from the crowd, along with their presence, as well as their escort group.

Wuxian civilization.

The land of Wuxian is one of the twelve places outside the seven regions. It is located in the wuxianzuo Beimian Great Wall, with a span of 10 billion light-years. It is the largest power group in addition to the seven divine star regions.

Wuxian civilization dominates the land of Wuxian. The three emperors of Wuxian are the three of them.

Wuxian civilization, known as one of the quasi divine civilizations, is the candidate of divine civilization. The level of scientific and technological development is almost the same as that of divine civilization. However, there is no small universe of divine civilization as a safe base, nor does it have the veto power of divine civilization in the universe alliance, nor does it have the influence of divine civilization.

The appearance of the three emperors immediately attracted the attention of the onlookers.

In my impression, the land of Wuxian has been very low-key to the outside world, but now it appears in the center of the universe.

"We can choose one and suggest the other to select a powerless division a from the elite to represent ordinary life in the whole universe. Once we win, the contents of the book will be made public." Emperor Wu swept around in the crowd and said calmly.

The appearance of the three emperors naturally attracted the attention of God level civilization and other civilizations.

As soon as Emperor Wu's proposal came out, many lives nodded and looked at the purple emperor and Tong Qing with questioning eyes.


Tong Qing looks at Bai Xing civilization and Lagerstroemia civilization.

Fox ice heart did not respond to Tong Qing's eyes, turned to look at the side of the lion Dusk: "here we are, lion uncle, you fight."

"Well, protect your wife."

Lion night immediately agreed, battle armor slowly floating out of the convoy, standing in front of the group, hands holding chest waiting.

Purple eyes just want to stand out to speak, was purple rhyme a cold eyes given to live, obediently standing in place. I saw purple rhyme coming forward, with an indifferent expression, which clearly meant to fight.

"I will." Emperor Wu came forward with the smile of Hexi still on his face.

They all want to go up the stage, after all, with the power holders of divine civilization and legendary figures, which is almost the highest platform in the whole universe.

If you dare to go up, you should have absolute confidence in your own strength.

"I will."

A hoarse voice appeared on the public channel, a battle armor appeared in the onlookers' lives and landed in the center.

"He's a long suit. He's a lone ranger."

Lone Ranger: long clothes.

At the moment of the appearance of long clothes, they were recognized by the life around them.

As a star Ranger, his origin and background have always been a mystery. Many people want to investigate him, but they can't find out. They only know that he is very strong.

He has challenged 500 famous Division A in the universe, and has never been defeated.

Many forces tried to recruit him at great cost, without exception, they were all rejected.

The onlookers want to see the real face of the long clothes, but they are blocked by the tattoos and masks on their faces, so they can't really see them.

Long clothes appeared, no life against it. Because Changyi, a lone ranger, is a typical figure of the powerless group and has a strong strength.

Changyi, Wudi, shidusi, Ziyun, four.

Tong Qing swept a circle on the four. As soon as his subordinates wanted to come forward, he stopped him and said faintly, "I'll come."

The most luxurious lineup.

The elites of the whole universe besiege Chen Mo, and they can't think of any reason why they won't win.

Chen Mo comes forward, Mo Nu follows him, Jingge also appears, Kuyao and kuchuxin follow closely. When Ku long and thunder were fighting, he was seriously injured. Now he has not been treated and can't fight at all.

"Who do you think will win?" Asked one of the onlookers.

"Nonsense, you don't have to think about it. The three top battle armour divisions of divine civilization, together with Emperor Wu and long clothes of Wuxian, I can't think of the possibility of Chen Mo winning. The purple Emperor just gave Chen Mo a disguised step. "

"It seems so."


Emperor Wu is a kind of human being, and his figure is much stronger than that of human beings. His deep eyes, calm temperament, flying in the eyes of many onlookers.

Wuxian civilization low-key, not they want to be low-key, but have to be low-key. They are known as quasi God level civilization. In peacetime, if they are high-profile and targeted by God level civilization, it will be a kind of trouble for Wuxian civilization.

Now different, the universe Chaos, God level civilization of the small universe is also connected by Hongqiao, no longer absolutely safe place, the universe will usher in a big reshuffle, this star Festival, as long as they show their strength, when the universe is in chaos, the elite talents from all walks of life in the universe will choose to turn to.

Now endless sea and Thor civilization gave up, and he just took this opportunity to appear.

Emperor Wu urged Zhan Jia to raise his head gently. With the world's attention, his body disappeared in place, leaving only a sonic boom.


The moment the sound exploded, he appeared in mid air and stopped.

Stop and move.

Experts see the way.Just one step, easy freehand brushwork, as if only a step in the air, the top division a look slightly changed, even they may not be able to do so.

Tong Qing's eyes congealed. The force of Emperor Wu was not low. It had not been shown before. Now it seems that it is well hidden.

Kuyao's spirit was greatly shaken.

He did not understand the mystery of Emperor Wu's move, but it did not affect him to know how strong the other side was.

But even if the other side is strong, he can't flinch.

The whole universe is watching this battle. In any case, we should carry out this battle beautifully.

After understanding, Kuyao relaxed a lot.

Since he was chosen to be the leader of Shenwei, his training and fighting never stopped. High intensity training and combat, like a rough grindstone, they are polished over and over, passivated, and then polished

After experiencing a battle, unconsciously, they have been transformed from an ignorant primitive bitter man to a god guard with faith.

No distractions, no worries, firm eyes, even if the opponent is better than him, still without any hesitation.

Ku Yao's spear lit up and his body disappeared in place.

The appearance of Emperor Wu is easy and freehand, but Kuyao's body shape is just brave and brave. Different styles, but equally dangerous.

Seeing this, Emperor Wu laughed, and did not care about self mockery: "send a guard to fight with me, it seems that I am a bit of a bargain."

In his words, there is no politeness, that is, he looks down on Kuyao.

Kuyao stood upright, and his dark red armor was like a knight in the wind. His breath was deep, his eyes were firm, his fighting spirit was boiling, but his voice was thick as iron: "your worth is only worthy of fighting with me."

Words fall, Kuyao palm a tight, spear like a dragon.

Emperor Wu's face was slightly surprised. He raised his sword in his hand and cut it forward.

The sonic boom starts like a ripple, diffuses, explodes in the air and stirs up fog.

Murderous spirit penetrates the air.

Kuyao's eyes were very firm, and his dark red armor was shining in the sun. The long gun in the hand is waved, and the shadow brought by the short pulse laser becomes a fantastic brilliance, like a dancing light snake.

The surprised color on Emperor Wu's face became more and more serious. The body shape of battle armor flashed flexibly in the air, and the engine exhaled smoothly. The long knife in his hand is waved at a very fast speed, and the shadow of the knife is aurora.

In a flash, the atmosphere is stirred, and the sound of sonic boom rings after ring. The metal collides with each other, but there is rhythm in the mixture. It floats indefinitely, but it is murderous.

The confluence of two different voices depicts the agitation of the battlefield in the high air.