Science and Technology Library

Chapter 997

Wang Hai rubs his eyebrows.

In the outer space of Hongqiao, it is a black army armor.

"This battle is a little bit troublesome. The white star's War Department is even more crazy."

The Legion and armour in space are the battle Department of the white star civilization.

Since the last defeat, Gouxuan went back to FANGBIAN Cloud City, but an accident happened in the middle of the way. Hongqiao, which is from the dark forest area to the White Star area, was attacked by the suddenly emerging crape myrtle civilization War Department. Now Gouyan War Department is an isolated army that has been cut off from the rear, and is stationed in the dark forest area like rootless duckweed.

And the rootless duckweed finally chose them as the breakthrough point.

Fortunately, they are ready for each other's crazy attack, blocking the space around Hongqiao, interfering in the space, blocking the speed of light, and avoiding being attacked by the other side's destructive weapons.

Even so, it did not stop the other side's desperate attack.

The alarm came again, and Wang Hai turned to the holographic sand table.

He forgot how many alarms it was.

Because the opponent is a divine civilization, so after occupying the Hongqiao, they have been strengthening the Hongqiao defense. Large scale space reinforcement, space interference, space interference, and light speed blockade.

The defense area was expanded to ten times as much as the original, and won the depth. In the follow-up, they built a weapons factory in the galaxy closest to Hongqiao to maintain the supply of weapons and warships to Hongqiao.

The unprecedented defense scale and defense weapons make Wang Hai confident.

Now the hysterical attack of the white star civilization only needs to resist their desperate attack. It will be much easier next.

At the beginning of the attack, because space interferometers are all over Hongqiao, space weapons are ineffective here, so they are replaced by large-scale antimatter weapons.

In the face of the huge space-based weapons defense belt, even the white star civilization has no way out.

However, she had to attack. The dark forest area was the longest distance from the white star civilization. Hongqiao, which had been confirmed, was guarded by big forces. Because of its carelessness, her original Hongqiao was exploited by the War Department of Lagerstroemia civilization.

Now, the nearest route is through Pisces Cetus, where the marching ant group is located, and then through the giboko cavity to the white star civilization realm.

Otherwise, it would be very dangerous to be alone in such a chaotic time.

Gouyu's attack was so fierce that it didn't cost anything.

The battle in space is very terrible. It will do whatever it takes, regardless of the loss. The battle was much worse than the one she had commanded before. The space-based weapons defense belt of Hongqiao was badly damaged by the bombing.

There's space-based weapons everywhere, and the remains of war machinery.

The top war machines made by gouyu War Department have played a powerful role in the attack, which is also the reason why they have confidence to attack the Hongqiao fortress.

It was also the first time that the sea king War Department encountered such a fierce attack. A steady stream of space-based weapons and war machines entered through the rear and were dropped into the defense zone.

In order to ensure that everything is safe, Wang Hai even contacted the big magic War Department to crush the array in the rear.

As if he was crazy, he attacked at all costs. The tide of war machines was constantly sent outside the Hongqiao defense line and all of them were put into the battlefield.

Such a large-scale war machine, I don't know how many planets to excavate before it can be made.

In space, there is debris everywhere, dense.

Even spaceships can't fly in this debris laden space.

In a war of this scale, the number of deaths of battle a division is very terrible, and more than half of the casualties are lost in the battle.

Wang Hai once again experienced the strength of the War Department of God level civilization. In the end, he could not help but pull all the reserves of the war department to the battlefield.

Over time, the line of defense gradually stabilized.

As soon as there is a chance to breathe, robots and nano robots will be built to clean up the battlefield in space at the first time, and all the debris in space will be digested and corroded, which will be used for repairing space-based weapons and building defense machine structures.

"This is the real space war, the war of divine civilization." Zhong Lei's eyes twinkled with excitement. He didn't have a rest for a long time, which made his voice sound a little hoarse: "if we get through this level, our War Department will really be transformed."

"They are alone now. They have no backup and can't afford to consume. The longer they delay, the greater our chances of winning."

Wang Haishen is calm, and his eyes have not left the sand table of space war.

His strategy at the beginning was to drag and use the method of attrition war.

Although the war was very fierce, they also grew up in the war. It was a typical Space Fortress offensive and defensive war. It was a frontal strong attack without any fancy.

This kind of pressure under the actual combat, can let them grow up quickly.


He was staring at the space defense belt in front of him. He didn't know what he was thinking.

The enemy in defense, comparable to the God level civilization, which made her very surprised.

They will have the ability to completely block, block, and disrupt space.In the past, this kind of comprehensive space defense capability only appeared in divine level civilization and some top-level civilization.

For attacking a fortress with a complete set of space defense capabilities, there is no strategy or skill to speak of, only a strong attack.

He was prepared for the loss from the beginning.

But now the loss of more than half of the staff, can be said to be beyond her original psychological bottom line.

The other side's soldiers are only a little weaker than them in strength. If they hurt the enemy 1000 times, they will lose 800 themselves. But now the problem is that the other side has backup power, and his back road is cut off by crape myrtle civilization.

Marching ant group, a newly rising force, made her have to reexamine.

The leader of the other side in Hongqiao fortress has a steady style and seldom makes mistakes. In the war of this fortress, she did not find the flaws and mistakes of the other side.

Such a strong general is not the commander-in-chief of the marching ant group.

As far as she knows, there is also a commander-in-chief in charge of the layout.

As time went on, Gou felt that it was more difficult to attack. They were like a grindstone. They were sharpening each other's knives more sharply. Compared with the first fight, now they have made higher progress and are already an elite combat department.

Maybe it was the title of God level civilization that made them comfortable and belittled the life of the universe.

They belong to the strong attack side, they do not have an advantage in the first place, and with no backup to supplement, it is even more troublesome.

Only half of the War Department remains.

She couldn't find the possibility of victory when the other side had a steady stream of reinforcements.


Only two words, let gouyu look lonely.

The second time he lost in the hands of the other side.


Ziluo shut down the intelligence system, moved his fat body, listlessly looked at the holographic sand table, as if thinking.

"My Lord, I've got a message from the front. Gou Xuan failed at the Hongqiao bridge in Muwu county. He lost more than half of his staff and went back to the cloud seat. Shall we give them another knife at this time The subordinate made a fierce gesture with his hands.

A New Hongqiao suddenly appears in the star region of Lagerstroemia indica, which just appears near the Hongqiao between the white star civilization and the dark forest civilization.

As one of the top generals of divine civilization, Luo Pang naturally knows the value of this Hongqiao. How can he miss such a good opportunity.

Immediately ordered, at all costs, to take advantage of the other party's general unprepared, take Hongqiao.

What's more, he was surprised that the talented female general of the white star civilization, Xing gouyu, actually led the war department to go deep into the dark forest civilization. They attacked Hongqiao and mistakenly hit and bumped into each other, making Gou Xuan an independent army.

Now they are double Hongqiao, the position echoes, as long as the space connector is set up, the two Hongqiao joint defense will be solid.

Now to see gouyu suffer a loss, it is to let Luo fat man to interest.

"It seems that this marching ant group can't be underestimated. It can actually defeat Goulin's strong attack and make her lose more than half of her staff." Luo pangzi knocked lazily on the desk.

Other subordinates did not dare to make a voice, waiting for the answer of fat man Luo.

"Don't pay attention to gouyao for the moment. The primary goal is to strengthen the defense of the two Hongqiao bridges and set up space connectors. There is serious fighting in the dark forest area. Next, she can drink a pot. Now, she should pay attention to collecting information about marching ant groups. This force has the meaning of rising recently. "

Luo pangzi's hologram frequency modulation is exactly Chen Mo's appearance at the Star Festival.


Dense life, the sky star stele forest surrounded by water. The appearance of the God level civilization guard group made the field silent.

Five God level civilizations, five colors of war armor, solemnly fell between the onlookers.

The life of the onlookers is vaguely divided into five parts, while Chen Mo is in the center.

The most obvious thing is the black pupil civilization. The black pupil guards the cold and strange temperament. Tong Qing, the most powerful person, is also the most concerned existence of the universe.

The guard group did not have a sound, powerful momentum, let the onlookers heart cold, unconsciously away.

Chen Mo is not cold about the situation in front of him, but when his opponent appears, he still glances around. The number of guardians of the five divine civilizations was similar to that of him, and the total number was less than 4000.

This number can be understood, because there is a limit on the number of escorts to be carried during the Star Festival.

Seeing this, Zhao Min also came to Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, the situation that we are targeted at is very obvious. The war department can't come in, we can't go out. Mu's Tianxing is now a cage for trapped animals. Xiao Yu asked me to tell you that if you can't do something, it's OK to hand in the book. "

From Zhao Min's voice, Chen Mo can hear the concern: "well, I have discretion."

Now it's not as simple as that book.

The five divine civilizations came together to shock all life.

The black pupil guard in the center of the five directions stands aloof and stands apart from the middle, guarding the pupil green from it. Representatives of other divine civilizations also emerged from the guard's arches.The scene was frightening and breathless.

Chen Mo's eyes are calm, without any fear.

Tong Qing raised his head, and their eyes met with each other. The atmosphere in the forest of stars and steles seemed to stagnate, and the pressure suddenly increased.

"Hand over the will of Tianxing, I guarantee you nothing."