Science and Technology Library

Chapter 996

Carrie looks around to see the environment.

According to the appearance and layout, this is an underground organization.

Soliciting her life is the life of the dark organization? Carrie frowned at the thought. As an upright general, she is not cold to the dark world.

But now that she has accepted the invitation, she can only move on.

The rotten city of shepherd has threatened her and her people's safety, and she has to seek help.

Entering the hall, kariy sees the leader of this mysterious organization.

A female life?

She was surprised by the answer.

A large underground organization, run by a female life, is not much in the universe.

In addition to the female leader sitting at the head, there are two other lives in your highness.

Will star.

With her sense of smell, she could feel the other two.

There are other generals who, like her, accepted the other party's invitation to come here. I'm afraid these two will be her future colleagues.

"Welcome to you." This is the sequel of living in the dark world. There is no emotion to speak of: "before you take over the big responsibility, you need to have a general training. After passing the training, you can take over the big responsibility."

"Will star training?"

Carey eyebrows a pick, and the other two generals look at each other's eyes are surprised.

Dark world and the training of generals?

Just one message, the hidden information is too big. They are not novice generals, but Baizhan generals. Even so, they are required to receive training, which shows that there are stronger generals as instructors.

More powerful than they will star as instructors, which reveals that there is a larger power group behind, is controlling the dark organization.

Before they came, the other side had already revealed some information to him, and the other side was already the strongest force in the chaotic place. The most powerful group that can control the land of chaos may also have a name in the universe.

"Yes." Carrie nodded.

"Yes." The other two generals nodded at the same time.

"Come with me."

Gray 21 led the three, toward the back of the hall.


"Director, what shall we do?" Asked the men next to Gallo.

The police of their planetary Security Agency were on the scene early in the morning, but under the orders of Gallo, they did not dare to act rashly. They could only disguise themselves and mingle with the onlookers' lives.

Seeing that thunder, which is second only to Tong Qing, is defeated by Chen Mo, all the police on the field are shocked.

Chen Moqi peak rises and becomes the focus of all life.

In particular, during the Tianxing grand gathering, there was an accident in the Tianxing forest of Steles, and Mu's Tianxing was blocked. Now, the universe news platform is broadcasting live here, and the battle is spreading in all corners of the universe.

Nowadays, a life without fame can be said to be a great shock to defeat the strongest one of divine civilization.

Gallo shook his head, and he did not have a good way to deal with it: "keep waiting. Look, the Mu family is now blocking the main galaxy, and see how they deal with it. Now it's a fight between gods. We may not be able to handle it when we go in."

"There are too many ruthless people in this session than before." The subordinate said helplessly.

"As long as we don't use antimatter weapons, others are easy to say." Gailuo's eyebrows are full of sorrow.

At present, the security situation of the planet is out of control. Once problems arise, the consequences will be unimaginable.


More and more people came to watch. Now Chen Mo and his party are surrounded in the center.

Obviously, it is impossible to let them go so easily after paying attention to their lives. The most important book is still in Chen Mo's hand. It is the biggest secret of the Tianxing secret room. Any civilization with a little ambition wants to get the secret.

However, Chen Mo Gang just beat the thunder back, and the wind is in full swing. No one wants to go out to be a first bird and explore the way for others, but he also doesn't want Chen Mo to leave easily with the book.

Suddenly, Chen Mo looks happy and looks to the south of the forest of steles.

The onlookers followed his eyes and found a group of guards coming in this direction at a very fast speed.

The team has nearly 800 guards, uniform standard armor and uniform coating.

The first time Chen Mo discovers that Mo Nu is in the Tianxing secret room, he informs the Shenwei stationed in the manor to come. The whole Shenwei camp's flying movements are unified, flying at the speed of ultra-high speed, and entering the forest of stars and steles in less than a minute.

They are meticulous in their flight. When they enter Chen Mo's side in the middle of the circle of life, 800 Shenwei guards surround Chen Mo orderly in the middle and change their forms in a single step without any delay.

Seeing the life of this scene, I feel awe inspiring.

Well trained, just a detail of the movement, you can see the terror of this convoy.

"Save them first." Chen murmured.

"Good."Without any hesitation, Kuyao let several Shenwei dive under the Tianxing stele forest and rescue the God guards such as Ku long who were seriously injured between the tablets. He put on the sleeping potion to temporarily prevent the body from getting worse.

In the battle with the Thor civilization guard just now, in addition to kulong being seriously injured, two other Shenwei died and one was seriously injured.

Zhao Min is also in the Shenwei. Seeing Zhao Min and Shenwei coming from the manor, Chen Mo breathes a sigh of relief.

According to the news from kutianlai, which is stationed outside tianxingbei, the whole Mu's star system has been blocked.

Mu family blockade, has issued a notice, here does not allow the fleet of great civilization to enter, to avoid the result of destruction.

It's a cage again.

When Chen Mo Gang wants to lead the team to leave, a group of life blocks them in front of them. Groups of escort groups in the distance are gathering rapidly.

Chen Mo's mind becomes heavy again.

There are more and more people coming to Tianxing stele forest. Many of them appear in groups. The number of each family is quite large, ranging from one or two hundred to thousands, depending on the scale, as many as hundreds of thousands.

800 to 100000.

No one of them wants to leave without a good result.

If they are under siege, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble.

Just at this time, there was a commotion in the sky ahead. Everything looked back. A few black spots enlarged in their field of vision and approached the sky stars and steles Forest at an amazing speed.

Black pupil, Thor, Lagerstroemia indica, white star, endless sea.

The five forces are the standard armour of their respective civilizations, which are very conspicuous.

"God level civilization, God level civilization has come together, and black pupil civilization is also here." I don't know who called.

Divine civilization.

All the civilization appeared in the field, which was startled. With God level civilization, Chen Mo can't easily retreat.

All life's eyes return to Chen Mo again, somewhat gloating.

Chen Mo's expression suddenly sank.

Zhao Min, beside him, is full of worry in her eyes, but at this time, she is not good at persuading Chen Mo to do anything. Mo Nu's expression did not fluctuate and did not care about the appearance of divine civilization.

Jingge's eyes are full of war spirit. Just now, he has some unfinished business in fighting with the guards of Raytheon civilization. Now almost all the strongest people in the universe are here, which is a rare opportunity for him.