Science and Technology Library

Chapter 995

Chen Mo's voice was full of threats and spread on the public channel. For a time, the life of the star forest of Steles was shocked.

They have to admire Chen Mo's bravery because they dare to confront the strongest of Thor civilization and threaten them in the face.

None of them would dare say such a thing.

Chen Mo's uncanny ability is obvious to all of them, but all the experts can see that Chen Mo is not as strong as thunder, and now he even says something threatening thunder.

They have to wonder whether this is Chen Mo's boasting or whether he really has this confidence.

As you know, thunder is the best blood and heredity of thunder civilization. It has perfect inborn conditions and perfect environment. Those who dare to say such words beyond thunder can't think of any other life except Tong Qing.

Thunder, as usual, turned a deaf ear to Chen Mo's threat.

One to one, he is not afraid of each other.

He wants to kill Chen Mo, but the book in Mo Nu's hands is the most important thing. In addition, anything else can be ignored.

However, at present, it seems that only through tough means to rob, otherwise it is impossible to get the book.

He feels the threat from Chen Mo, and the threat is very clear, which is not inferior to Tong Qing. If you keep him, I'm afraid he will be a tough opponent in the future universe race.

If you can kill each other here, and get the book, kill two birds with one stone, that's the best.

This thought flashed through his mind. His armor moved to the extreme, and the lightning on his body became rich.

The blade of the sword is wrapped by a dark blue light. The current situation, the longer it drags on, the more complex it will become. Just the man, whose strength will give him a great threat, is now being dragged down by their guards.

Off the field, other divine civilizations must have arrived, but they have not yet appeared, waiting for them here to lose both sides.

Mo Nu gives him a feeling of mystery. With a strange Chen Mo, if he drags on, he may lose in Chen Mo's hands.

There's not much time for him.

Thunder raised his eyes and looked directly at Chen Mo, and now he said nothing but fighting.

"Come on."

Thunder light voice, with the arrogance of life.

In the sky, the atmosphere changed.

Thunder body armor, thunder snake around, like a group of blazing light, people can not look directly, accompanied by the roar of thunder drum.

His body is straight, strong and arrogant, looking straight ahead, like a Thunderbird.

In the sky, the thunder light is flashing, the thunder snake falls on the stele forest, the sound is shocking. Under the thunder, the tablets are all covered in the thunder light. The floor tiles under the stele are hit by the thunder light, and the tiles are broken, and the crushed stones are splashed, exposing the scorched earth.

Lei ti.

This is the strongest form of Thor civilization.

The thunder snake on thunder battle armour seems to be screaming and whining. Thunder's eyes are completely lightened and become white. The world seems to slow down several times in his eyes.

Without any hesitation, thunder raised his sword and disappeared in place.

Thunder resounded through the forest of stars and steles.

The light flickered, the terrifying serpent filled the sky, and the roar was ceaseless, as if drawing the wrath of the gods.


The whole forest of celestial stars and steles suddenly vibrates, like the sound of mountain avalanche and rock crack. From far to near, it knocks hard on the heart of every life, giving people a sense of suffocating oppression.

Even the top armour division is the first time to see this way of fighting. Its ability and armour complement each other, giving play to the most terrifying combat effectiveness.

This is the real strength of thunder.

As the light dissipated, all life cast their eyes on the forest of Steles at the first time, looking for the two figures.

Thunder is as straight as a sword.

Before him was chenmo's armor. On Chen Mo's body, the sword mark spreads from the shoulder to the leg, and half of his body is almost torn apart. And thunder's body is not intact, long gun through his body, from the back of the heart through the body.

Both lose and lose.

Chen Mo doesn't dodge, and takes the cut.

If he dodges, the other side will succeed, his target will be directly Mo nu.

As for injuries? non-existent.

Thunder glares at Chen Mo in an incredible way.

He didn't expect that Chen Mo didn't mean to dodge at all. He chose to lose with him. What's more, he saw that Chen Mo's body wound was recovering.

Yes, he read it correctly.

From the huge wound on his left shoulder to his right leg, he didn't see Chen Mo's blood. There was only blue light in the sword mark. Then the blue light was slowly healing. With the speed visible to the naked eye, the cutting marks of the armor were also being repaired by nano robots.

He was terrified by the combination of terror.

He suddenly thought of his sword, which also had no bloodstain and healed quickly.

Since the man appeared, people can not see through, with the deeper the fight, he found Chen Mo really unfathomable, with endless mystery.In Shi Ganxing, he mastered the space connection technology only possessed by divine civilization, and then mastered the super ability development technology. His subordinates defeated the underworld civilization and the white star civilization. The opening ceremony was defeated by one enemy and two. When they were not optimistic, they won easily, and then killed the ambush of the underworld civilization. Now, they not only found the secret room of the Celestial Star, but also lost both sides with him.

This is a monster.


Thunder's eyes were a little stunned, and his body became weak.

He thought that Chen Mo would avoid this attack. He could directly seize the book in the hand of Mo girl behind Chen Mo, but Chen Mo did not move.

In this attack, he tried his best to motivate the highest form of special ability of Thor civilization, Lei Ti, at the cost of consuming himself, in order to obtain the strongest speed and strength.

For the first time, he worked so hard.

Even in the battle with the former speaker of the black pupil civilization vivroyun, he did not fight so hard. Even if the other side was very strong, he was full of confidence. He thinks that he is not the first in the universe, but there are only a few division a that can make him so embarrassed.

Before attacking Chen Mo and snatching books, he never thought he would fail.

This sudden rise of life, and his strongest state of battle, both lose.

Chen Mo's terrifying self-healing ability made him recover quickly. He was defeated.

Special ability and constitution?

Thunder looking at Chen Moliang light is rapidly healing the wound, deep feeling at a loss.

The uncanny ability to escape into space is now the immortal body that has never been seen before. Chen Mo has given him too many mysteries. Is this a multi-functional body developed by super ability development technology?

It's not that he hasn't seen a versatile body.

However, in the current understanding of super ability, there are few special forms of super ability, and he has never seen such a variety of powerful and special abilities.

This subverts his perception and imagination of superpowers.

No wonder he can give himself and Tong Qing similar threat.

Thunder bleak smile, the other side can recover, but he does not have that kind of quick recovery ability, he has to admit, this time failed.

But he didn't care about failure. It's not unusual to have failed in shiganxing. He and Chen Mo looked at each other closely and said, "I look forward to fighting with you in the universe one day."

After that, the engine in front of thunder's armour explodes, providing a power to break free from Chen Mo's spear and fly backward.

Thunder God civilization is fighting with the guard, instantly give up the opponent, toward the thunder encircles, will protect him in the middle.

Thunder was defeated.

All of life's hearts were so shocked that their eyes fell on Chen mo.

This once nameless life began to appear in their field of vision before the Star Festival. Today's amazing talent and gorgeous, shocked the sky star monument. All the talents of the Star Festival have become his foil.

This battle will undoubtedly shake the universe.

I don't know when Chen Mo, a mysterious human, came out and became one of the giants of the universe.

However, with the downfall of thunder, things did not end.


Chen Mo's huge wound healed, his body recovered, and he looked frightened. He is also taking a risk, trying for the first time the self-healing ability of his special body.

He's right.

Quantum body, with unparalleled self-healing ability, is immortal.

At that time, he could choose to dodge, but he did not. At that time, the two men were like two boxers, and there were Mo women behind him. He was not allowed to dodge, either in terms of mentality or for other reasons.

This war also let him try to bring the fighting mentality of a small number of masters at the top of the pyramid.

The wound completely disappeared, and the armor was repaired by a nanorobot. Chen Mo stood with a gun and looked at the onlookers.

Now the divine civilization and other great civilizations are present.

I'm afraid it won't be easy today.