Science and Technology Library

Chapter 985

Chen Mo is always curious about the appearance of purple emperor.

In the comments he heard, this cruel man has always been very mysterious. After killing the elite talents of Lagerstroemia civilization, he fled the crape myrtle civilization, and there was no news.

But the legend about him never stops.

It is said that after Dan died, he was the only one who could compete with Tong Qing for the position of the strongest man in the universe.

This murderous God has a bad name.

He had never seen him before, but since Chen Mo was pulled out of nothingness, he did not dare to look down upon the great God.

Zidi looks like a middle-aged Lagerstroemia indica man. On his forehead, there is a crape myrtle flower sign of Lagerstroemia civilization, which is destroyed by a scar with the word "Hu". On his right face, there is a blood red tattoo, like an ancient inscription. The skin is covered with purple fluorescence, the purest purple.

Those eyes, like luminous purple gemstones, are deep and transparent. They can't see the end of it. They are mysterious. These eyes are very impressive. Chen Mo only sees similar eyes in one life, purple rhyme, the emissary of the underworld civilization.

There is no expression on the knife like face, cold and mysterious.

After looking at each other, Chen Mo opens the topic: "what can I do for you?"

"A present for you." Purple emperor waved and threw a thumb sized memory card to Chen mo.

"What is this?"

This answer is beyond Chen Mo's expectation. He thought that the other party would come to talk about cooperation or ask him to help, but he didn't expect to give him something.

Purple emperor's mouth showed a wisp of evil smile: "my experience and experience in developing and controlling the special ability of the body should be of some use to you."

"Why?" Chen Mo grabs the memory card and asks.

He knows how precious this memory card is. If he sells it, he can get a constellation.

"Your body is very special, and this little girl, like you, has a very special life." Purple emperor looked at the ink girl beside Chen Mo: "like an unopened treasure, if you learn to control it, it should be the most perfect art."

The purple emperor looks at Chen mo.

Chen Mo's pupil shrinks.

Purple emperor see he and Mo female body different?

"What are the conditions?" Chen Mo naturally runs a memory card.

"If you can, I'll send me a crape myrtle flower later. However, it doesn't matter if there's any. It doesn't matter if you want to. It's up to you." Purple emperor grinned, with uninhibited and arrogant smile. His helmet closed and turned away.


"Head, leave that life, as if..." The star security officer, looking at the direction purple emperor left in shock, seemed to think of a special life.

"It seems to be removed. It's him, purple emperor."

Gallo takes a deep look at Chen Mo who just talked with purple emperor.

The mysterious purple emperor appeared in Mu's Tianxing, and gave Chen Mo something. There was too much information in it.

A police officer swallowed his mouth and was surprised by the name of purple Emperor: "what is the relationship between him and purple emperor?"

"I don't know."

Gallo looked dignified. He only hoped that the God of killing would not make any big event in Mu's Tianxing, otherwise it would be very troublesome.

"What about fighting on the field?" Another officer has just recovered from the shock.

The battle armor of the underworld civilization is less and less. Chen Mo doesn't give Ming Qiyu a chance to escape.

Soon the battle was over.

The body and armor of the Ming Qiyu were pierced and lost their resistance. They were seized by the Shenwei. They pulled their bodies out of the armor and killed them without hesitation. They threw them away as if they were rubbish. However, all the armor of the underworld civilization was taken away.

On the other side, Mingyan is frozen in front of Jingge. His face under the armor is still unbelievable. In his chest, it is penetrated by a palm, and the fragments of his heart are still held in his hand. Then, his brain is pierced and his consciousness is plunged into darkness.

He never thought that, confident of his own strength, one day, he would be defeated by a nobody.

"Where is the residence of the underworld civilization in Mu's Tianxing?" Chen Mo glances at the dead battlefield and looks at Gallo.

As soon as he said this, Gallo's face changed greatly.

It's cruel. It's ready to kill all.

"Mr. Chen Mo, give me face. This is the end of the matter? Is that ok? " Said Gallo, biting his teeth. If Chen Mo wants to be tough, he can't help it.

Since Chen Mo brought the antimatter bomb into Mu Shi Tianxing, he had no choice.

"Next, in Mu's Tianxing, I promise they will not attack you again and retaliate against you. You and the underworld civilization are just like those little minions. "

"I'll give you face." Chen Mo looks at the dead battlefield and flies away.

It was not until Chen Mo and his party left that the police officers of the planetary security agency came to their senses and looked at Gallo one after another.

"Clean up the battlefield, collect the corpse of the first division of the underworld civilization, send it back to the underworld civilization, and send a team to protect Chen Mo all day long." Said Gallo, biting his teeth."How can we account for the underworld civilization?" A police officer nearby asked cautiously.

"You don't have to tell me. They did it first. It's a grudge between them and the marching ant group. It has nothing to do with us."

Gallo's voice is full of anger, the underworld civilization here unscrupulously started to give Mu's Celestial Star such a big trouble, he is also very angry now.


Chen Mo killed Ming Qiyu, the emissary of the underworld civilization.

The news exploded like strong gunpowder in the sky star monument. Since the start of the Star Festival, the God level civilization emissary was killed for the first time, which shows its great influence.

Along with the news spread, there is a video of Ming Qiyu besieging Chen Mo and his party.

Ambush and be killed.

It is a clear rule that private use of military force is prohibited on Mu's Celestial Star. For hundreds of millions of years, many civilizations have tacit agreement to abide by it. Even if they use force, they will send secret personnel and clear their relationship.

In spite of the influence, the underworld civilization carried out an ambush and assassination operation in such a blatant manner. Moreover, the operation failed and was killed by a group of people. A group of elite battle armour divisions were lost. The first expert of the underworld civilization, Ming Yan, was also killed in the action.

This news, let the prestige of the underworld civilization suddenly fell to the bottom.

The photo of Chen Mo standing with the legendary purple emperor was made public by anonymous people, which ignited public opinion in the universe.

Chen Mo's name spread quickly.

Before the Star Festival, most of the life in the universe did not know the name. However, during the festival, the name came into being, which was eye-catching.

What's the reason for the great hatred of the underworld civilization that they were desperate to start during the Star Festival?

This issue has attracted the attention of major civilizations.

It has been concerned by many forces, and intelligence has also been put on the surface.

In the battle of the great wall of Sloan, an army of the underworld civilization was lost to the marching ant group and a famous general was lost.

The information of the marching ant group is picked up and presented to the whole universe.

At this moment, the outside world knew what kind of force the marching ant group was.

This silent force, without warning, quickly occupied Pisces and Cetus after the Hongqiao earthquake, and launched a strategy for the surrounding constellations.

Shepherd, and the great wall of Sloan.

With such a large army and power, the outside world knows nothing about it.

The appearance of the marching ant group was a great success.


It's in a garrison Galaxy just outside the sky star monument.

Mingda looked coldly at the holographic planet emerging in front of him. This is where the Escort Group and warship of Hades civilization came to Mu's Celestial Star.

Chen Mo sends a message to him and gives him a pledge to wipe out all the warships and escort groups of the underworld civilization who came to tianxingbei this time.

This is the first time that he met his old employer after he left the underworld civilization.

It's very suitable for him. You can have a good time.


There is infinite hatred and anger in the voice of Ming Tea.

Behind the warship where he was, a silent war department swept through space and disappeared into space.