Science and Technology Library

Chapter 984

Gallo and a number of star Security Agency experts appeared in the battlefield, but the situation in front of him, let him be stunned.

More than 300 battle armor.

According to the information given to him, there are only less than 50 stealthy attackers of the underworld civilization. How can 300 more armour divisions suddenly emerge? Besides, the armor is a uniform standard of armor coating.

"What's the matter? Where did these armor come from? " Gallo asked the intelligence personnel who had been watching the war outside.

"The director, who is a woman around Chen Mo, has the special ability to connect space, and has sent Chen Mo's escort group here." Intelligence personnel quickly reply, and the image of Mo girl to Gallo.

"Three hundred battle armour divisions besiege the war armour division of the underworld civilization, and hunters become prey." Gallo was shocked.

"Chief, shall we intervene? The wararmour division of the underworld civilization seems to be in danger. " One of the men said.

"Send a warning signal to all of them to stop."

A red warning signal lights up over the battlefield, turning half the sky red.

"Stop now."

A warning sounded on the public channel.

Chen Mo looks at the person. From the sign, he is a police officer of the star security agency.

"Ignore them."

According to Chen Mo's words, Shenwei's attack is more incisive. It's a completely wound for wound attack. In just a few seconds, five battle armour divisions of the underworld civilization died under a deadly siege.

"I am the emissary of the underworld civilization. They attack us secretly and save us immediately."

Ming Qiyu opened his mouth on the public channel, apparently speaking to the police of the planetary security agency. All star security officers are waiting for Gallo's orders, and will follow his orders as soon as he gives orders.

Now the Ming seven feather is a little shameless, obviously oneself stealthily attacks others, but said others stealthily attacked him.

But after all, he is the emissary of the underworld civilization coming to the Star Festival, and the star security agency has to manage it.

"I advise you not to participate. It's them who break the rules, it's none of your business." Just as Gallo is about to give an order, Chen Mo says a warning.

Just as Gallo was about to open his mouth, his breath was stagnant. Indeed, it was the underworld civilization who ambushed and attacked him. However, the emissary of the underworld civilization died here, and he could not explain to the underworld civilization.

What's more, listening to Chen Mo's tone is warning them.

"He is the emissary of the underworld civilization. He can't die in Mu's Tianxing." Said Gallo in a low voice.

"Then I will let him not die in Mu's Tianxing."

"Stop your men. They can't have an accident."

Gallo activated the antimatter bullet in his hand, which means obviously that if he doesn't stop, they will do it.

When entering tianxingbeidi, the incoming life cannot carry antimatter bullets. Only the police officers of the star safety agency have antimatter bullets. Now, the police officers of the planetary security agency point their guns at a group of unarmed fighting gangs.

"Are you sure you want to shoot?" Chen Mo said lightly.

"We are sorry about the attack, but they are the emissaries of the underworld civilization. We have the obligation to protect them." Said Gallo.

Suddenly, Gallo's face changed.

In the air not far away, a three meter high space hole appears, and a steady stream of armor flies out of the hole, which is clearly shown on their radar.

It's standard armor again.

This is how these 300 guards came into being?

At the next moment, Gallo's face was greatly changed by the warning from the armour radar.

Signal reaction of active antimatter.

These armor bodies, with a large number of antimatter bullets.

At this point, the barrel of the armor is all aimed at the scene.

"They are called war violence maniacs. They are war armor for space war. They are equipped with antimatter bombs. It should be very simple to destroy this planet. If you can escape thousands of smart bullets, you can do it. " Chen Mo said.

Gallo's face darkened.

This kind of weird space transmission ability, it is against the sky.

He has been in contact with the outside world for so long that he has never heard of this ability.

"Stop the war first. If you have anything to say, you can ask them to compensate you. They are the emissaries of the underworld civilization. If they are killed, the underworld civilization will not give up." Gallo warned.

"You may not know that in the battle of the great wall of Sloan, we destroyed an army of underworld civilization."

The pupil of Gallo is dilated.

At one time, he thought that Chen Mo's force was just an ordinary top-level civilization, but after seeing the war video, Gallo froze.

No wonder the six divine civilizations invited Chen Mo to the rostrum.

Speaking on the public channel, all battle armor can receive it. For a while, the public channel becomes silent.

Chen Mo said the news was too shocking.

"If we die here, tianxingbeidi will bear the anger of our underworld civilization. Director Gallo, stop them now. " See gailuo late did not start, Ming Qiyu's voice more and more anxious.The voice of Ming Qiyu, with a strong threat and a tone of command, made Gallo's disgust flash away.

Now he's riding a tiger.

If you start to stop them, they will join in. Chen Mo's army strength will not allow them to organize. Here, the mortal is not to be stopped.

The second group of guards at the entrance of the space are still constantly entering. Nearly 100 guards have surrounded the battlefield.

Once thought that the security work of Mu's Celestial Star had reached the highest level, now it is as fragile as paper paste under a special ability.

At this time, Gallo's messenger rang, and the patriarch of Mu's Tianxing family came to contact him.

Just connected to the video, you can see Mu's heavy and dignified face.

Planet radar showed that there was a large amount of antimatter in the East, enough to destroy Mu Shi Tian Xing. As the master of Mu Shi Celestial Star, he got the news at the first time.

"Director, why are there so many antimatter excitation signals on the east side of the planet?"

"The underworld civilization ambushes Chen Mo here. Chen Mo's subordinates, with their special space capabilities, send armor with antimatter bombs into the planet. Now they are fighting against the armour division that is besieging the underworld civilization."

Gallo's voice is low. He has never been so oppressed since he was in power. In the face of war, he can only watch.

Seeing the video of the scene, Mu's head was numb.

On one side is the underworld civilization, on the other is Chen Mo with antimatter bombs.

"I'll get through to Chen Mo's communication. Don't act rashly."

All of the Mu family's Tianxing family is on this planet. If Chen Mo destroys Mu's Tianxing in a rage, his family's accumulation of hundreds of millions of years will disappear.

Put down the communication device, Mu sat down on the chair, incomparably headache.

The sudden appearance of an active antimatter reaction, which can be scanned by advanced armor, makes the whole planet nervous.

Now it is time for the Star Festival. There are a large number of elites from all over the universe on the planet, which has a great influence.

Soon, Chen Mo's communication is connected. Mu reorganizes his expression and sits up.

"Mr. Chen Mo, are you doing something to the east of the planet?"

Mu Shizhong's tone is very gentle. He is afraid that his tone is too heavy. Chen Mo misunderstands that he is looking for trouble. Then they are in great trouble.

"Yes." Chen Mo said without hesitation.

"Is there any misunderstanding? Can you stop moving antimatter bombs on Mueller? In this special period, once used, the consequences will be unimaginable. " Mu Shizhong asked cautiously.

"I don't want to move either. For defense, as long as the police of the security department don't move the antimatter bomb, I won't move. I'm just a warrior division of the underworld civilization. If they move, don't blame me. "

Chen Mo no longer pays attention to Mu Shizhong.

Fists are the basis of reason in this universe.


"What now, chief?" The police at the scene were a little nervous.

They had seen the big scene, but for the first time they experienced the atmosphere of near war.

"Don't act rashly."

After receiving the communication from Mu Shizhong, Gallo felt helpless. Weighing the pros and cons, they don't dare to mess around at this time, otherwise Chen Mo will be enraged and the whole planet will suffer.

Who let him have that kind of special ability? It's hard for anyone to provoke him, open a space hole, and throw the destruction weapon into Mu's Celestial Star.

All police officers can only watch the battle on the field.

The wararmour divisions of the underworld civilization were killed one by one in the siege, making their eyelids jump. The elites of God level civilization killed them so recklessly that they had to admire Chen Mo's cruelty.

Five minutes later, more and more policemen were watching the scene, but no one dared to act rashly.

On the other hand, Mu ordered that the group of the underworld civilization should be closed to enter the Mu's Celestial Star, and the team of the underworld civilization would no longer be allowed to approach Mu's Celestial Star, in order to avoid the situation becoming more and more crazy.


Mingda receives a message from Chen Mo, which is a video of fighting on Mu's Celestial Star. At the moment when I saw the video clearly, I was half squinting and staring at the battle armor of the underworld civilization on the field, indifferent and indifferent.

Along with the video, there is a Chen Mo command and a coordinate.

This is a roll call.