Science and Technology Library

Chapter 986

"Clan leader, the team going to Mu's Tianxing has already..." Kunkun knelt in front of the totem hall, sweating and stammering. He did not dare to report the news completely. The news just sent back is too exciting and shocking.

"What's the matter?" Sitting in the center of the totem hall, the old patriarch of the underworld civilization opened his eyes and his voice was thick.

"The whole army is destroyed." Wu Kun clenched his teeth and reported the final information.

Dead silence, dead silence.

The atmosphere in the totem hall seems to be solidified and heavy on everyone's mind.

No one dares to speak any more than one word.

"What's the matter? Go ahead. " The old patriarch was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth. He was not angry and his tone was calm to horror.

"Ming Qiyu and Mingyan failed in their operations and were all killed by Chen Mo's guards. Following the guard group of the past, they were... " My Kun swallows saliva, kneels on the ground, does not dare to raise the head.

"Say it." The old patriarch said quietly.

"Following the old guard group, they were slaughtered by the war department led by Mingda."

What about shadow frequency

"Here it is."

Kun Kun points a few points in his communication instrument and projects the shadow frequency into the totem hall.

From Chen Mo being besieged, to Mo Nu opening the space channel to send the Escort Group in, and then to the death of Ming Yan and Ming Qiyu, the process is complete. They can even see the incredible expression of Mingyan when she dies.

In the totem hall, the upper body of the underworld civilization shivers uncontrollably, and does not know whether it is anger or fear.

"Who among you can go to the Fu marching ant group?" The old patriarch's voice is quite old.

There is no one in the totem hall to make a sound. All eyes and nose look at the heart. It is not a good choice to speak at this time.

"What? afraid to? Isn't it good at fighting for interests? Now it's time for you to pay, no one? Don't you even have a general to find a leader? " The old patriarch's voice was full of sarcasm and anger: "if you can fight against other civilizations, you can fight for half of the benefits. I have already unified the universe."

There is no one who dares to say anything about the high-level of the underworld civilization in the totem hall.

The atmospheric pressure is terrible.

"Hand over half of the military power of each family." The old patriarch's voice was terrible.

Inside the totem hall, many high-level people lowered their heads and their eyes were flashing.


Carrie sat at her desk in a daze, her eyes a little dim.

Since she left her post as the general star of shepherd civilization, she has been in constant trouble.

There's life coming to her again today.

It's funny.

She contributed hundreds of years of civilization. After leaving office, she was suppressed and retaliated, and her former competitors began to trouble her. She finally understood why the marching ant group could easily win Hongqiao. The city master of Mufu city was incompetent and cowardly, and the senior officials only knew how to bully the soft and fear the hard.

Is there any future for this civilization?

She has thought about the future of Mufu City countless times. She was once a star. Even if it is difficult, she is willing to do her best to build this civilization. After all, this is the place where she was born and raised.

However, far away from the center of power, from the perspective of an ordinary life, we can find the lifelessness of this civilization.

I thought she would be able to live a stable life after leaving office, but now I find that she is a little naive.

In order to shirk the responsibility for the loss of Hongqiao and cover up the incompetence of the high-level, the city Lord put the responsibility on her, a retired general and star. She became a sinner of shepherd civilization.

If it goes on like this, all kinds of dogs and cats can come to mock her.

When she really loses everything, her former enemies in the core power circle will never let her go.

What to do?

Carrie looks at the communication number in her hand.

Are you really going to get there?

Finally, kariy dialled her number.


Mind control!

This is one of the most detailed special capabilities that purple Emperor gave Chen mo. Through the experience of these special abilities, Chen Mo realized the horror of purple emperor.

In theory, this ability is omnipotent.

Controlling time, space and matter is the highest form of mind power. However, due to the limitations of imagination and life, even the purple emperor has only reached a certain stage. He can only control a part of the material, but not time and space.

The purple emperor told in the records that this was the power of God.

This is God, not God level life, but God who controls the universe.

It's the ability to break down the molecules of matter, and they can recombine them.


Mo Nu takes a stone and puts it on the white metal plate in front of Chen mo. Chen Mo in front of him is connected with various sensors to collect data from his body.

After quantum development, Chen Mo and Mo Nu's bodies have reached a higher level of life than any known life.

According to the theory of the ability of quantum life, their bodies belong to the immaterial body. The quantum body of the non energy body is immortal. The reaction speed can reach Planck time, 10e-43 seconds, which is the shortest time.They have all super powers, which can control all particles in the universe, decompose and reorganize matter and body, move instantaneously, analyze matter, create life, control time and space, predict the future, travel through time and space, and cut off causality.

As the purple emperor said, their bodies are a treasure, but they haven't found a proper way to open the treasure.

Once they succeed in mastering their physical abilities, they can dominate the universe and become masters of the universe.

The stone floats slowly on the small platform under the control of Chen Mo, and then drops a little sand like weathering.

Five minutes later, the fist sized stone turned into a pile of sand on the metal plate.

All of a sudden, the sand pile appeared again, a little bit of sand floated up, slowly solidified, and a stone as big as the original was formed. There is only one difference between this stone and this one.

Chen Mo stopped, untied the sensor on his body, picked up the stone on the small platform and looked at it: "let's call it a day."


Mo Nu took his clothes and put them on.

"What about Xiaoyu and Zhao Min?" Chen Mo asked.

"Sister Xiaoyu is on earth, and sister Zhao Min is in charge of the talent recruitment during the Star Festival. Since the team of the underworld civilization was destroyed by us, many elite lives have come to take refuge in it. Many of them have enemies with the underworld civilization, and even are wanted criminals of the underworld civilization." Mo Nu said.

"Can she solve it?"


"Go and see the excitement of the Star Festival forum."


"Don't you think about it again, teacher? Your research really matters. " Er lie's big eyes, flickering at the teacher around him, look a little nervous.

Her most trusted student and assistant is also the only one who knows the research content besides the teacher.

Now, we are all preparing for the super energy forum.

Here are all God level life, as well as the personnel of major civilizations. As one of the main forums, it is also one of the places where many civilized talents gather.

The scene was very lively, and no life heard them talking.

Loino nodded softly. "I've been thinking about it for months, and there's nothing I can't announce."

As soon as this was said, erlie gave up the idea of persuading. He knew that the teacher had already made a decision. With the teacher's stubborn character, the decision would never change.

"Now, let's invite Professor loino to publish his latest research results." After a super scientist released his research, the host called the roll, and his eyes focused on loino.

Loino rose slowly, politely said hello to many of his colleagues on the stage and went to the stage.

As one of the world's top superpowers, loinu has always been the talent of the major civilizations. However, loinu had no interest in going to the divine civilization, so he kept a low profile in his own research room.

It is rare for him to come to participate in the Star Festival.

"It's a great honor to come to the Star Festival, stand on the most sacred land of the universe civilization, and open my research."

Loino spoke, and there was a round of applause.

"Next, what I want to announce is the most important research in my life. After 300 years of exploration and research, just two years ago, the project I pursued finally made a great breakthrough. After more than a year's thinking, I finally decided to publish this project unconditionally to the life of the universe and make my only contribution to the life of the universe. "

The field was silent.

Three hundred years of research, the most important project of his life.

Luo Yinu's serious voice made all the life on the field concentrate. Even the scenes of the live broadcast forum speech also gathered on him for fear of missing a historic moment.

"After 300 years of research, I found the code of super energy gene of life. Two years ago, I successfully developed a kind of initial super energy factor, which can stimulate the super energy gene of life body and make the life body get evolution and transformation. The following is its molecular formula."

The moment the molecular formula appeared on the forum holographic screen, the scene was in an uproar.