Science and Technology Library

Chapter 983

Purple emperor!

It's a name that scares life on the field.

Purple emperor, once slaughtered Lagerstroemia civilization, a number of top elite talents, so that crape myrtle civilization once fell into recession, leaving the position of the top seven civilizations.

In Lagerstroemia civilization, this name is a taboo.

The Ming seven feather suddenly reacts to come over, the facial expression is startled, in an instant, all the mind spirit all put on the purple emperor body.

In their hearts, the name of purple emperor is more threatening than Chen mo.

With their own efforts, they brutally slaughtered a generation of top elites of crape myrtle civilization, and made Lagerstroemia civilization decline, but a generation of sand God. His fierce name, until today thousands of years later, still makes people shudder.

Mingyan looks dignified, inexplicably feel a pressure.

It's just names that make people feel stressed.

In the name of killing God, he is far more dangerous than Chen mo. In the middle of the air, all of them are on guard against the coming people. They can't confirm whether the purple emperor's real identity is for the time being. If so, they may have some trouble today.

"I'll play with you."

Purple emperor's deep voice spread on the public channel, which made the war armour division of the underworld civilization worried.

The next moment, the purple emperor disappeared in his place and appeared behind a battle armour division. His slender sword was shining with purple light, and he beheaded the warrior armour division of the underworld civilization.

Hissing ~ ~

is like cutting tofu with a sharp edge, without any hindrance.

Just one knife shows the strength of terror. The name of killing God is worthy of its name.

Just now, Ming Qiyu and others had a bit of luck. They thought that the Zhanjia division in front of them was an outsider pretending to delay their time. Now they are sure that the other side is real.

Originally, Ming Qiyu and others, who had won the victory, fell into a deep heart.

One on eight, easy.

Each of them was comparable to the elite of the first division of the battle, but the purple emperor dealt with it as usual and threatened their armour division.

The reaction speed and fighting skills of terror are like a gorgeous performance, and the high-level movements are completed in one go, which makes the bystanders marvel.

Soon, Ming Qiyu and Mingyan's looks changed suddenly.

Two other battle armour divisions were cut by the purple emperor's sword.

"Mingyou, you take two people to check him together." Ming Qi Yu ordered.

He and Ming Yan did not act rashly. They should pay attention to Chen Mo's situation. Otherwise, Chen Mo will escape and there will be no such opportunity in the future.

Purple emperor one person to ten battle armour division, hold back one third of the power of the underworld civilization, his intervention, let the situation suddenly become complicated.

"Don't just watch, you have fun." The purple emperor got away from the siege and stretched his hand.


Chen Mo feels that there is something wrong with the space around him, and his body slowly emerges from nothingness.

At this moment, Chen Mo's face changed slightly.

The purple emperor has the ability to pull him out of nothingness and return to the entity.

Is this the ability of purple emperor?

Chen Mo's first encounter with this kind of ability, such as the power of thinking, has an effect on the virtual body.

Several ideas sprang up in his mind, but there was no time to think about it.

Chen Mo's appearance immediately became the target of public criticism.

Ming Yan and Ming Qiyu don't think about it. They urge Zhan Jia to fly to Chen Mo's position, and the other battle armour divisions also surround him.

Seeing this, Jingge and Kuyao came to them without thinking and joined the battle.

Without saying a word, Chen Mo chooses a direction with few division a to break through. If surrounded, the other side has so many elites, one attack can destroy his armor.

With Chen Mo's appearance, fierce fighting broke out again.

Different from the last time, the pressure is much less this time. The purple emperor joined in and restrained a quarter of the battle armour division of the underworld civilization, giving them a huge space.

Other battle armour divisions are pestering Shenwei and Jingge, mingqiyu and Mingyan, and two battle a divisions join forces to attack Chen mo.

They all exhausted their strength, and did not dare to give Chen Mo leisure to use that strange ability to delay time. They hope to end the battle in the shortest possible time and take away Chen Mo, or their plan will go bankrupt when reinforcements come.

Chen Mo uses all his strength to besiege his armour division. His strength is not weak.

Most of the time, he chose to dodge or escape the attack, and he did not dare to face it. Otherwise, once he was entangled, he would lose.

Hope Mo girl can be faster.

All of a sudden, the voice of Mo girl came from the ear.

"Mogo, look up there."

A hole in the space slowly emerged over their battle. At first, the size of an egg expanded to three meters in diameter like a whirlpool of water, with colorful surroundings.

An endless stream of Shenwei appeared from the cave entrance, fell into the battlefield, and protected Chen Mo in the middle.

Every one of them was very angry.

It is unforgivable that their king was ambushed by the enemy.


Ku long looked very angry, and immediately fell into the battlefield, besieged the elite of the underworld civilization.Originally passive scene, instantaneous reversal.

The appearance of hundreds of deities changed the expression of Ming Qiyu.

He knew that reinforcements were coming.

The woman's uncanny spatial ability can connect the two places and send all Chen Mo's guards.



Without any hesitation, Ming Qiyu urges Zhanjia to escape.

However, Shenwei didn't seem to want them to leave. The corrosive missile was launched and was whipped in the atmosphere like a poisonous snake.

Boom! Boom!

A steady stream of corrosive fog explodes in the atmosphere, blocking the path of the underworld civilization Armor Division. The armor contaminated by the corrosion smoke slowly disintegrates and eventually loses its performance during supersonic flight.

Three hundred Shenwei appeared in groups of ten, besieging a battle armour division of the underworld civilization.

The strength of Shenwei itself is not weak, coupled with strict training, it is enough to deal with these elites.

The position reverses and the hunter becomes prey.

Chen Mo was surrounded by the God guards, and there were as many as 40. Shenwei put Chen Mo's safety first. Now, in this situation, they can't let Chen Mo go to fight and take risks.

After a long period of battlefield cooperation, the Shenwei and Weiwei have reached an impeccable level of tacit understanding. Their combat effectiveness is far beyond the one plus one situation.

The balance on the scene is tilting.

Jingge intercepts Mingyan, Kuyao and Ku long also entangle Ming Qiyu, and have no intention to let each other escape.

"Young humanoid, take care of your guard." Purple emperor's deep voice spread on the public channel.

He is now besieged by more than a dozen Shenwei.

The Shenwei who has just entered the arena is mainly to protect Chen mo. as long as they don't know them, they will be regarded as assassins, and they will all die.

"Stop, he's not the enemy." Chen Mo ordered.

Although the other party pulled him out of nothingness, he didn't feel too much malice from the other party. Otherwise, he would not rush to rescue him. However, he did not think that the other party was here for sightseeing.

"Why help me?" Chen Mo asked.

After the besieged Shenwei flew to the battle armour division of the underworld civilization, the purple emperor took a deep look at Chen Mo: "I pulled you out. How do you think I'm here to help you?"

As soon as this is said, all the Shenwei surrounding the purple emperor are on guard. When Chen Mo orders them, they will not hesitate to attack each other.

"We don't seem to know each other."

"Now I do." The purple emperor looked at Mingyan and others.

All of a sudden, a warning sound from the radar shows that a group of armour divisions are coming towards their battlefield.