Science and Technology Library

Chapter 982

Chen Mo always pays attention to the change in the field, even a slight change of position.

The situation on the field is critical.

The collision of the battle was extremely fierce.

In particular, the location of Jingge, surrounded by seven battle armour divisions, and the entrance of Ming Qiyu, the pressure of Jingge is doubled, and the sound of air explosion is deafening.

If Jingge's fighting consciousness is not terrible, he will be seriously injured if he is hit by the other party at will.

Seven to thirty, almost the same level of opponents, want to win, almost fantastic.

Chen Mo's mind is spinning rapidly, thinking about countermeasures.

All of a sudden, Chen Mo's eyes narrowed. Without hesitation, Chen Mo's body emerged. The black and red armour slowly emerged behind one of the armour divisions who besieged Jingge. The point of the spear flashed cold light, with the breath of death.

Suddenly, he waved his spear at the neck of the nether Armor Division without hesitation.

At the same time, Mingyan, who always pays close attention to Chen Mo's figure, explodes in place and joins the battlefield.


The sound of metal being cut is particularly harsh, which makes people's hair explode. In the air, the body and head of a nether Armor Division were separated, and the armor failed in the air, flying like a headless fly.

From the air burst color, Ming Yan's long sword has been cut off, but it is still a step late. Chen Mo jumps in the air to avoid the attack of Mingyan and quickly leaves the battlefield.

Chen Mo's sneak attack confuses the opponent's attack rhythm. The engine of Jingge battle armour drives it to the highest power and explodes in place to get rid of the entanglement of being besieged.

"Their target is me, seven to thirty, but I can't beat. Stop them in the city and wait for support. "

After Chen Mo's order, the speed of armor reaches the highest, and the city below falls rapidly. It's only been more than a minute since the beginning of the battle. They can't hold on to the siege for long.

The Shenwei, who was ordered to cooperate with the battle, did not hesitate to leave the battlefield in different directions, and flew quickly to Chen Mo's direction.

They can protect Chen Mo's safety at all costs.

Ming Qiyu's face changes slightly. If Chen Mo escapes into the city, it will be troublesome. They don't have much time. After a few more minutes, the reinforcements from the other side will come, and they will have no chance.

I thought that under the siege of so many top armour divisions, the other side couldn't hold on for two minutes, but he didn't want to be so tough. He was killed by the other side.

Ming seven feather immediately ordered: "all besiege Chen Mo, do not pay attention to other soldiers."

Mingyan is angry and laughs. The other party stealthily attacks his subordinates under his eyes and wants to escape, which is in his face. "If you are caught, I can leave you a little affection, or if you are caught, I will let you know what the cosmic capital punishment is."

Ming Yan's speed is extremely fast. His armor, which combines the most advanced technology of the underworld civilization, is impeccable in performance and speed. It's just that he seems to underestimate the strength of the other side.

I thought the siege would quickly solve Jingge, but I didn't expect that the other side would insist on it for so long in the case of one on seven. There is more than one top player in the team. Jingge is no less dangerous than Chen mo.

Chen Mo is afraid to let go of the corrosion smoke.

This thing sticks to the armor, and it's not a good thing that the material is corroded.


Mingyou's attention is locked in Chen Mo's body. He is closest to Chen Mo and is not far from the side. Not far away is the city, once the other side fell into the city, between the high-rise buildings, there are all kinds of aircraft, as well as dense life, the difficulty of siege will double.

This time, the patriarch gave them a death order to come over and seize Chen Mo by any means. The patriarch said, no one dare to disobey. If they don't finish the task, they will face the anger of the patriarch. It's not for fun.

In any case, Chen Mo can not escape this ambush.

At this time, seeing the radar flashing the attack signal, he raised his eyebrows without hesitation.

Boom! Boom!

Four missiles on the back fly away from the armor and explode in the air in front of Chen Mo, blocking all the routes in front of Chen mo.

When Chen Mo stops, the sound of a sonic boom behind him explodes in the atmosphere, and one figure appears, blocking all Chen Mo's routes.

For a moment, the murder was revealed.


Chen Mo becomes extremely calm. He hopes to delay the arrival of reinforcements.

The super state appears.

Chen Mo coldly looks at the long sword cut by Mingyou, and then passes through his illusory body without hindrance.

At present, there is no possibility that they will be ambushed with the same strength as the other side at present. However, because of his special body and special ability, Chen Mo doesn't have to worry about life danger now.

If he is allowed to master the physical ability thoroughly, he believes that there is no threat to the armour division in front of him. Now he is like a baby with a peerless sword, and he can't give full play to the ability of the peerless sword.

The ability to turn into nothingness is terrible, but he did not fully grasp it, so he could only delay time. The other party had no way to take him for the time being. However, he wanted to escape and was in a bit of trouble.Coldly looking at the underworld civilization war armour division around the field, he can see every corner, but the scope of his body can not exceed one kilometer. Once he emerges, he will be besieged.

Shenwei and Jingge are both floating in the air, ready to support when Chen Mo appears.

Suddenly, Chen Mo feels something and looks at the direction of the city.

A purple armor is coming towards the battlefield at a terrible speed.

The battle armour of Lagerstroemia civilization? Is it difficult for Lagerstroemia indica civilization to get involved? If so, his situation will be even more troublesome. It's no joke that two masters of God level civilization are attacking him.

As soon as this idea appeared, Chen Mo gave up.

Because there was only one division, not a group.

What's the use of a division a coming over?

Not only is Chen Mo aware of this scene, but also the wararmour division of the underworld civilization on the field is also concerned about the flying armor. Looking at the style, it is the battle armor of Lagerstroemia civilization, but on the sign of Lagerstroemia civilization, there is a scratch, which is very conspicuous.

"Is the intelligence quotient of crape myrtle civilization war a division so low? Want to come alone? " Ming Yan sneered with disdain in her voice.

He spoke on the public channel, and the other party would certainly receive it, without any disguised irony.

However, to all life's surprise, purple armor actually appeared a deep reply: "crape myrtle civilization's war armour division, the standard is really not good."

The meaning of the words is staggering.

Wearing crape myrtle civilization armor, but mocking crape myrtle civilization, crape myrtle civilization appears traitor?


The purple armor stops outside Chen Mo's location in the underworld civilization and looks at the scene. Ming Qiyu and Mingyan frown tightly and are on guard against the coming people.

"Sir, don't mind your own business. It's not about Lagerstroemia civilization." There is a threat in his voice.

"Oh, I didn't say I was a Lagerstroemia civilization." The sound of battle armor was deep and thick, with a special attraction.

"Sir, don't you change your armor before you step in? You can't pretend, are you a fool? Do you want to get rid of the relationship with Lagerstroemia culture? " Ming Yan sneers and sneers.

"Don't talk nonsense with him. Pay attention to Chen Mo, he may appear at any time. This Lagerstroemia indica person is diverting attention and delaying time." Ming Qiyu is aware of something wrong.

"It's smart. Let me introduce myself." The life of purple battle armour smiles gently: "my name is purple emperor."