Science and Technology Library

Chapter 981

Ming Yan's body was flashing, and her face under the armor was mingled with a sneer of scorn. But the action is not slow. After a few sonic booms flashed out from the armor, he quickly approached Chen mo.

He was the first master of the underworld civilization. Although he was reluctant to obey the orders, the patriarch said that he could only follow the orders of the Ming Qiyu and avoid making big mistakes in his actions.

Because the purpose of their coming to Mu's Tianxing was not to fight for power, but to capture Chen Mo alive.

The sword in his hand is flowing with blue light, sweeping the atmosphere, dragging the long shadow, and the low sound explosion roars, which is like crying and telling, which makes people feel creepy.

Seeing Mingyan go all out, a glimmer of joy appears in the eyes of Ming Qiyu. As long as Mingyan doesn't drop the chain, it's absolutely not a problem for them to join hands to capture Chen Mo alive.

Around the air came bursts of battle armor from the sonic boom, such as wind and thunder mat roll, the atmosphere is restless, let people boiling blood.

Chen Mo looks cautious. The other party has been ambushing here. A group of top division a are all elites. Judging from their rough strength, none of them is inferior to the famous division in the opening ceremony.

This is the essence of divine civilization.

There were only seven of them on their side, and they were besieged by nearly thirty people, and there were many dangers.

The master of the underworld civilization, who took the lead, is above the seven feathers of the underworld. Being able to be above the seven feathers of Ming indicates that the strength of Mingyan is not weaker than Chen mo. Other masters drag Jingge and Shenwei, the two strongest masters to join hands to deal with him.

If it is delayed for a long time, I'm afraid it will be very dangerous.

The attack of Ming Yan and Ming Qiyu is very sharp. Instead of attacking his brain, they try to choose his heart and other key attacks. As long as Chen Mo is subdued and does not die directly, they can recover in the medical cabin after they are captured alive. They don't worry about Chen Mo's death.

The two attacks are not as tacit as expected, but the pressure on Chen Mo is not less than that from Jingge.

The two top armour divisions are the elite of the elite.

I'm afraid it's not very good to continue to fight hard. He is not afraid, but Jingge and Shenwei are in trouble.

Chen Mo's heart sank.

Antimatter bombs and high-energy weapons are restricted when they enter Mu's Celestial Star, so they do not have long-range high-energy weapons and antimatter weapons. Chemical corrosion weapons and jamming weapons are still available. Close combat is the only way.

It's not just them, but each other.

Almost the same level of master, one on two also win the difficulty, is not generally big.

Chen Mo thought about several reasons why the underworld civilization attacked them, the war of the Sloan Great Wall? Or his super power development technology? Or was it known that he had taken in Mingda?

These ideas flashed away and were forgotten by Chen mo.

Whatever the reason, it doesn't matter now.

If something goes wrong at the moment, they will all be planted here. He is not afraid, his body is special, but Kuyao and Jingge, he does not want to lose anyone.

The situation in the field quickly takes shape in Chen Mo's mind.

Seven on thirty, both in quantity and in quality, they did not occupy an advantage. The only advantage was Chen Mo's own special body, but this could not be turned into a team advantage.

If someone loses combat effectiveness, their disadvantage will expand.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the other side is the elite division a of God level civilization, whose strength is no less than any of them. They are all top experts. The pressure that Ming Yan gives him is not weaker than Jingge, and Ming Qiyu is only a little weaker than him.

The seven of them were isolated, and the five Shenwei members were in a team. They had the tacit advantage of War soldiers, but they were under great pressure.

His ability is special, can use special ability to abandon Jingge and Kuyao several people to escape, but he can't.

Chen Mo's consciousness is spinning fast, and his body is not idle, ready to dodge the attack. He did not dare to tangle with the other side, once entangled by the other side, the two joint attack, he had no place to escape.

Super state.

Chen Mo's body is quiet.

The swallow on the top of her head noticed that Chen Mo was wrong, and she said softly, "is this to use ability? But now with power? Do you want to die? For us, your ability doesn't work. You're going to take it. "

The air around Mingyan explodes, leaving a cloud of water mist. In an instant, it appears one meter away from Chen Mo, and the sword cuts down toward his shoulder.

Chen Mo grinned grimly as the blade approached his shoulder.

You got it.

At the next moment, Mingyan's smile froze on her face. The blade of the sword is cut off. There is no obstacle to penetrate Chen Mo's body, but he has a feeling of cutting through the air.

The imaginary brush off didn't show up.

Chen Mo's body disappears in mid air.

"What's going on?" It's unbelievable.

Optical radar cannot detect each other's position, and quantum radar is not visible.

This ability is beyond his imagination. There is no such ability to turn one's body into nothingness among the superpowers that have been discovered so far. Because matter always exists, especially life.

"Don't let him escape. This kind of ability is very special. It should be very exhausting. If you are mentally tired here, it will be easier for him to catch than a bug. "The voice of Ming Qiyu falls into the ears of every armour division.

"Mingyan, pay attention to him. If I go to deal with other people's battle armour division, I don't believe that he looks at his subordinates being killed and becomes a small worm."

"Good." Ming Yan chuckles and raises her height. She always pays attention to the battle in the field. Her vigilance is the highest. She is afraid that Chen Mo will suddenly appear and attack them.

Chen Mo's special body and mental consumption of special abilities have not yet caused a burden on him. However, Ming Qiyu is right. It is impossible for him to watch Jingge and Kuyao be killed.

Jingge and Kuyao have been urging him to leave, but he doesn't want to.

Now his presence, to the other side, is a threat.


After hearing the news, Gallo changed his face and left the venue immediately.

The life of the underworld civilization ambushes Chen Mo and his party in the sky above the city of Mu Shi Tianxing. This kind of behavior is very bad, once causes the serious consequence, the Mu family Celestial Star, even is the sky star tablet ground to suffer.

In the high-speed flight, Gallo only hopes that Chen Mo is OK now, otherwise, he, the director of the planet security agency, is derelict of duty.

After Gallo, follow 20 armour divisions. They're all top-notch battle armour masters of the planetary security agency. Every armour Division has a bad look under the armour. It's the first time they've heard that divine civilization has ambushed a party's life here.

When it comes to divine civilization, it's very troublesome every time.

Other GSA Division A is heading for the battle seat.

"Didn't you ask someone to protect Chen Mo and his party?" Gallo's voice is a little low.

Since Chen Mo was exposed to have super ability to develop technology, he was worried that today's scene appeared, but he did not expect it to happen.

"There are not enough hands, so they are sent to protect the lives of other divine civilizations." The subordinates said: "these masters of the nether civilization have just entered Mu's Celestial Star for a short time."

Specially sent experts to ambush, or in the Star Festival during the Mu's star.

Run out of prestige.

The underworld civilization is crazy.

"How long will it take to get there?"

"According to the calculation, it takes five minutes and forty-four seconds." Armor intelligence cold answer.


The day lily is cold.

"Where is the armour division in the nearest police station?"

"It's been dragged by the wararmour division of the underworld civilization."

Gailuo's face is as gloomy as water. He only hopes Chen Mo can stick to it for a long time, otherwise there will be big problems.