Science and Technology Library

Chapter 980

All the life on the field looks in the direction of Tong Qing.

At first, Tong Qing was in the Shigan system. He privately used military power to make the former speaker of Heitong civilization angry and sent to the black hole prison.

Finally, when Heitong civilization is in danger, it appears again. It controls the black pupil Parliament and reforms the black pupil civilization with a strong posture, so as to make Heitong civilization degenerate, get rid of the mud of the decaying old civilization and become the strongest God level civilization.

For the eyes from all directions, Tong Qing is not moved.

In divine civilization, it's no wonder that the body strength of their top strongmen is strong enough to survive the gravitational pull around the black hole.

There are many types of debates on the direction of life beyond divine civilization.

"I don't agree with Professor Gabriel's" black hole man. ". According to the definition of our topic, life beyond God level life is a higher dimensional life.

The higher dimension known in our existing universe is time. So the life we explore is one that can travel through time and space.

If "black hole man" follows the direction of life evolution with high body density and strong body strength, then even if life becomes a life with strong body, it is only the life of our existing universe system.

This kind of life is still in the rules of the universe, even if it can affect the surrounding time, but can not shuttle in the direction of the universe's big time.

By definition, what Professor garb's team calls life is just a god level life that is more powerful than divine life. And we define life beyond God level life as a higher dimensional life. The most likely way to satisfy all the definitions of life in higher dimensions is "quantum man."

Another life scientist stands up and retorts. He is a life scientist who supports quantum life theory.

"The road has to go step by step. Why can't we first evolve to a stronger level and then seek life beyond the existing dimensions of the universe?" Professor Gabriel opened his mouth, obviously not to be outdone.

"What's the difference between this and the long-term training of divine life and the method of strengthening the body?" Professor cardivan stood up and spoke.

"The process of the development of life civilization in the universe is originally a process of constantly making ourselves strong. The direction of making ourselves strong is the direction of life evolution, isn't it?" Life scientists who support Professor Gaby stand up.

Another professor of life science said, "I don't agree with you. I don't agree with energy life, black hole man or quantum man.

There is a big mistake in your thinking. You are all arguing about the evolution of the living body. However, the evolution of life in our universe is a process in which the brain of life keeps getting smarter, and the strength of the body is just the product of brain strength.

All the achievements of civilization in our universe are created by the brain. The rest of the body is just a brain aid.

With modern technology, the brain can continue to survive in a special nutrient solution. Once the living body loses its brain, it becomes waste.

I think the higher life is the sublimation and evolution at the brain level. The consciousness of the living body is no longer limited in the brain, but integrated into the environment, so as to complete the sublimation of life and control all the cosmic particles.

A higher level of life is more suitable for conscious life. It is the soul of the universe and controls everything in the universe

The debate was wonderful.

There are several schools of life scientists who are trying to persuade each other to accept their research views.

Black hole life, energy life, quantum life, conscious life, particle life, and even the ghost life of nothingness have become the most accepted mainstream views.

Because according to the direction of life evolution, this is the most likely direction.

"Good." Tong Qing opened his mouth and applauded with a smile.

Other life saw this, they all applauded.

"Mr. Chen Mo is also interested in this research? Do you want us to talk to each other? " The debate continues. Tong Qing looks directly at Chen Mo and asks with a smile.

"No interest." Chen Mo shakes his head slightly.

"Not interested in this research?"

"No interest in communicating with you." Chen Mo said without expression.

"What do you mean?"

Tong Qing's Tara looks angry and glares at Chen Mo, but is stopped by Tong Qing.

"Oh? Why are you not interested in communicating with me? " Tong Qing is still calm and not angry.

"You're not a researcher. It doesn't help to communicate with you." Chen Mo is outspoken.

Under the existing knowledge of the universe about the fourth dimension of life, the debate on the forum will not come to a conclusion. Let alone he Tong Qing, a layman who is not a researcher.

"That's a shame." Tong Qing smiles and continues to look at the forum.

As Chen Mo said, there was no real conclusion until the forum was closed.

On the way back, Chen Mo is still thinking about the forum debate just now.Although there is no conclusion, this trip is not without harvest. From the perspective of Chen Mo's cognition, this debate has found many problems about the fourth dimension of life.

Chen Mo benefited a lot from the viewpoint of consciousness life body theory.

Control the body with your mind.

At present, there is no life to prove whether there is only one form of life in the fourth dimension, so any form is possible, and there are other forms of existence.

Now just put out the conjecture of the research, and when there is no real case to verify their conjecture, everything is just a paper argument.


Mingyan stands on a large transport spaceship over the city, using the city's busy armour and aircraft to cover up her tracks. In her daily flight, she will never notice their existence.

"Are you sure they will come back in this direction? Why are there no figures yet? "

"Now the other side's route is uncertain, only depends on luck." Ming Qiyu glared at the swallow.

They arranged a large number of intelligence personnel in the dark place of Mu's stars. It is not difficult to know the whereabouts of each other for a while.

The news is that the intelligence personnel at the life science forum sent back that Chen Mo and others returned to the direction of the manor where they lived after leaving the forum. According to their direction and the feedback from intelligence personnel along the way, the most likely route of the other party can be calculated.

The patriarch wanted them to take Chen Mo back by any means, so they had to make such a bad move and start at Mu's Tianxing.

Anyway, it's just an unimportant figure. Mu's Celestial Star dare not blame the underworld civilization.

As long as we wait for a while to catch Chen Mo and lose a little reputation, it's nothing.

They stayed here for a day. On the way Chen Mo went, they didn't keep it. On the way back now, they can only rely on luck. In addition to Ming Yan's quick temper, other battle a division can calm down.

Suddenly, a few small black spots in the sky are approaching in this direction.

The wararmour radar beeps.

Ming seven feather spirit big shock, opened the team channel and whispered: "they are coming."

Ming Yan straightened her back and pressed her sword handle. All the other armour divisions are up to their best, and the engines are ready to go.

Ming Qiyu carefully looks at the life around Chen mo.

There were three female armor and six male armor, five of which were protective armor, in a row of ten.

When the distance determined by the computer is the nearest, Ming Qiyu suddenly says, "do it."

The first one to do it was Mingyan.

The armor erupts two fires, the sword in the hand is activated, and the blue short pulse laser covers the blade.

At the same time, Ming Qiyu and other battle armour divisions all move.

The sword in the hand of Ming Qiyu lights up, mixed with dangerous light. The gray white coating appears, covering the armor.

One of the other battle armour divisions is not slow. It is covered with gray and white paint. It turns into a shadow in the air and points to Chen Mo's team.

The action of the wararmour division of the underworld civilization is extremely decisive.

Battle armor suddenly appears in front of Chen Mo, and the sword is about to stab Chen Mo's heart. When Chen Mo is flying at a high speed, the armour breaks out in an instant.


Around Chen Mo, the air suddenly burst, leaving a mass of water vapor.

"The premonition is right. There is danger indeed. This is the assassin of the underworld civilization." Chen Mo stands still and looks at the attacking division a. Judging from the coating style of armor, he is the armor division of the underworld civilization.

It is not a good situation for more than 30 armour division to encircle.

"Mo Nu, take Xiaoyu and Zhao Min to leave and bring reinforcements." Chen Mo immediately gives orders to Mo nu.


Mo woman did not hesitate, stretched out her hand, an aperture in mid air slowly become larger.

The five gods and guards were like facing the enemy, protecting the three women in the middle. They are all very clear about the identity of these three people. Even if they are all dead, they can not be hurt in any way.

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min both know that the situation is urgent and that staying here has no effect, so they fly into the aperture without thinking.

Ming seven feather sees this kind of situation, the expression changes.

"The ability to control space? Stop them. "

It's just a little late when Ming Qiyu opens his mouth, and the three girls have disappeared in the sky. There is a special ability, Mo female can control space, which he did not calculate.

If they let the other side bring reinforcements, they will fall into a passive position.

"Call for reinforcements. Let's make a quick decision. Mingyan, cooperate with me to take down Chen Mo and Mingyou. You killed those guards."