Science and Technology Library

Chapter 979

In front of us is a huge planet with clear words on its surface.

Tianxing stele.

A spaceship slowly sailed into the area of tianxingbei.

Inside the spaceship, there is a whole body of grayish red life. The head of the beast is human body. The eyes are gray white. The explosive muscles on the body are particularly conspicuous.

"Identification. The ship is safe and accessible."

The broadcast received a reply from the space channel administration of tianxingbeidi, and the engine of the spacecraft started and disappeared in space.

Once again, the spaceship disappeared and appeared in the sky above Mu's star system with the permission of Mu's star system.

The grayish red life takes the lead, leaves the spaceship in the armor, and flies toward Mu's Celestial Star.

"My Lord, Lord Mingyan is here." One of his men said in the ears of seven feathers.

At this time, the Ming seven feather, the expression is extremely not good-looking.

He was the only one who failed in the special part of the opening ceremony. Now he has become the laughing stock of the whole universe and humiliated the underworld civilization, which he can't bear.

But his task will continue.

As the life of the underworld civilization, it is no stranger to the Ming swallow.

In order to catch Chen Mo, the patriarch sent Mingyan and a group of elite experts to him. It can be seen that the clan leader attaches great importance to Chen mo.

The door opens, and the gray red life leads twenty armour divisions to enter.

"Lord Qiyu." Ming Yan's loud voice opened his mouth and saluted the seven feathers.

"Well, it's been a long way, hard work." Ming seven feather slightly nods.

"Where's the mission objective? Go now." The swallow opens her mouth.

"Don't worry. Make a plan first." Ming Qiyu understands the character of Ming Yan. He is impatient and resourceful, which is his fatal weakness. Therefore, even though he is very strong in force, he is only strong in personal force, so he can not enter the core high-level ranks of civilization.

"A nameless boy, what's your plan?" Ming Yan disdains to say.

"There are masters around him, and he himself is not weak. If they find him running away, we will not catch him. The mission fails. Will you tell the clan leader?" Ming Qiyu's tone is serious.

Ming Yan's impulsive personality is difficult to control, so Ming Qiyu has to move out of the patriarch.

"Whatever you want." A flash of disdain flashed in the eyes of Mingyan.


"Teacher, do you really want to make it public? This research is enough to influence the changes of the universe era, and its value is infinite. " A student with big eyes looked at the old life in front of him with concern.

Loini, one of the most advanced superenergy scientists in the universe.

In front of him, there was a piece of research material, suspended all kinds of genetic data.

Er lie looks nervous, but he knows the importance of loin's super energy materials, which is his lifelong effort.

"There's nothing that can't be done. Mu's Tianxing can disclose his lifelong research. Why can't I? It is also for the progress of civilization of life in the universe. " "What's more, this information is a hot stone. We don't make it public. If it's leaked in the future, we'll all suffer," said loino

"You can choose to give it to a divine civilization in exchange for what it needs." She said.

"For what? Money? We don't need names? I have them, too. Right? I don't like it. " "I have made up my mind, so don't try to persuade me," loyno said solemnly

"All right." Er Li sighed and respected his teacher's decision.


"We have put the recruitment information on the official website of the grand event. As a member of the rostrum, our recruitment announcement is together with the other six divine civilizations. At present, the number of visitors is very large, but there are not many elites who choose to join, and many of them don't know our situation."

Zhao Min explained the situation briefly.

After the curtain fell behind the curtain of the opening ceremony, Chen Mo became a well-known figure in the universe, but little was known about their marching ant group.

"Let it be." Chen Mo said.

The expansion of the marching ant group is indeed in urgent need of talents, but it is not so urgent as to be particularly thirsty.

They have their own talent training system, all kinds of technology are not lacking, and recruiting talents is just icing on the cake. As an emerging force, everything is booming, and there is no old-fashioned force, all kinds of burden.

"Go to the forum first." Chen Mo looked at the time and said.

"To which forum?"

"Life sciences."


Life science is one of the main forums of the Star Festival.

Since the birth of life civilization, life science has always been the main subject of major civilization research. This discipline has greatly prolonged the life span of major civilizations, made them more intelligent, and solved most of the problems of diseases and injuries.

It can be said that without life science, there would be no big exchange of universe civilization.

As the main forum, the main topics of the life science forum are as follows:

in what form is life higher than God level? "What are the deep reasons for the supernatural beings to have super power? 》

these are the last two dark clouds in the field of life science so far. As long as the two dark clouds of life are solved, the final foundation of cosmic life science will be established.

At the same time, the life science community can guide life in this direction.

At the life science scene, Chen Mo, with the chairman's board, entered the forum successfully and sat down in the VIP area in the front row.

The life around him, when he saw Chen Mo, talked about it in succession, but he didn't do anything too noticeable. When they entered the arena, they were all scholars of the universe who devoted themselves to the study of life science. They were not very cold to those in power like Chen Mo, and those who had little to do with themselves.

"Tong Qing was also present."

Zhao Min looks in the other direction of the VIP area. Tong Qing and his team are sitting there, very conspicuous.

Chen Mo looks in the direction of her eyes, and Tong Qing also looks at them. They look at each other from the space, nod slightly, and then stagger their eyes. They do not intend to communicate, they just want to listen to the forum quietly.

"Based on our team's research data, we have made a bold conjecture that there is a higher level of life beyond God level life, which exists in the form of energy.

Energy life can control its body shape at will, even without physical form, but it has autonomous consciousness, which we can't see or touch. They can exist in any corner of the universe, master the relations of space, time, matter, energy and gravity, and are quite in charge of the gods of the universe.

We know that particles change strangely at the speed of sublight and light.

Studies have shown that the nerve conduction velocity of divine life is equivalent to the speed of subluminal light, and the nerve system has almost no synapses. It's a step further, the speed of life's thinking, reaching the speed of light. At that time, there may be more strange changes in life. But particles can reach this speed, it must be electromagnetic wave or energy body, and the nerve of life body will become more strange

On the field, a life science scientist can talk about it.

Now, the life science academic circles of the Star Festival are discussing this topic.

The exploration of the superior life of divine life is the ultimate direction of cosmic life science research.

Once the direction is determined, all powerful civilizations and life sciences will take this direction as the main research direction.

"This issue is a little special."

Xiaoyu subconsciously looks at Chen Mo and Mo nu.

Beyond the existence of God level life, these two should be, this kind of argument is not a guess, but a reality.

Chen Mo's choice to listen to this topic seems to have little effect.

"We are quite a baby now. We have unique martial arts skills, but we don't know how to use them. We need to develop our own special skills a little bit, otherwise there is no difference between them." Chen Mo guessed Xiaoyu's question and gave her an answer: "stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. Coming here is to find stones to attack jade and find a key to open our unique martial arts."

Xiaoyu nodded clearly.

"Do you want to be like me and Mo Nu? Go back and develop it for you. " Chen Mo said.

"Do you always try to catch your wife?" Xiaoyu makes fun of Chen mo.

Chen Mo touches his nose with embarrassment.

"In the past, there was no danger. Now I can continue to adjust and improve the problem of quantum life ball. For me, there is no secret and no danger in the technology of quantum life ball."

But thinking of the last question, Chen Mo calmed down.

"What's the matter?" Xiaoyu feels Chen Mo's change.

"Thinking of a final question."

Chen Mo thinks of the science and Technology Library, the last task of the science and Technology Library. Up to now, he has not got it. There is no change in the science and Technology Library.

Although any technology is no longer a secret to him, he still wants to know the last secret of the science and Technology Library.

On the spot of the life science forum, the debate has entered a heated stage.

Now, in the field of cosmic life science, it is generally accepted that life of a higher level exists than that of divine life, but their existence has not been found for the time being. But in what form, it is a research on the research direction. In the future, we can seek to let the existing life evolve to the existence beyond the God level life.

"Our team believes that the existence of transcendental life is in the form of" black hole life ", which is different from the view of Professor cardiven. In our research, we found that there is a very obvious evolutionary trajectory of life in the existing universe, physical reinforcement.

Red life bodies are extremely fragile, need air and nutrition to maintain life, and are extremely prone to disease, a cell mutation spread may kill them. There is no big difference between this kind of life and red life, but the physical quality is better than the red level life.

The green life that goes up again has been able to operate unprotected in space for some time. Up to the purple level of divine life, the strength of the body is changing significantly. At present, the strongest divine body strength can resist the gravity of the black hole edge zone.It is no secret that the black hole prison of divine civilization has witnessed successful survival and re emergence of life in history. And Tong Qing, the speaker of black pupil civilization, once appeared again from the black hole prison... "