Science and Technology Library

Chapter 967

Black Hawk carefully browses the data from the Ministry of wood protection, and has a general understanding of the current situation of the war, as well as a preliminary concept of the strength of the Ministry of Styx civilization.

Soon, the details of the battlefield appeared in space.

The Black Hawk suddenly became serious and looked cold.

The reinforcements of the other side also appear in the radar detection. The reinforcements only have one fleet, and the fleet size is only one quarter of Kunpeng's War Department, not a complete War Department.

"Xi'an, lead your team out and meet them." The Black Hawk's eyes narrowed and watched the war.


The captain of the first fleet, Xi Ling, is in a hurry.

The first time Kunpeng War Department arrived at the battlefield, a fleet separated from the War Department fleet and faced the battlefield.

It's very fast in combat, it's completely seamless.


When the hell often receives the information of the moon and the flowers, he is relieved. Mingyue Liuhua is OK. Everything is OK. But his eyes narrowed as he swept the information from the front.

Things don't seem to be very good on the battlefield right now.

The loss is not small, the reduction is serious, the team of the other side is not weaker than them?

Ming Chang's mind is awe inspiring, but his mood is not so good. Did Ming Ti civilization suffer in front of an unknown force?

He didn't need to open his mouth. The moon and the flowers ordered the soldiers to retreat and give the battlefield to Mingchang.

The normal battle Department cuts in seamlessly, and when he sees one of the other's fleets in front of them, he laughs. When did they ever be so despised?

As an elite fleet of the War Department of ming'a, when facing the enemy, the other side didn't fight more or less, hoping to suppress them with quantity. Now, some war departments want to fight with them equally?

If we don't teach each other a lesson, we don't know what innocence is.

Cold murders broke out in his eyes.


The Xi is very calm.

He was one of the first fighters to join the Kunpeng War Department at the beginning of its establishment.

He hasn't been down since the first training.

The position of their war department is that they are superior to other top civilizations and divine civilizations, but the time of establishment is too short, so the general instructor gives the most horrible and dangerous training methods.

Especially after the development of super ability, the general instructor let them fight with Zerg or wild animals in the primitive wild star with bare hands.

Even if there are nano battle armour facing the protection of the death edge and top-level medical cabin, there are still some casualties, and during that time, they are also wandering in the edge of life and death.

The threat of death and real pain made Kunpeng War Department grow rapidly and chase the steps of other war departments.

His armour strength is growing rapidly, coupled with his good tactical literacy and talent, which makes him procrastinate from the millions of soldiers and successfully become the captain of the first fleet.

In the past, he was only an unknown senior war armour division. In a special period, he joined the March ant group. Now he is a god life and the captain of a fleet. He cherishes it very much, and he dare not fall behind in the study and research of tactics.

Today is the first battle. It is the first time to face the War Department of divine civilization.

Xi Ning's eyes fell on the fleet of Styx civilization, and it can be seen that the support from the other side must be the elite of Styx civilization. However, instead of fear, he was more excited, and his crazy fighting spirit was burning.

The Ministry of wood protection just proved with its strength that divine civilization is not invincible.

And there are many cases in which novices win over veterans. They may not necessarily lose to each other.

They are not vegetarian either.

This is the first battle of Kunpeng War Department, and we must definitely show momentum.

As soon as the fleet entered the battlefield, Chi Li did not hesitate to order: "full fire preparation."

What is the style of Kunpeng War Department?

Come on!

Fight with a fast tempo, dragging the opponent into their tempo instead of being passive.

From command to action, it's fast.

Attack is the best defense.

There are not many reinforcements from the other side. Naturally, the ammunition firepower will not be more than them. First, their ammunition inventory will be consumed. Next, everything will be easy.


The warship's alarm began to buzz, and the radar was full of alarm signals of activated antimatter bombs.

Ming Chang's face was cold. He didn't expect that the other side was so decisive. He used all the fire to shoot at each other as soon as he came up. It's totally a way of fighting that he hasn't seen.

"Full fire preparation." Ming often orders.

Full fire is on, and the counter attack of fire competition is on again.

The technology of warships is almost the same, so when firing against each other, see who has more ammunition, accurate weapons and strong defense ability.

All the soldiers in the wood protection department don't understand why they use full firepower to throw out the whole firepower at the beginning, and the intelligent machinery behind them will fight against each other. Once they lose to each other in terms of intelligent machinery, the defense of the fleet will fall into great passivity, because the firepower to deal with the intelligent machinery will be lost.Although they don't understand, they won't ask. This is the tactic of Kunpeng War Department. They just watch it.

In the virtual reality battlefield, they have fought with Kunpeng War Department, which is very difficult to deal with. They win mainly because they have more actual combat experience than Kunpeng War Department, and have more training time than Kunpeng war minister.

Moreover, every time we fight, we can feel Kunpeng War Department growing up.

This is the first time since the establishment of Kunpeng War Department. They also want to see the fighting methods of Kunpeng War Department.

The two sides were in a standoff under full fire, and the space was shrouded in a huge ball of light. Because of the small size of the fleet, it was not as fierce as the battle between the Ministry of wood protection and the war between the moon and the hell just now.

With the passage of time, ammunition on both sides is being consumed, a warship is being blasted, and the balance is slowly lost. You come and go, debris and explosions fill the whole space.


From the perspective of the whole fire, both sides are half a dozen, not occupying too much advantage. This situation is not surprising to her, because she just shot at each other's full fire, the same situation.

It can only be said that the weapon technology and warship technology of the other side are not weaker than them.

The March ant group is a force whose technology is no weaker than their underworld civilization, and it's hidden deeply.

However, she felt something was wrong.

Why is the opponent in a hurry to shoot at them?

Her eyes fell on the main fleet of Kunpeng War Department, which swept the array for them in the rear. I don't know where the fleet with two flanks is missing?

Only then did she remember that the reinforcements of the other side were three times more than those of them, coming from the whole war department.

Check the position of the enemy warship shown by the radar again, and the moon turns pale.

The goal of the other side is to keep all their teams.


"Wat wood, do you mind if I take your opponent for the first time?" Black Hawk connected the communication of Ming Tea and said lightly: "the instructor said, let me use them as a sharpening stone."

Wat made a face.

At the command center of the main ship of the Ministry of wood protection, I heard the words of Black Hawk, and I was almost not scared.

I'm afraid that the whole universe, only the general instructor dare to say such crazy words.

Use the elite battle Department of God level civilization as a millstone? If it's common life to hear it, I'm afraid they will be treated as fools.

But when the chief instructor said that, they were confident.

"Go back and invite me to drink." Wat wood recovered as usual.

"It's a deal." The Black Hawk laughed, and his eyes stayed on the War Department of the dark moon and the flowing flowers, showing the fierce fighting spirit: "the third fleet, the blockade of the battlefield, the fourth fleet, full firepower preparation, destroy this war department's warship for me."


Mingchang's face became more and more anxious. The other side took the lead in attacking, forcing them to use all the firepower. Now they were dragged down.

The tactics of the other side made him a little bit oppressive.

This unknown marching ant group has such a good weapon technology, which is totally unexpected to him. Now he understands why the hell moon is in such a mess.

"Your Excellency, the fleet of master Mingyue is aimed at by the enemy's full fire."

"What?" Ming Chang's face changed a lot.

Ming Chang suddenly lost his discretion. Ming Yue's ammunition was exhausted, and the reinforcements of the other side were larger than them. He now understood the reason why the other side fired as soon as they spoke.

One fleet drags their firepower. During the whole firepower period, other fleets of the other side can make changes.

He thought of a very serious problem. Under the same firepower, the number of their fleets could not match each other's, and their two fists could not match their four hands.

And the rhythm of the other side is too fast.

He points directly at the key point. This kind of fast rhythm is different from the classic tactics. He is not suitable for it.

In the case of disadvantage, their response time is shorter.

Before they came, they just calculated the strength of Sloan civilization's fleet. It was totally unexpected that a humble marching ant group would put two elite battle departments into the battlefield.

"Immediately transfer half of the firepower to support Lord Mingyue's fleet and ask for help from the headquarters. Immediately."

My heart and hair are always flustered.

Even when a fleet attacked Black Rose City, it didn't feel like this.

He was afraid.