Science and Technology Library

Chapter 968

Ming'a has a bad premonition.

He looked up at the map in front of him, smiled and shook his head, probably because of his long-term battle and tiredness.

It's time for a rest.

Ming a glances at the information of the battle situation.

The number of Hongqiao in the mingti culture Star area is the largest, so they are also a god level civilization facing the most troubles. Now the situation of mingti civilization is very complex.

Black rose city is powerful and their first goal. Now it has been destroyed by his butcher's knife. Next, we need to clean up other civilizations.

However, due to the scarcity of outstanding generals and the defection of Ming Tea, Ming a had to accept the position of commander and lead the whole battle.

Now his heart and power are all in the battle situation of Ming and Ti civilization. If Ming Yue is around, he can relax a lot. But Ming Yue Liuhua is ordered to go to Hongqiao battle field of the great wall of Sloan.

Just as ming'a wanted to have a rest, an intelligence officer came and stopped by his side.

"My Lord, you are always asking for help." The intelligence officer presents all the news from Ming Chang to him.

At the next moment, ming'a's face changed.

"How long does it take to transfer the nearest War Department to the Sloan Great Wall?" Ming'a is not calm. Even in the face of the siege of cosmic civilization, he has never lost his temper.

"One day."

This answer makes ming'a feel dark in front of her eyes, and her body is shaking and falling down.


The light is gone, and the space is full of fragments of warships, shooting out of Hongqiao.

Also floating in space are the soldiers and advanced war robots of the underworld civilization. War armour and advanced war robots have energy shields, which can withstand the energy radiation. As long as they are not directly hit by antimatter bombs, they will be OK.

But when the warships were destroyed, they faced a terrible situation.

No warships escaped.

This makes them a turtle in a jar.

It's no different from looking for death if you want to cross the space with light-years as the span and rely on battle armour.

"Two players for the first team, meet them." Black Hawk orders.


The spirit of Kunpeng War Department was shocked, all of them were out of the range of the fleet and flew towards the remnant army of the Ming civilization.

Every member of the team has a strong sense of war. This is the first time for them to face the divine civilization, which once made them inaccessible, but now it is their opponent.

How amazing it is to defeat the divine civilization.

The outbreak of war makes every soldier's blood seem to be burning.

The battle armour is plundering like a battlefield at a very fast speed, and is entangled with the remnant army after the dark moon flower is broken.

The fighting broke out.

Kunpeng War Department is faster than the general war department.

This is related to the fighting style of Black Hawk.

Blitzkrieg, raiding and guerrilla warfare are the essence of their tactics, so this is the style of both the fleet and the soldiers.

In order to adapt to their fighting style, Mo Nu also specially customized battle armor for them.

Their battle armour and advanced war robots are the fastest in the 6th World War Department of the March ant group. Of course, in order to speed, they have made some compromises in firepower, but this has little impact on them.


Mingyue Liuhua's body is shaking, not fear, but anger.

The warships were destroyed. They are now trapped in space. There is no escape.

What's more, the other side is actually prepared to use soldiers to deal with them. When can any war department challenge the soldiers of the underworld civilization?

The moon in the dark is full of fire.

She hoped to catch the important person of the other party, so as to threaten the other party and let them leave, but the other party seemed to have no important person.

Soon she found something wrong with the war.

The other side's fighting rhythm is very fast, which belongs to the two-to-one situation. One is fighting, the other is plundering the array.

One on one, their soldiers are in the ascendant. It can be seen that the enemy is a little rough and tied up. When one of the soldiers is in danger of losing ground, the other will move out and exchange hands.

And the speed of the other party's escape is very fast.

Wheel to wheel combat.

Does the other side want to kill them in a wheel fight?

As soon as the idea appeared, the moon and the flowers immediately rejected it.

For divine life, the cost of fighting is almost nonexistent. In the face of fighting, they can fight for three days and three nights without fear. Before they are killed, their reinforcements will arrive.

The other side will never consume them so simply.

Mingyue Liuhua is staring at the battlefield and constantly browsing the data on each soldier's armor. She has to determine what the other side's weird way is for.

It wasn't long before the dark moon flowed.

The enemy's War soldiers are gradually proficient from the beginning. It seems that every enemy's war soldier has changed, and they are not tied up at the beginning.This is an invisible transformation.

Not one or two, but the whole team of each other.

She vaguely remembers the training of the instructors when she was a new soldier. This is to cultivate the self-confidence and practical combat experience of the soldiers. The other side uses them as a millstone?

The discovery changed her face and made her very angry.

The elite War Department of divine civilization led by her was regarded as a whetstone by the other side?

It's a complete insult.

"They are using us as millstones." The moon and the flower are gnashing their teeth to make contact with Mingchang.

Find something wrong, almost a blood rush to the brain, was angry shivering.

They are a member of the War Department of ming'a, so to speak, they are the elite of the elite, the top War Department of God level civilization for which countless civilizations tremble, and now they become the sharpening stone of others?

But he is not an ordinary life after all. After discovering this situation, Mingchang's face is even worse.

Because he saw that the other side still had a war department. He also followed wat wood to enter the War Department of Qu Shu of the great wall of Sloan. Two war departments were watching the war.

If they're all involved?

Often hands and feet become cold uncontrollably.


As time goes by, the soldiers of Kunpeng War Department are different from those at the beginning.

As commander in chief, black hawk can clearly feel the changes of the soldiers. From the statistics of battle armour, we can see that they are more confident in their battle and their fear of divine civilization is disappearing.

"Have you ever experienced the battle with the God level civilized soldiers?" The voice of the Black Hawk echoed in the ears of every soldier.


All the players replied seriously. Don't worry about how excited you are.

After fighting, they found the gap between themselves and the soldiers of the divine civilization. In many aspects, especially in the systematic fighting skills, the soldiers of the divine civilization have a solid foundation.

Combat skills and adaptability are both top-notch. On the whole, there is no small gap between them. This time, they are taking advantage of more reinforcements.

In the first battle, it is not easy to fight with the top War Department of the divine civilization to this extent. Moreover, the soldiers of the divine civilization are not invincible.

In the War Department, a kind of confidence is forming to break the impression of invincibility of divine civilization. The momentum of the whole Kunpeng War Department is quietly changing.

Black Hawk's smile becomes more brilliant, connecting the wood protection department: "wat wood, it's time to make a quick decision."


Wat promised immediately.

The two war departments, like the huge waves in the storm, swept away towards the War Department of the Ming civilization.


Earth, building 1, March ant headquarters.

Mo Nu closed her eyes and tried to focus her attention. She tried to control her body according to Chen Mo's method of controlling her body.

Zhao Min waited quietly, not to disturb.

Now Mo Nu's body is too special. According to her cognition, it's a more mysterious existence than super ability. She can't help at all.

Chen Mo's transformation scared them to death. Fortunately, they are safe now.

In the future, I don't have to worry about Chen Mo anymore.

Zhao Min, who is waiting, is bored to browse the affairs of the group. Now it's a time of trouble. Only now can she realize the difficulty of cosmic forces.

They have to manage countless lives, even if she feels the pressure is not small.

All of a sudden, Zhao Min stopped, and Mo Nu, who was sitting in the experimental chair, opened her eyes and smiled.

"How is it?" Zhao Min asked.

"It's ready to move." Mo woman slowly rises from the back of the chair, slowly stretches out her legs and falls to the ground.

Zhao Min was a little happy: "finally it's OK."

"Sister Zhao Min, do you want to go to Mo Ge?" The Mo female Leng ground ponders for a while, opens an mouth to ask a way.

"So far away, I still have a lot of things to deal with at home. I can't get away from it. And the universe is in a bit of a mess now. He won't allow us to go. " Zhao Min shook his head and said with a smile, "if you want to go, you can go there. I can watch it at home."

"Soon after I got used to my body, I seemed to have a special ability." Mo said mysteriously.

The main star of Morse.

The main star's morning came as promised. Chen Mo opened his eyes, and the lovely people around him were lying on his body, like a lazy kitten. As soon as he wanted to move, Xiaoyu opened his eyes, looked at each other and smiled.

"Get up with me."

Chen Mo picked up the lazy man in his arms and went to the bathroom.

At the dinner table, Chen Mo enjoyed a breakfast in the style of the main star of Mu's heavenly star, while watching the intelligence services from the earth. Breakfast was delicious. He found that the food style and taste here was similar to the earth.

Suddenly, Chen Mo and Xiaoyu were stunned by the ringing of the communication instrument.

As soon as it is connected, Mo Nu's smiling face appears on it."Mogo, I'm back." Mo Nu said with a smile.

"That's good." Chen Mo nodded softly, some joy.

"Sister Zhao Min and I are going to see you."

"Er?" Chen Mo froze: "it's a little far away. Now the universe is a bit chaotic and the road is not safe?"

"Give you a surprise. Look at the back." Mo Nu turns off the communicator with a smile.

Chen Mo and Xiaoyu are extremely puzzled, but they still look behind. Only a slight ripple appeared in the hall, and a three meter high colored hole appeared in their sight.

Zhao Min and Mo NV come out from the inside hand in hand.

Several guards in the hall, including Jingge, stared at Mo Nu and Zhao Min when they saw them.