Science and Technology Library

Chapter 966

"Out of the field, the fleet is at a distance, ready for full fire."

Wat wood did not hesitate to order when he found the change in the battlefield.

The other side is now ready to use fire to suppress, they are not afraid of the other side, the more this situation, the more the other side is helpless to them.

In terms of firepower, they are not afraid even if the opponent is a divine civilization.

There are no weapons of space destruction and light beam destruction. In the space interference area of Hongqiao, they are similar to each other in firepower. What they are competing for is whose ammunition is more sufficient and whose defense is more accurate.

Mingyue Liuhua has a look at the data. In the battle just now, they lost millions of advanced war robots and 30000 soldiers, including 5000 assassin soldiers who entered the enemy's defense area. There is no one in ten.

To be dominated by an unknown force is a disgrace to her.

The soldiers and war robots withdraw and gather in the space around the warship for standby. Mingyue Liuhua looks at the situation of the opponent, and all the firepower is activated.

How dare you fight them?

After sorting out the emotions, the dark moon and Liuhua clapped heavily on the button in front of themselves: "fire."

The ship's innumerable muzzles lit up, along with its laser weapons. The muzzle became the most terrifying flame, and a steady stream of antimatter bombs were launched.

In the radar detection, numerous antimatter are in active state, like raindrops toward the fleet of battle Department wat mu, accelerating constantly.

There is no frivolity, and no machine can survive such a devastating attack.

To support this kind of fire attack, a large amount of antimatter is needed as the energy support, and the general top civilization cannot afford to consume.


Wat wood saw such a large-scale attack for the first time, but he was calm.

This kind of huge attack is a nightmare for the fleet with insufficient defensive firepower. For the fleet with the same firepower, this is the problem of accelerating consumption, quick battle and quick decision to see who consumes the first.

The consumption of each other's experience and Sloan civilization is now the second consumption, and their team is complete, and they are not afraid of each other's consumption at all.

The real battle is just beginning.

Fight against the consumption of divine civilization to see who can last.

"Fire." Wat wood's palm pressed heavily on the red button at hand.

The tongue of fire explodes in space, and the silent battlefield is even more depressing and terrifying.

Radar shows that antimatter weapons full of space have poor psychological pressure resistance. In this terrible environment, they are suffering and may even collapse at all times.

It's about to start!

Seeing the antimatter bombs on both sides approaching, all the soldiers crossed this sentence.

Wat Mu stared at the scene.

In LAN's Tactical Teaching, we have studied the advantages of the divine civilization. Teacher Lan's goal at the beginning was very clear that their enemies were several God level civilizations.

They have conducted in-depth intelligence collection and Research on the classic war methods, tactics and outstanding generals of the divine civilization.

Now is the time to fight.

The first light cluster lights up, followed by the second, third, Fourth

Countless light clusters shine in the space, rapidly expanding to the size of the moon. The light covers the space, and the space seems to be burned out by the high temperature.

There was no explosion, and the silence in space was oppressive. Only the alarm in the spaceship echoed in the ear all the time, adding some tension to the atmosphere of silence.

Smart weapons, every antimatter bullet, will cruise automatically to resist attacks on the fleet. Once there is a leaky fish, the warship's laser will immediately shoot out and detonate the flying antimatter bomb.

The light of antimatter annihilation envelops the space into a colorful, beautiful, and what the outsiders see is the beautiful scenery. Only when they are in it, can they know that the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are.

The atmosphere was horribly subdued.

"Don't take care of the ammunition. Empty all the antimatter bombs in the magazine."

"To his mother's divine civilization, give me a good fight."

"The War Department of the divine civilization is nothing. It will die as well as be abandoned by us."

The captain of the warship is cheering on the team channel.

Now it is the most critical moment. From the fight just now, they initially realized that the power of divine civilization is not as invincible as they imagined.

It's not easy to get the battle from Mr. LAN, so the wood protection department has pressure on the battle. Just after the fight, the pressure is a little lower, but they are all worried.

Stimulated by the atmosphere and pressure of the battlefield, every soldier now looks like a wolf with a grim eyes.


In space, countless fireballs, even more dense than the festival fireworks, burst open.

The ship's alarm was particularly harsh.

At full fire, an astonishing amount of antimatter ammunition is being consumed.In case of any omission, the ammunition of the fish that has missed the net will become a fire pack when it falls into the warship or space-based weapons.

The silent explosion is so depressing that soldiers on standby in space can even hear their heartbeat. In the warship, the sound of alarm strained the nerves of every soldier.

Ammunition is constantly being consumed, accelerating consumption.

Both sides, like not having to spend money, put antimatter bombs into the battlefield. The violent radiation is rampant. Like the invisible magician, they turn the debris of spacecraft and armor suspended in space into nothingness.

War armour and warship rely on energy shield to resist the high-energy radiation particles from violence.

Antimatter bombs have no fancy at all, and space is in a state of whiteness.

One minute!

Two minutes!


Ten minutes!

Eleven minutes!


The fire of both sides lasted for 25 minutes, until the tongues of the gunpoint of the warship, the Ministry of wood protection, disappeared, but the attack of the hell body civilization did not stop.

The captain at the front of the Mukden battle Department has changed a lot.

They have more ammunition than they have. They don't have firepower to intercept each other's ammunition.

Twenty six minutes! Twenty seven minutes

Thirty minutes later, the blazing tongue of the bomb mouth of the hell civilization warship disappeared, and countless antimatter bombs surged towards them.

"Don't panic. All the lasers are on. Intercept the antimatter missiles."

Wat wood immediately ordered.

The battle between Ming civilization and the battle Department of the great wall of Sloan consumed part of their firepower, but now they consume more ammunition than them.

It is worthy of being the War Department of divine civilization.

Compared with the enemy's underworld civilization, they are still half way behind in protecting the wood battle department. If the other side is not expended full fire condition, I'm afraid their loss and pressure will be greater.

The fire was gone, and the full fire was over.

The space battlefield becomes dark and silent again. The radiation energy of antimatter projectile fired by full fire is enough to turn ten star systems into scorched earth purgatory.

Seeing the data coming back, Mingyue Liuhua's face was as gloomy as water.

In the war of attrition, they lost more than 60 warships, while the other side lost more than 80. They had five minutes more firepower than the other side, and only a little more results.

She was very dissatisfied.

She did not lead the fleet of the War Department of ming'a, but in the Ming civilization, she was still the elite War Department.

In any case, they are also divine civilization. They even drew with an unknown War Department. Although the outcome of the war is a little more, it is a draw in the view of Mingyue Liuhua.

"All ready, kill me." The voice of the moon is very angry.

After the ammunition is consumed, write down the time to fight bayonets.

She did not believe that this unknown War Department could defeat the War Department of their divine civilization in close combat.


"Ha ha ha ha ha, brothers, have you seen it? Divine civilization is not invincible. " A captain in the front, laughing at the number of warships lost.

On the team channel, all soldiers can hear it.

Wat wood face smile also slowly appeared, very happy.

After a lot of cruel training, the Ministry of wood protection has its scale today.

From a small convoy to the fleet that can face up to the War Department of divine civilization, it is impossible for him, as the founder of the War Department, not to be excited.

It's all a dream.

Holding his surprise in mind, wat Mu put his attention back to the war.

Now it's the most exciting part of the war.

Fight bayonets.

When the ammunition of mass destruction is exhausted, bayonet fight is inevitable. Whoever wins the bayonet fight will win the war.

"Brothers, we have a chance to defeat the divine civilization. Kill!"


Team channel, full of murderous roar, arouse every soldier's heart blood.

The most primitive collision in the battlefield will never be out of date.

The two war departments quickly tangled up.

Now they are not in a state of letting each other go. They have reinforcements for each other, just to see who comes first.

Why is the core elite of the War Department of ming'a led by Ming Chang over there? Ming Yue Liuhua has an invincible belief in the War Department of ming'a. as long as Ming Chang comes, the other side can't run away.

The March army ant group is the first battle of Kunpeng War Department of black eagle.

, as like as two peas, the Kun Peng is confident that the Kun Peng war training is exactly the same as that of them. They want to go to the small universe, bare handed, fight against Zerg or wild animals, close combat or cold drill instructor of Jingge, and cooperate with them. The overall combat quality may not be lost to the culture of the Hades.

Full fire counter firing is a carnival of ammunition. Today's close-up bayonet fight will make the tragic sequence more profound.Before long, a message came, wat wood and the moon were smiling. Their reinforcements, already outside the space interference zone, are entering the Hongqiao battlefield.

Kunpeng War Department and ming'a War Department.