Science and Technology Library

Chapter 965

Black Hawk gets through the communication from the armed headquarters. The one who appears in the communication shadow frequency is instructor LAN. The Black Hawk is very healthy and meticulous.

Since its establishment, Kunpeng War Department has spent most of its time training in the small universe.

It's hard for the war department to fight with the Zerg or the fierce beasts who are fighting against the unexplored stars in the small universe. But teacher Lan said that it's the only way. All the war departments are trained in this way.

But there is no real fight.

After receiving Lan's contact, Blackhawk had some hopes.

"How was the training?" LAN asked.

"It's done in strict accordance with the plan." Black Hawk replied immediately.

"Well, not bad." LAN nodded slightly and looked at the information: "call the Kunpeng War Department. I'll give you the war."

At the next moment, Blackhawk's eyes are clear and his spirit is clear.

"The message to you is about the battle on the great wall of Sloan. Where is the wat Mu War Department? The strength of the other side has been explored. Maybe next, they will have some reinforcements, not too many, not their best war department. You pull the team over and train. "

Hearing Lan's words, Black Hawk's eyelids jumped.

Take the War Department of God level civilization to practice, the whole universe, is only teacher LAN so crazy?

But the Black Hawk dare not express.

"Yes." Said the Black Hawk in a deep voice.

"Now, pull the line." LAN turns off holographic communication.

Half an hour later, a fleet of ships appeared in the solar system's space connector.

The curvature engine starts, and soon the ship disappears.


The information received by Mingchang diankai, the battlefield situation of Sloan Great Wall, he has a preliminary understanding. Originally, the army of the Sloan Great Wall was broken up, and a marching ant group appeared to obstruct it. This is a change.

It can be determined from the intelligence that the strength of the March ant group is very strong, which makes him a little anxious, even a bad feeling.

The fleets carried by the Ming moon and the flowing flowers are all sharp fleets of the Ming Dynasty civilization, but they are not the fleets of the Ming Arab War Department, and they are not the most advanced ones in strength, but they are definitely not weak.

A force that can fight with their underworld civilization War Department, but they never know about it, this alone makes people uneasy.

There is also a jump, they can reach the Sloan great wall outside the Hongqiao.

I hope the moon and the flowers are all right. I always pray in my heart.

Once there is a problem with the moon, it's hard to imagine the impact on ming'a.


Coming out of the virtual reality network, kariyi sat in her study, her eyes a little dazed.

After she was dismissed, she could only carry out war deduction in virtual reality network, but virtual reality is only simulation, not real war after all. They have different mentality and have no real sense of going to war.

Her dream from childhood was to be an outstanding general star. However, now her wish seems to have failed.

I'm afraid it's going to be such a boring life in the future.

And she knew that, beyond the starry sky, various civilizations were engaged in various wars.

This is supposed to be the golden age of generals. Heroes come from chaotic times. However, as generals, she can only stay in her own home and spend time by playing virtual reality deduction games.


A doorbell rang and a hologram appeared in front of her.

She was sure she didn't know anyone.

"Who are you looking for?" Callie didn't mean to open the door. Instead, she had a little more defense.

"General kariy, we want to talk to you." The tone of the visitor was respectful and obviously meant to show his kindness.

"You are not shepherds. Who is your door?"

"A group that appreciates general caliy's talent." The visitor opened his mouth and said, "general kariyi, this should be the best era for generals. The general's ideal is to live in the battlefield. Are you willing to live in obscurity for the rest of your life? There is no future for herder civilization. "

"Do you want me to betray the shepherd civilization?" Kariyi's tone is very bad. In her life, what she hates most is betrayal.

"The general misunderstood that we didn't let you betray the herdsman civilization. We just hope that you can go to a place where you can complete your ideal and pursuit. We won't oppose the herdsman civilization." Said the visitor.

Kariyi didn't move. "You just want me to go with you in a couple of words?"

"General, don't you want to have your own department? Don't you want to fight other stars in the universe? The leader of the shepherd's city is weak and incompetent. You are here, just burying your talent. "

Hearing her own war department, kariyi's eyes flickered and soon recovered.

She did hope to have a War Department of her own, but the origin of the other side was unknown, so she had to be on guard.

"It's my business. I like my life now." Said Carrie calmly.

"Don't disturb the general for the time being. I will leave the way of communication to the general. If the general changes his mind, we are always welcome. I'm here to assure the general that our forces are definitely not enemies of the herdsman civilization, and will not let the general betray the herdsman civilization. " After the visitor finished speaking, he left the contact information and left kariyi's home.Looking at the contact information left by the other party, kariyi blinked and thought.


The fire is full of the whole Hongqiao, colorful light, filling the whole space, there is no sound from afar, but the color of death is in the center of the light.

Lasers, antimatter bombs, battle armour, warships, space-based weapons, all kinds of equipment, such as fish in the sea, are accompanied by countless pieces in the explosion, which are flying vertically and horizontally, colliding, close combat, long-range shooting and chasing all kinds of states.

Every moment there are war machines smashing in it, debris floating in space, or shooting in other directions.

Among them, the warships of both sides collide most intensely. The light regiments of antimatter bomb explosion submerge the space between warships, and each huge light regiment, just like one small sun, explodes regardless of the enemy or me, engulfs the intelligent machinery in the war.

From the beginning of the battle, they entered the stage of white fever, and they had no way out.


At this time, the Ministry of wood protection all killed red eyes. Once they thought that the divine civilization was invincible. However, after today's meeting, they found that the enemy was not invincible as they thought.

Confidence is formed, and the shackles of the heart are broken. For a while, the Ministry of wood protection is quietly changing.

Every member of the wood protection department is very excited. He has gradually expanded his advantage in fighting against enemy assassins.

Wat wood's eyes have never left the holographic projection of the picture, like the smell of wild wolves.

In terms of the situation, it's good for them.

Their soldiers have been developed with super ability, and they have rich combat experience. Most importantly, they have more weapons and ammunition than each other. As time goes on, their advantages will become greater and greater.

When the battle Department of wood protection was established, it was just a guard group to leave from the system of Lycoris. No one expected that it would grow to this stage.

At the beginning of the war with the divine civilization, the soldiers below were still a little bit uncomfortable and tied up.

They don't compare the variance in combat experience, because there are restrictions on the service time and age of the soldiers in the war department. They have also risen up in the dead mountains and blood sea with bare hands. Neither do they compare the variance in armor and weapon technology.

The difference between the war soldiers of both sides is that in mentality, the divine civilization has been famous for a long time. Their war soldiers have a kind of awe from the deep heart to the divine civilization.

Now there is no awe for the God level civilization War Department, then they will not be afraid again.

Adapt to the battle, their advantages began to highlight.

Even if it's a one-on-one battle, the soldiers can fight with the assassins and soldiers of the other side.

You know, assassins are almost the sharp knives in the War Department, and their personal strength is the strongest.


The moon and the flowers feel pressure.

This is the first time she has met such a strong enemy.

The other side broke her high evaluation time and again, constantly refreshing the upper limit of strength in her heart. This war department, like a powerful fighter, has no fear of any attack.

The strength of the other side is very strong, whether it is single strength or comprehensive strength.

At first, she thought that the other side was just pulling out the best part to bluff them, but as the battle went on, the assassin team was easily dealt with. She soon found that the other side was not pulling out the best team, but every soldier, at this level.

The armour division of a top-ranking army is as good as the soldiers in the elite War Department of their divine civilization. Well trained and experienced in combat, the tactical command of generals is not weak.

What's going on here?

Are forces other than divine civilization so powerful?

Now the fleet's consumption is very serious. Their battle with the Sloan Great Wall consumes part of their weapons. Without supplies, they enter the space interference area of the wormhole. The other side is well prepared. Both sides have the same strength and consume energy to kill them.

Mingyue Liuhua is a little flustered, but she is forcing herself to calm down. At this time, the more flustered she is, the more likely she is to have problems.

Thinking for a long time, the dark moon is shining in the eyes of Liuhua. She wants to see if the other side is really strong, or strong in the outside world.

"Don't get involved with them. Prepare for the full fire."

Command, all warship ammunition and ultra-high energy laser are in preparation.

Only the advanced war robots and soldiers in the battlefield can be seen. They can quickly get out of the battle and leave the front line of the battlefield. The speed is all turned on to the maximum.