Science and Technology Library

Chapter 964

Send the Ming Tea away, Chen Mo returns to the study of the manor alone, opens the holographic computer, enters the network of the earth.

Xiaoyu has already taken a bath. Wearing cool pajamas, he enters the study and sits down beside Chen mo.

Chen Mo can't help but look at her for a few more eyes, and conveniently hold her in his arms and sit.

"How is it? What did he come to you for? "

"Talk about a deal. He has served us for thousands of years. I'll give him a new life."

Xiaoyu relies on Chen's silence and asks curiously, "rebirth?"

"He is a machine life, and consciousness is written into the quantum chip by the underworld civilization. He works for us, and I lead his consciousness to the life body, which is similar to that of Mo Nu at the beginning. "

Chen Mo finishes saying, Xiaoyu is a little surprised.

Other people may be too shocked to speak, but with Chen Mo, she has seen all kinds of strange techniques, so she is just surprised. I didn't expect that it was a robot who defected from the underworld civilization and wrote human consciousness into the machine life of the machine.

Just now, Chen Mo and Mingda talked a lot.

In the chat, Ming Tea revealed a lot of content.

The whole battle Department of Hades is composed of the most top-level robots. It is the consciousness chip of some survivors who are used in the experiment of Hades civilization, but the complete consciousness is not preserved, or becomes a madman, or an idiot, or a violent murderer.

The underworld civilization instills all kinds of fighting skills into those consciousness chips. At the same time, after a lot of killing and training, it trains all the soldiers to command the killing machines.

There is a control unit in the core quantum chip of the Ming Tea, which is convenient for the Ming civilization to control him. He destroys the quantum communication components in the body, and shields the electromagnetic communication of the body with instruments to get rid of the control of the Ming civilization without receiving signals.

So now he can't connect to the universe network like artificial intelligence. He can only get information through external devices.

According to the agreement between Chen Mo and Ming Tea, Ming tea has worked for him for thousands of years, and he helps Ming tea to turn back to life.

For Chen Mo, it's a good deal.

After watching the current situation of the March ant group, Chen Mo shut down the holographic computer.

Now there are two battles at home, the Hongqiao battle of the Sloan Great Wall, and a small-scale encounter battle with the white star civilization. But in LAN's grasp, there is no big problem, so he doesn't have to worry about the March ant group.

"What's next? Take the hell tea back? "

"It's rare for us to go back with him after the Star Festival. It's another 50 years after the event. No one knows what will happen in the future."

Put down the holographic computer in his hand, Chen Mo swept back and forth on Xiaoyu's body, and smiled when his eyes were facing each other.

"It's hard to be under control now. Let's play something else tonight."

Xiaoyu's face is slightly shy, and he gently beats chenmo. Then he feels light and is carried to the bedroom.


"Launch advanced war robots." Mingyue turns her head and orders her adjutant.

The advanced war robots are different from the intelligent machines to consume and die. They are equipped with antimatter core, antimatter weapons and long-range laser weapons. They are quite unmanned battle armour with complete functions.

Because of the high cost of advanced war robots, they will not be mass produced on the same scale as intelligent machines, but in the space battlefield, advanced war robots are the supplement of war division.

As for the specific strength of war robots, it depends on the intelligence level of each civilization. In general, the best war robots of the top civilization are at least equivalent to an intermediate war armour division, while in divine civilization, they generally have the strength of an advanced war armour division.

The war robot pours down. This scene is captured by radar and sent to the headquarters of the wood protection department.

The underworld civilization has the desire to win, and they also have the belief to win.

Take a step back, and then there is the Sloan Great Wall. Although the Sloan Great Wall has little interest in them for the time being, the strategic buffer zone for Pisces and cetaceans is gone. The next goal of the underworld civilization is them.

And LAN instructors layout, they have to take down the great wall of Sloan Hongqiao.

"Two million war violent, galactic surfers and marksmen." Wat wood did not hesitate to order.

The same constant input of war robots, as seen, the dark moon squints, as if thinking.

But Qu Shu in the rear is not calm. He didn't expect that the battle Department of wood protection is so powerful. He thought that the other side was just going to delay the war. Then, when the support from behind the marching ant group came, he continued to consume the Ming culture. He didn't expect to fight with the other side again and again.

Wat wood and his battle, obviously did not do his best, otherwise he would have been difficult to cope with the last time.

There are still some lingering palpitations in Qu Shu's heart.

The collision of war robots is much stronger than the collision of intelligent machines just now.

Antimatter bombs and lasers, raging in space, exploded like thousands of little suns, enveloping the battlefield.

At present, the dark moon and the flowing flowers hide their shock, but they don't show it.They are divine civilization, and the intelligent technology of the Ming and Ti civilization, but they are also famous and powerful in the seven major conferences.

The war robots of the other side are not inferior to them.

What kind of force is the March ant group? Is it a force that has been lurking for a long time and covets the position of divine civilization secretly?

She suddenly remembered the patriarch's promise to him. I'm afraid that the battle for Hongqiao is not only to win the great wall of Sloan, but also Pisces and cetaceans.

"Let the assassins go and mess up their fleet. Second fleet, break away from the team, March to the second quadrant, circle the sixth quadrant of each other, and attack their fleet flanks. Third fleet, go to the sixth quadrant and circle the third quadrant of the other fleet. "


The hologram flashes the shadow frequency that will lead the star, and then turns off. The two fleets separated from the main fleet and flew away from their positions according to the instructions of the moon.

Mingyue Liuhua is serious, with dangerous light in her eyes.

She sensed that I'm afraid this battle is not easy to fight, but she would like to see if the opponent's war machine is powerful and if the tactical command has the strength to match it.

"Boyu, Keshu, you lead the fleet to meet them." Wat wood looked at the flight path of the two fleets and immediately informed the two fleets on the flank.


Muwu Hongqiao.

Gou Yu's face was gloomy. The stars around her didn't look very good.

Ten million intelligent machines, two hundred thousand advanced war robots, and a thousand assassin teams all failed.

The leader of the assassin team, standing in front of Gou Yu with his head down, was a little embarrassed.

The main ship's headquarters, the atmosphere is depressing.

All the stars on the field dare not make a sound. I'm afraid that they will cause gouyu's anger.

For a long time, he took a breath and calmed down. In the whole process just now, they could see clearly, but at least their combat effectiveness was not inferior to that of them.

10 million intelligent machines are just a test to see how much strength each other spends to deal with them.

However, they were soon surprised that the other side almost put in the same intelligent machinery to meet them, and depending on the situation in the battlefield, the other side's intelligent machinery was not inferior to them.

In order to further explore, they chose to send out advanced war robots, this time, they are still surprised. The war robots of marching ant group are no less than them.

The most incredible thing is the thousand assassins. Stealth armour controlled by top class armour division, close to the defense line of the other side. When they really fight, they find that each other's armour division is the same as the top and top soldiers.

Especially in the close combat, the close combat style of these soldiers is brave and strong. They are not inferior to their soldiers at all.

They were shocked by the discovery.

With so many top-level technologies and many divine lives gathered to form the War Department, I'm afraid that only a strong top-level civilization can achieve this.

"I'm very proud of the ability of your assassin team to be defeated by an unknown army." Check your mood and don't forget to knock the generals on the field.

The captain of the assassin team in front of him looks embarrassed and dare not say more.

"It seems that you haven't been fighting for a long time. You are all at ease and relaxed. Starting tomorrow, half the training intensity, let's go down. " Gou said plainly.

The captain of the assassin team, as pardoned, hurriedly backed away.

"Go back to the Cloud City."

Gou Yu ordered the retreat, and when the crowd would be gone, her expression would sink.

The level of the other side's generals is not clear for the time being, but from the technical strength shown by the other side, it is not inferior to them. Although it's only a test, failure always makes people unhappy.

March ant group?

It seems that there are many powerful civilizations in the universe besides them.