Science and Technology Library

Chapter 963

The March ants gave them two days.

After pondering for a long time, Qu Shu, full of sorrow, decided to tell grace and Kongfan about it and listen to their opinions.

However, when he was ready to contact the two, a bad news came first.

The dark moon and the flowing flowers of the Ming culture broke through Hongqiao, and Kongfan and groth were killed by assassins and armour division.

The news came so suddenly that Qu Shu thought he had heard it wrong. However, the scene of defeat and escape from Hongqiao battlefield forced him to believe this terrible fact.

The three great generals of the Sloan great wall are only his own now. The Sloan civilization has no elite to defend the attack of the underworld civilization.

It's over.

Qu Shu was in a trance and almost fainted.

If Hongqiao is broken, then the iron armor of Ming civilization will point directly to the great wall of Shilong.

The two elite battle departments have been sent to Hongqiao. Now they are in a rout. There are almost no war departments that can resist in the great wall of Sloan. The only possibility is to use space weapons to carry the life of the great wall of Sloan and bury them together in space, but not necessarily kill each other.

Intelligent machinery and most weapons are transferred to Hongqiao. Now Qu Shu can't resist the iron armour of Ming civilization.

When Qu Shu contacted the Shilong civilization palace, a thunderbolt came again. The Shilong civilization royal family learned that the first time Hongqiao was broken by the Ming civilization, they took the guard and escaped the Shilong Great Wall in a spaceship.

This news, let Qu Shu brain blast open.


But where can they escape in the present situation of the universe?

The rest of the life of the Sloan great wall can't be transferred, can't it?

Qu Shu laughed at himself.

The voice of wat wood echoed in Qushu's mind. The end of Sloan civilization can only hope to preserve more people.

He did not hesitate to dial a communication number.


Wat wood's sudden breakthrough of the Ming civilization in Hongqiao was also a bit unexpected. According to the schedule, it should take several days to break through.

After receiving Qu Shu's contact, wat Mu did not hesitate to connect.

The other party has made a choice to come to this communication, even if it is forced.

Qu Shu's face was a little tangled, but he finally made up his mind: "the great wall of Shilong is willing to join the March ant group, hoping that adults can save our great wall of Shilong and keep the life inheritance of the great wall of Shilong."

"Why was it suddenly broken?" Wat wood immediately agreed to the other party's terms.

"Kong fan and grace were assassinated." Qu Shu is almost desperate. He is not sure whether the marching ant group is willing to rescue them. If not, they can only escape hundreds of millions of lives.

Wat should understand.

They had to take down the Sloan Great Wall, because it was a star region adjacent to them. The underworld civilization was on the side, and undoubtedly a giant beast was sleeping beside them.

Ming civilization is still in Hongqiao. It will be more troublesome to clean up the rebellious war armour division and let them completely control Hongqiao and enter the great wall of Sloan.

A decision must be made immediately.

"Enter space coordinates, ready to jump."

Chen Bing, the wood protecting department outside the great wall of Shilong, jumps to Hongqiao at full speed.

In front of him, the layout of the hologram is completely displayed, and the battle armor is on him. At this time, wat Mu is like a general who has been in the battlefield for a long time.

This is his first time against the Warring States civilization.

He had long heard that he was not afraid of it, but rather a little excited.

When the battle Department of wood protection appeared in the space of the great wall of Sloan, it attracted the vigilance of Sloan civilization, but wat wood didn't have time to pay attention to these things, and continued to give orders to jump and went straight to Hongqiao.

At the same time, he sent a communication to Qu Shu: "organize your battle armour division in Hongqiao, as well as the important life of the Sloan Great Wall, retreat to Pisces and cetaceans, and give us the battlefield."

Qu Shu was moved.

Wat wood these words, no doubt is to accept them, but also give their people time to evacuate.

Without hesitation, Qu Shu quickly gave orders to evacuate the remaining soldiers in Hongqiao, and ordered the main planets to evacuate the technicians and scientists first.

Qu Shu also led the last battle Department of the great wall of Shilong to the quadrant of Hongqiao.

Wat wood side, also contact the solar system headquarters, so that the headquarters and the Sloan Great Wall of life joint.

At this time, the news of Hongqiao battlefield came back.

"The fleet of hell civilization has entered the main battlefield of the space interference zone. It will take about two hours of light speed to cross the interference zone." Qu Shu shared the information with wat mu.

Now they are committed to the March ant group. Next, he needs to fully cooperate with wat mu, and try to delay the pace of the Ming civilization, so that the people of the Sloan great wall can have time to evacuate.

Looking at Hongqiao on the holographic projection, wat Mu's eyes sparkled with endless war.

The fleet, like a herd of wild animals, approaches its prey.

An hour later, they encountered the main fleet of the underworld civilization in space.……

Yuyue Liuhua is very confident in her own strength. Looking at yuti civilization, she is also the top student of yuti civilization War College. She knows about space war. She can also make the top five in yuti civilization.

She didn't know whether to be happy or sad. The inner part of the underworld civilization was rotten, and the talents had withered, and there was no future to use. All the chiefs promised her to come here this time.

Kongfan and groth were assassinated successfully, and there was no commander in the War Department, so the battlefield naturally collapsed.

Now she has successfully entered Hongqiao. She thought she would successfully enter the great wall of Sloan. Unexpectedly, she met a war department.

"Is this the last war Department of the Great Wall, Qushu War Department?" Mingyue Liuhua is a little surprised to ask his subordinates.

Next to the hands are all surprised, frown tight. Hongqiao was broken. Shouldn't the fleet of Sloan Great Wall escape? Are you still here, dying?

"It's not like Sloan's Great Wall fleet." One of the subordinates saw the clue that the modeling style and painting of the spaceship were not of the Sloan Great Wall.

"Is the fleet following Sloan Great Wall an ally of Sloan Great Wall?"

"Who dares to offend us near the Sloan Great Wall?"

"Ask the way and warn them." Said the moon and the flowers.

This fleet must have something to do with the Sloan Great Wall. They are about to enter the Sloan Great Wall. Now there is an unknown team. Their mood is not very good.

"The other side replied, marching ant group's fleet." The communication soldier adjusts the holographic image to the front of the moon.

Wat wood in the picture.

At this time, wat wood looked at the moon and the flowers in the dark. He didn't have any polite expression for the other side's life.

"What do you mean?" Mingyue Liuhua is not good at asking.

"I should ask you, what do you mean? Why did we invade the great wall of Sloan Wat Mu's eyes burst out with a sense of war. He was not afraid of the questions of the moon and the flowers, but went back.

As soon as this word comes out, the expression of the moon and the flowers looks ugly.

"This is the grudge between our underworld civilization and the Sloan Great Wall. It seems that it has nothing to do with the marching ant group, right?"

Mingyue Liuhua specially added four words of "mingti civilization" to remind wat Mu that they are the fleet of mingti civilization. With the name of divine civilization, the other side will have some fear, however, she is doomed to disappointment.

"I'm sorry that the great wall of Sloan has been attached to us. The great wall of Sloan belongs to us, and this Hongqiao belongs to us. Now please step back. We can let it go."

As soon as wat wood's words came out, the generals of the Ming civilization fleet were all laughed. When will their underworld civilization be blamed by others? This is red. Naked. Naked contempt, they have never been so despised.

"Good courage, I hope you are so brave in the battlefield." Mingyue rushes back to smile: "let you know, offend my mingti civilization."

The ghost civilization has just returned to the intelligent machinery of warships, pouring into space, and war robots and soldiers are pouring into space.

On the other hand, the war robots and war armour division of the Ministry of wood protection are also constantly put into space.

When space encounters war, what is tested is the weapons and armour of both sides, and the complete positive strength.

In this regard, as one of the seven God level civilizations, they have never been afraid of any civilization. As a marching ant group with numerous technologies and long dormancy, it seems not to be afraid.

The distance of tens of thousands of kilometers is not too long under the high-speed war machine.

For a long time, the two warring departments actually collided.

The flames of the explosion began to occupy the battlefield of Hongqiao.


There is no sound in space, but intelligent machines can receive dull abnormal sound.

The short pulse laser weapon with blue fluorescence at the sharp edge can easily cut open the shell of intelligent machinery, directly penetrate the core and tear into pieces instantly.

It is common for both sides to see the tragic battlefield.

But the faces of the generals in the underworld civilization have changed a little.

In their fight with Sloan Great Wall, the intelligent machines used by Sloan Great Wall for consumption are not so powerful. Now the intelligent machines of each other in space can match their intelligent machines.

The people of the underworld civilization will ask themselves, among the seven divine civilizations, even if their robot technology is not the top level, they can also enter the top three.

Now they are playing equally well with a top-level force that has suddenly emerged. They are still slightly inferior, and some are inconceivable.

The wreckage floats in space, and the light on the intelligent machinery fades.

During this period, the Ministry of wood protection has completed the deployment of combat readiness Defense. The soldiers are scattered in space and ready to go. If there is an order, they will go to the point of the sword.

Mingyue Liuhua looks a little heavy. She can't turn her eyes to the battlefield. She has a dangerous smell.

This war department should not be underestimated.

The war machines from deployment to the front are extremely fast, which is essentially different from the War Department of the Sloan Great Wall.The other side didn't mean to be afraid because they were divine civilization.

A tough opponent.