Science and Technology Library

Chapter 962

Ming Da'an sat on his seat and looked at the news of the universe news platform motionless. Shen Wei gave him tea, but wet his lips and didn't take a drink.

The divine guard who greeted him looked at each other, but it was not easy to disturb him.

See Xiaoyu come out, Ming Tea's eyes just stay on her for a while, continue to quietly watch the news, no meaning of talking and communication.

"I just informed my husband that he was on his way back." Xiaoyu said.

"Thank you." Ming Tea nodded politely, still without any emotion.

Xiaoyu doesn't know how to communicate with each other. She can only sit on the seat. She can feel whether there is malice or not, but she doesn't feel malice from Mingda.

The two divine guards guard Xiaoyu against the attack of Ming Tea.

In the hall, there was only the sound of news.

The news is all about the news about the Star Festival, the civilization that came to participate in the Star Festival this year, and the process of the Star Festival.

All of a sudden, the news picture jumped, and an urgent live broadcast appeared on the screen.

"Just received the latest major news, this Taiwan news, the dark forest civilization Dinan Ye launched a coup, hijacked the dark forest star, and declared the crime of Dinan Milo, the current patriarch of the dark forest civilization. Later, the dark forest civilization military announced the illegal behavior of dinangye, and now the two sides are fighting. "

Dark forest civilization coup?

Sitting on the sofa, the Ming Tea just recovers in a flash, as if nothing happened.

This news makes Xiaoyu unbelievable.

A coup in a divine civilization? So the dark forest area must be in chaos, which undoubtedly gives a lot of oil to the chaos of the universe.


The manor is in front of us. Chen Mo's armour lands on the platform of the manor and goes straight into the manor.

He is a little curious. Xiaoyu is in a hurry to let him come back.

Just entering the door, I saw the Ming Tea sitting on the sofa, with a puzzled face.


"This is?" Asked Chen Mo in doubt.

"He came to you." Xiaoyu hands Chen Mo a piece of information, which is the information of Ming Tea.

"Look for me?"

Chen Mo scanned the eye data and soon found the key words in it.

The top general star who defected from the Ming style civilization

Ming Tea saw Chen Mo appear, got up from the sofa, looked at Chen Mo expressively, and after a while said: "my name is Ming Tea."

"Hello, please take a seat."

Chen Mo also looks at the Ming Tea. The top generals who defected from the Ming culture came to him. Even if he thought again, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"I want to talk to you alone." Said the dark tea without expression.

Xiaoyu looks at Chen Mo and asks Shenwei to leave. She turns around and leaves.

In the hall, only Chen Mo and Ming Tea are left.

"Say it." Chen Mo said.

"I want to make a deal with you." There is no mood fluctuation in the voice of the Ming Tea, as if it is telling an unimportant thing.

"What deal."

"I've worked for you for a thousand years, and you promised me a condition."

As soon as he said this, Chen was in the same spot.

Ming tea to join him? This is a very important thing. If you think about it, let the underworld civilization know. I'm afraid that they will become the enemy of the underworld civilization. Frankly speaking, it's a big problem now.

The exchange condition is a kind of technology.

The last thing he needs now is technology.

"How are you sure I'll take you in?" Chen Mo shakes the information in his hand: "you are a big trouble now."

"I chose you. I bet. Dare you bet once?" Ming Tea looks at Chen Mo directly.

The atmosphere in the Hall fell into silence.

Chen Mo put the information on the table: "say, what are your conditions?"

When he said this, Chen Mo made a choice.

A top general adds a ready-made top war department for a big trouble. Anyway, he has offended enough God level civilization, such as white star civilization, thunder god civilization, crape myrtle civilization, dark forest civilization, and the black pupil civilization, which has revealed its vigilance to him. God level civilization has offended him once, and now he doesn't mind another hell level civilization.

What's more, the news he got is that they are about to face the underworld civilization in the great wall of Sloan. The hatred between them is inevitable.

"Help me with a technology." Ming Tea said.

They are all smart people. They know each other's meaning in a word.

Chen Mo is surprised that a top leader of divine civilization defected and came to find him to study technology in exchange.

"What technology?"

The ghost slowly extended its left hand, then grabbed the skin and pulled it. The skeleton of the machine was exposed to the air.

Chen Mo's pupil shrank.


He could not have guessed that one of the top stars of the underworld civilization was a robot. Has the intelligence of the underworld civilization reached this level?"My predecessor was a humanoid. In order to study the technology of immortality, the underworld civilization experimented with life. Let the fear value of life be the maximum, then kill the experimental body at that moment, and input the consciousness of life into the quantum chip.

For this technology, the Styx civilization has killed countless lives in the laboratory and made them die in fear. I am one of the luckiest ones. I have retained my complete consciousness and successfully entered the quantum chip. It's the only successful life. "

Ming Tea opens to explain, the voice with crazy hatred and chill.

Even if the underworld civilization brainwashed him for hundreds of years, the scene of the original laboratory, he still clearly engraved in his mind.

At the beginning, he did not dare to show hatred in the underworld civilization. He could only pretend that nothing happened, let the underworld civilization believe that he had forgotten, and finally find a chance to escape the underworld civilization.

Having seen various technologies, Chen Mo was surprised by the technology, but not shocked.

"How do you feel?"

"No temperature, no perception, no feeling, like being trapped in a dream, all things are digital synthesis in front of my eyes." "I want to make a real life again, even if the life is limited," said the dark tea coldly. This kind of technology, only the top level civilization and God level civilization can hope to study out. "

"Why not choose the divine civilization? Their technology is very strong, and they are likely to accept you. They are not afraid of the underworld civilization. "

"I didn't like those divine civilizations, so I chose you to gamble once." The sound of Ming tea is still cold.

Chen Mo and Ming Da look at each other.

All of a sudden, he admired the Ming Tea. He spent hundreds of years in the digital space without temperature and perception.

Ordinary people must have gone mad, and Mingda not only keeps a calm and sober mind, but also suffers under his enemy's hands to become a top general star, which shows how strong his will and endurance are.

"You bet right. I have the technology to export quantum consciousness to the living brain." Chen Mo said.

Ming tea is frozen in place.


In a short time, the news of the coup in Dinan of dark forest civilization spread throughout the universe alliance.

The reorganization of the divine civilization will affect the dark forest region, as well as the star region bordering the dark forest civilization. In addition to the influence of the current cosmic war, it can be said that this is the biggest event after the Hongqiao upheaval.

It is clear to the outside world that in the eyes of the internal struggle of dark forest civilization, however, it is a taboo to seize power in any civilization.

If the dark forest civilization is not handled well, it may fall apart in a short time.

At that time, the strength of dark forest civilization will be greatly weakened.

Some powerful top civilizations see signs of replacing them. As long as the dark forest civilization declines, they may replace the seventh largest dark forest civilization.

The coup took the limelight of the Star Festival.

The figure of dinamino who left in a hurry at the feast of the Mu's Tianxing family was also put into the universe forum, causing countless discussions and forwarding of life.

Many public opinions are analyzing the coup. More people think that the internal contradictions of the dark forest civilization have existed for a long time, and the division seems to have become a foregone conclusion.


Check the status of Hongqiao on the screen. Now the space fleet is only one light-year away from Hongqiao. A simple jump can get close to Hongqiao.

But in the past, it's the identification lock-in period of each other. If they approach without notice, they can be regarded as intruders.

The space in Hongqiao is blocked, so it is impossible to jump to the other end of Hongqiao.

At first, she thought that the marching ant group was just an ordinary big power group, but now she had to change her mind.

Space jammer, space interferometer, these space blocking technologies are all complete. Obviously, it is not so simple as an ordinary big power, but more like a powerful top-level civilization.

"Sir, it's on."

The communication officer turns on the communication shadow frequency and jumps out a holographic picture. The characters in the picture are the stationed troops of Hongqiao and the communication officer of the battle Department of Haiwang.

"I am the hook of white star civilization. Please speak to your principal." Said Gou.

As soon as the words fall, Wang Hai appears in the holographic shadow frequency.

"I'm Wang Hai of marching ant group. What can I do for you?" Wang Haishen asked calmly.

White star civilization. This unknown War Department is the War Department of white star civilization. It is the first one in the March ant group to contact the God level civilization War Department.

He dare not look down on the War Department of divine civilization.

It's not the first time he's heard of the power of divine civilization.

"We need to pass by Hongqiao. I hope you can come down easily." Said Gou.

"Sorry, our Hongqiao is not open to the public." Wang Hai said.

"Your Excellency, don't you want to make it convenient for our white star civilization?" Gou Yu looks unhappy and moves out the white star civilization.

Where is she going? Those civilizations are not respectful. This is the first time that they have been rejected by the way."Hongqiao is closed. You can take a detour." Wang Hai was unmoved.

Even if the other side is a white star civilization, but the military order is there, he can't open the way to anyone, otherwise, once there is an accident, he can't explain.

Gou Yu's face flickered. From the reply tone of the other party, she was sure that the other party was not afraid of the War Department of their divine civilization.

Is it pretense? Or is there really the power to reject them?

Hook eyes narrowed into a gap: "so, then we have to offend."

She decided to test each other's strength.