Science and Technology Library

Chapter 961

"Ming Tea."

Xiaoyu retrieved the information system of the March ant group, and soon found the information about the Ming Tea.

The life of the underworld civilization.

Xiaoyu is sure that there is no intersection between the marching ant group and the people of the underworld civilization.

Soon, Xiaoyu's eyes were fixed on one line of words.

Defectors of the underworld civilization.

Hesitation, Xiaoyu directly contacts LAN.

"Madam, what can I do for you?" LAN is a little surprised at Xiaoyu's connection: "is the boss in need of help?"

"No, he went to the banquet of the Mu's Tianxing family. Just now, there was a life. His name was Ming Tea. I checked the defector of Ming style civilization."

Xiaoyu sends the image of Ming tea to LAN.

Seeing Ming Tea, LAN's eyes are full of pure light, and his body is straight unconsciously.

"Where is he now?" LAN asked.

"I asked him to come in, right at the manor where we are staying. He said that he would wait for my husband to come back. He would like to talk to him about something important. I asked. He said he would tell his husband by mouth. Shenwei is entertaining him, so I left under an excuse. " Xiaoyu said.

"Madam, you should inform the boss to come back at once. The value of Ming tea is more important than that boring party. " Lan said cautiously.


Hang up, LAN calls up the information of Ming Tea.

This is the information found by the intelligence department. The Ming Tea defected and finally disappeared in a very special place, in Hongqiao, the great wall of Sloan.

At the beginning, Hongqiao was controlled by Ming civilization, and Ming Tea defection was controlled by Shilong civilization.

Ming tea has always been called fierce Dao by Ming culture. It has been restricted from going out. I'm sure I don't know Chen mo. now I'm looking for Chen mo. I'm afraid there's an article in it.

As far as he knows, there is also the best War Department of Ming culture, the War Department of Ming Tea.

During Lan's thinking, a prompt sound appeared on the screen, and a hundred thousand urgent messages appeared on the screen.

Seeing the news, LAN looks like a chicken.


On the table not far away from table 1, there are ten lives sitting around. On them, there is a special sign. The life on the banquet table around them is no stranger to the signs on them.

The sign of tianxingbei earth safety department.

Although the Security Department of tianxingbeidi is subordinate to the space alliance security department, it is independent of the security department and not completely subordinate.

Therefore, the safety of Tianxing monument is under the control of the independent security agency.

And the director of the security department, sitting at this table, is a strong middle-aged life, metal silver skin, black short hair humanoid, wearing a stiff uniform.

Gallo, this middle-aged life has a legendary experience.

He used to be an ordinary Constable of the star security agency, but when patrolling the forest of celestial steles, he had no intention of being central and successfully evolved.

After that, his strength greatly increased. In a spaceship hijacking incident in tianxingbeidi, he went to the meeting alone to negotiate with the bandits, and finally the negotiation collapsed. He killed 50 bandits hijacking the spaceship, each of them was a senior war division, the eldest of the bandits alive, saving 300000 lives.

Since then, Gallo's strength has made rapid progress, and his life is just like opening and hanging.

And the one that really laid his foundation was that a war armour master destroyed the ancestral planet of a noble in tianxingbei. Gallo killed the war armour master in the battle with the tyrannical war armour master, and since then he has become a powerful name.

After being in charge of the independent security department of Tianxing monument, no matter which aristocrat dares to violate the laws of Tianxing monument, they will all be treated with selflessness.

When gailuo was just in power, some famous nobles in tianxingbei wanted to challenge his majesty. At last, gailuo went to the ancestral place of the nobles, seized the patriarch of the nobles, and after public interrogation on the whole platform of tianxingbei, tianxingbei was in a uproar.

Since then, Gallo has also become the object of fear of the nobles.

Under Gallo's strong security management, such as the order of today's star monument, it is the best in nearly 100000 years.

No one dared to provoke the Iron-blooded man in the heaven, the stars and the earth.

As the director of the independent security department of Tianxing monument, Gallo is naturally included in the invitation list, and even part of the security during the banquet is provided by the independent security department.

At this time Gallo sat quietly on the table watching the program.

"Is there no problem with table 1?" an assistant next to him pays attention to table 1 from time to time to see the atmosphere. He is afraid of fighting at table 1.

No one at table 1 can afford to be provoked. If they really fight, the position of their security department will become awkward.

"Don't worry, their identity is there, they may use means in private, but they will never lift the table in such a public place, otherwise, they will be useless to sit in this position." Gallo said quietly.

He didn't worry about table one. In fact, table one was the safest.

Those people in the field can fight, but it's impossible to lift the table. When they get to their position, it's just a shame to lift the table on this occasion."Super power development technology, if it becomes the stone Ganxing here, it will be a big trouble."

"What does the boss think?"

All of you look at Gallo.

"Put your heart in your stomach." Gallo said.

The celestial steles and the earth are different from those of the Lycoris system, which is just a galaxy and easy to block.

There are hundreds of millions of light-years in the whole sky, stars and monuments, which are inaccessible to space weapons. Once close to it, it will be detected that there will be no situation in the system unless hundreds of millions of light-years of space can be blocked at the same time.

But even a divine civilization can't block space spanning hundreds of millions of light-years at the same time.

If there is a threat here, the top life and the top civilizations will not hesitate to take a spaceship to jump away, and no one can lock them, so trying to block them is just doing idle work.

"What is the sanctity of Chen Mo?" Another top policeman on the desk muttered, "never heard of it before."

"The universe is so big, there are so many lives and so many capable people. You haven't heard too much. It's nothing strange." Said the policeman by his side.

At the banquet site of Mu's Tianxing family, the topic of Chen Mo's super ability development technology has spread.

But the No. 1 table in the center of the topic is extremely harmonious at this time.

After Chen Mo publicly refused, no one talked about the deal. Tong Qing is also leisurely watching the performance of the banquet, and occasionally discuss the highlights with Hu Bingxin.

Chen Mo sat in his seat like a stranger, watching the performance on the stage, occasionally chatting with the dragon fish Princess beside him. In the as like as two peas, the

and the dragon fish, Chen Mu confirmed the existence of mermaid, the mermaid is the ruler of mermaid, and is exactly the same as the imagination.

"Brother Chen Mo, what are you going to do after this grand meeting? I'm afraid you'll have a lot of trouble next. " Sitting beside Chen Mo, the tea cloud said.

"It's no use worrying when soldiers come to cover up the water." Chen Mo said lightly.

"You can see it." Tea cloud says with a smile.

"What else can I do?"

"That's right, too." The tea cloud starts to drink alcohol and touches Chen mo.

Suddenly, Chen Mo and Shuiling feel something. They look at a life coming towards Table 1. Tea cloud also looks at them in confusion.

Looking at the appearance and uniform mark of the past life, it is a dark forest civilization.

"What's the matter?" "Tea cloud asked.

Water Ling look dignified: "there are major events."


Chen Mo agrees with the nod. He doesn't know why, so he has a premonition. I'm afraid this life is coming, and what he has to say is not small.

I saw the life in a hurry, stopped beside dinamino and whispered in his ear. At the next moment, dinamino's face changed a lot. He got up immediately and left without even a shout.

Something happened.

Chen Mo looks at Dinan Milo's back. It's almost certain that the dark forest civilization has made a big deal.

He takes a deep look at Chen Mo and immediately asks his assistant to ask the intelligence department.

Several other people at table 1 saw this scene in their eyes. Needless to say, their assistants contacted their intelligence departments to send the latest information.

"My Lord, something happened to the dark forest civilization." Tara murmured in mydriatic life.

"Madam, just now, dinamino's younger brother dinamino launched a coup, hijacked the whole dark forest star, announced the abolition of dinamino's status, and was seizing power." Lion dusk hands the information to Fox Bingxin.

as like as two peas, the other received information.

Dinanye launched a coup and is seizing the power of dark forest civilization.

The civil war of dark forest civilization began.

This is the first time in a divine civilization.

Several people on the table looked at each other.

The inner struggle of dark forest civilization is serious, and the comprehensive strength in the seven God level civilizations basically belongs to the bottom. However, the dark forest civilization has never seen such a thing as usurping power. I didn't expect it to happen this time.

When dinamino left the dark forest civilization and arrived at the Tianxing monument, a coup was launched, and the protagonist was dinamino's younger brother.

There is no sign of this.

Dark forest civilization is over.

This is the voice of all life on the field.

Whether or not the coup in dinanye is successful, the strength of dark forest civilization will be greatly weakened. In the chaos of the universe, there is a great possibility that the dark forest civilization will fall apart.

"More chaos." Tea cloud sighed.

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

Chen Mo's communication instrument rings, interrupts their conversation, sees Xiaoyu's communication number, and immediately connects.

"Husband, you don't have anything particularly important at the party now?"

"No, what's the matter?"

"Come back."

"OK, I'll go back now."After hanging up the communication, tea cloud doubts to see: "Chen Mo's brother also has a big event?"

"You're right. My wife is looking for me. There's nothing bigger than this. Otherwise, the end of the world will come." Chen Mo said.

"That's right, too." Tea cloud laughs.

Chen Mo holds up his glass and touches the dragon fish princess.

"Princess Longyu, if you have the chance to play in my hometown, you will certainly be greatly sought after. In our hometown, mermaid is the synonym of beauty, gentleness and kindness. "

"Yes, Mr. Chen Mo," said the dragon fish with a smile