Science and Technology Library

Chapter 960

Princess Longyu opens her mouth and looks at Chen Mo strangely.

She even suspected that Chen Mo had said something wrong for a while, but she was sure that she was sober and Chen Mo was right.

She didn't expect Chen Mo to refuse the trade of five divine civilizations, including the actual masters of such divine civilizations as Tong Qing, thunder and Hu Bingxin.

What kind of person is the one who has the courage to refuse the transaction request of divine civilization.

Princess Longyu is now curious about Chen Mo's real identity.

God level civilization stands at the top of the universe civilization. Almost every god level civilization has the ability to easily destroy the supercluster.

Princess Longyu has never seen it. She has the power to disobey the God level civilization. But she saw today that a young humanoid is too young.

The table is in a stalemate, but the dragon fish sees that Chen Mo is sitting in his position, drinking drinks and enjoying the program like nobody else. Now the wonderful performance at the banquet has become dull in the eyes of Princess Longyu. She only hopes that the banquet will be over soon so that she can leave the right and wrong place.

Several other people on the table looked different, and they were all uncertain.

Chen Mo did not hesitate to refuse, so that they began to ponder.

"Since the Chen Mo brothers don't want to sell, we can't force it." Tong Qing opens his mouth quietly and breaks the general's words just now. It seems that his words are not as light as before: "that's the end of the topic. Let's talk about something else."

Everyone took a deep look at the pupil.

Tong Qing is not cruel.

At the time of the gathering of the top civilizations in the whole universe, the news of Chen Mo's super power development technology was released. Now all civilizations in the whole universe know that Chen Mo has super power development technology.

It's OK at the party now, but Chen Mo will not be peaceful in the future, or even face endless troubles.

Even though he may be facing a huge threat, Chen Mo is as calm as ever. It seems that the dialogue just now hasn't happened to him. This has to make several people on the table admire Chen Mo's calm.

They don't know whether Chen Mo has the ability to face the coming trouble or whether he is angry and doesn't express it.

"Chen Mo brothers, what do you think of the current situation in the universe?" Tong Qing then asked.

"Why does Mr. Tong Qing ask me anything? Do you seem to care about me as a nobody? " Chen Mo looks at Tong Qing and asks.

The pupil blue black eye a congeals, looks at with Chen mo.

The two men are tit for tat in their momentum, and no one loses. The atmosphere on the table froze for a moment, and the others wanted to watch the program at the party as if nothing had happened to them.

All of a sudden, Tong Qingha laughed, and the solidified atmosphere disappeared: "Chen Mo's brother joked, and I only made Chen Mo's brother a friend and communicated."

"I can't afford Mr. Tong Qing's communication."


Space is the battlefield, and the stars are the battlefield. The tragic pictures are waving the blueprint of the great wall space at this time.

The tragic situation in front of him made Qu Shumu want to split.

They were attacked, by an unknown Department of war.

It's the most difficult time for the opponent to take the shot, and the target of the attack also makes them collapse.

This unidentified War Department suddenly appeared and jumped to all parts of the Sloan Great Wall, which caught them by surprise. When he mobilized his forces to clear up, the other side seized the gap of insufficient forces, quickly destroyed the main star bases of four important galaxies, controlled the jumping channel, and caught them by surprise.

When they returned to support them, the other side quickly fled and attacked their targets in other galaxies. Radar systems in key galaxies have been destroyed, and supply galaxies have also been attacked.

Obviously, there is a premeditated action.

He began to suspect that the other side was the War Department of the underworld civilization, but after the fight, Qu Shu rejected the idea. The war department they are fighting with, whether it's combat style or armor, is not an underworld civilization.

"General, our adversary has been determined, the March ant group of Pisces and cetaceans."

All of a sudden, a piece of information came to his ears, and Qu Shu's face changed in an instant, which was unbelievable.

What's against them is the marching ant group?

March ant group, a newly emerging force, conquered Pisces and Cetacea soon after its emergence. Not long ago, it almost destroyed the herdsman civilization, occupied the Hongqiao of Muwu, and made the cowardly City Lord of the herdsman civilization pay compensation.

He didn't expect that the other side would stare at them so soon.

However, no matter what they think, they will not deal with them for no reason.

The poodle of the underworld civilization?

Or the villain who fell down?

Qu Shu's face is extremely ugly.

Either way, they are in a very bad situation.

Hongqiao's front line was under pressure. Only by means of a steady stream of space-based weapons and war machines could it barely resist the attack of the Ming civilization. They all know that this situation will not last long.

Now that the other side destroys their rear, the breakdown will accelerate.Their main forces are dealing with the Ming civilization, and their rear forces are weak. Once they lose here, Hongqiao will be defeated in an instant.

Obviously, the situation of the great wall of Sloan has reached a critical age.

"Contact the other person's general." Qu Shu had a dignified look.

Wat wood analyzed the progress of the war. They didn't want to fight in this encounter, but they were forced into it by the other side, so they had to fight.

His plan is to destroy each other's supply planet, make each other tired and drag them into his rhythm, but the commander of each other seems to see through their intention and forcibly pull them into the battle.

But they are not afraid to fight head-on.

Wat Mu battle department is the earliest battle Department of the March ant group. During the period of exploiting the small universe, they have experienced countless battles, and their combat effectiveness is absolutely superior in the March ant group. Moreover, they are all capable people.

Face to face combat can speed up the pace of war.

The interstellar space is far away, but the pace of war is very fast. Because a spaceship can jump to the galaxy it wants to go to, this kind of battle is changing rapidly.

Eliminating living forces is a way to speed up the pace of war.

He checked that, the three generals of Sloan and the two dealt with the Ming civilization in Hongqiao, and there was only one war department in the rear ready to support them.

All of a sudden, the battle on the front line weakened, leaving Wat in a daze. When he was confused, news came from the front line.

The other person's owner will want to talk to him.

Here we are!

Wat wood showed a smile and let the soldiers through.

Qu Shu's holographic face appeared in front of his eyes.

"Friend, we don't seem to have a festival with the marching ant group. Why attack us?" Qu Shu asked in a calm voice.

"As the general, don't you think it's naive?" Wat wood was motionless and asked.

"I know there is no reason for war, but what's the good for you to attack us at this node? Do you cooperate with the underworld civilization to attack us? Is such a large marching ant group a running dog of others? "

"On the contrary, we are fighting against the underworld civilization."

"We can join hands to fight against the underworld civilization, and we are very welcome. Even when it is over, we will thank our friends again. Why do our friends do the opposite? You are helping the underworld civilization. " Qu Shu's face was full of unbelief.

"We also want Hongqiao." "We don't want to wait for the Ming civilization to occupy Hongqiao and enter the Sloan Great Wall. Then we will pay more," wat said

Hearing this, Qu Shu understood it thoroughly.

"Friend, do you think you can resist the attack of the underworld civilization?" Judging from the fight with the other side, Qu Shu determined that the strength of the other side was very strong, but he did not think that such strength could withstand the elite battle Department of the Ming civilization.

"You don't need to care if we can't block it, but I'm sure you can't block the underworld civilization whether we participate or not." "Now you have two choices," he said. "You can either come down to us and be part of us. We will take over Hongqiao to deal with the Ming civilization. Or we can conquer the Sloan Great Wall first, and then deal with the underworld civilization. "

"Friend, this is a fall from the grave. Do you think we will surrender to you in this way?" There is infinite anger in Qu Shu's tone.

"Surrender to us. You can keep the fire of Sloan civilization and become a part of us. If you let the underworld civilization occupy you, you will either die and destroy your species, or you will roam the universe with the remnant of your people and soldiers. You know the means of the underworld civilization, they will not take you in. And now in the universe, do you think the rest of the universe will be peaceful? "

Qu Shu's face was ugly.

He knew in his heart that watham was right. But not to the last moment, they do not want to give up.

"I'm leaving now. I'll give you two days to think about it. Two days later, if you don't surrender, we will attack the great wall and Hongqiao. As for the life and death of your Sloan people, it will have nothing to do with us. We don't want the underworld civilization to completely control Hongqiao. "


Edge cloud space, has been staring at the star chart hook, the mood is not very good.

They sent 12 detection teams to Muwu Hongqiao, without exception, all of them were destroyed. The strength of the other side is very strong, and the control of Muwu Hongqiao is also very strong.

The detection team was destroyed, but some information was also returned.

A space interferometer is installed around Hongqiao.

The technology of space interferometer can only be mastered by some powerful top civilizations. It's a surprise that the March ant group suddenly came out to master it.

"What can I do next, my lord?" Asked the adjutant by his side.

Gou thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, "go to meet this marching ant group and see what it is."