Science and Technology Library

Chapter 959

Ming Tea looks at the manor ahead. Without hesitation, Zhan Jia flies slowly. As he approached the manor, he was stopped by two divine guards.

"What can I do for you?" A Shenwei asked calmly.

The two divine guards watch the Ming Tea on guard.

They all know that they dare not relax in the eventful autumn.

Once something goes wrong, none of them can afford it.

"I'm looking for Chen mo." Said the dark tea coldly.

The two divine guards looked at each other and were on guard.

"I didn't mean to make a deal with him."

"I'm sorry, but we Wang is not here now." The two divine guards are not sure about the identity of the Ming Tea. They look up and down at it.

"I can wait for him to come back." The sound of the Ming tea has no feeling. It's like a cold robot. In a sense, it's a robot.

"What's your name? Where are you from? Let's report it. "

"Ming Tea, no power."

"Just a moment."

One of the Shenwei immediately contacted Xiaoyu in the manor. Now the king of God is not there. Only the queen of God can make the decision. If the other side is a distinguished guest and they refuse, it will cause trouble.

Xiaoyu was confused when he got in touch.

Ming tea?

She has never heard of the name, nor has she heard of Chen mo. it is unlikely that she is a familiar friend of Chen mo.

The holographic projection of the Ming tea is in front of her. She is sure that she has never seen this life.

"What can I do for you?" Asked Xiaoyu softly.

Ming Tea looks at Xiaoyu's holographic projection and says, "make a deal."

"What deal?" Xiaoyu asked doubtfully.

"The deal is very important to me. I want to talk to Chen Mo personally." Said the dark tea coldly.

This transaction is not trivial. He gambled his own fate before coming here. Before seeing Chen Mo, he would not talk with any life.

"He's not here."

"May I contact him?"

"He's going to the dinner party of the Mu's Tianxing family. I can't disturb him now." Xiaoyu looks at the Ming Tea and thinks about its purpose. He can't guess. Finally, he says, "if your matter is really important, you can come in and wait for him to come back."

"Yes." Ming Tea nodded slightly.

"Kuxin, Kuyi, please come in." With that, Xiaoyu closes the hologram.

"Sir, according to the rules of our manor, foreign soldiers are not allowed to enter." Kuxin said.

The Ming Tea nodded slightly, separated from the battle armor, and strode into the manor.


Can we sell the super development technology?

The meaning of Tong Qing is very clear, that is, Chen Mo has super power development technology in his hand, which can let life evolve to a higher level. It is a technology that the whole universe is exploring now.

Why is the Shigan Galaxy event a sensation?

It's not because of the trillions of lives killed by the stone Ganxing system, but because of the super power development technology of the evil flame civilization, which leads to the competition of the divine civilization.

Technology coveted by divine civilization, let alone other civilizations.

The news appeared and spread all over the party in a short time.

No more guests focus on the performance of the banquet, and the news of super development technology is much more important than these performances.

Around table 1, all the guests on the banquet table looked at Chen Mo, including three emperors and six kings, as well as other top civilized tycoons and senior officials.

They all know how attractive the technology is.

The dark tide on the field is suffocating, and the vortex in the middle of the dark tide is Chen mo.

In a word, Tong Qing drags Chen Mo into the center of the storm. Denial? At this moment, the denial, the outside world will not believe, appears pale and timid.

In table one, the atmosphere was frozen.

No matter how confused the dragonfish is, he knows the game. He has a long mouth and can't speak for a while. Water Ling and tea cloud look at each other, and see each other's serious shock.

Dinan Milo of dark forest civilization, looking at Chen Mo, his eyes narrowed and the light in his eyes was uncertain.

The worst thing about Ming Qiyu's expression was that he felt that he was in trouble.

He knew Chen Mo's marching ant group, and the patriarch seemed to be thinking of marching ant group, but he didn't know why. Now the position of marching ant group will be exposed. If they want to fight marching ant group, I'm afraid other families will interfere.

The others were calm and didn't seem surprised by the news.

"Chen Mo brothers, how do you feel about this deal? It's up to you. " The pupils are green and smiling.

"What if I say no?" Chen Mo's expression remained unchanged, and asked back.

Everyone knows that it's no longer meaningful to deny at this time, so Chen Mo simply admits. It's only a matter of time before the super ability development technology will be discovered.In the future, after the use of the earth's human beings and the armed forces of the March ant group by the whole people, the news will surely leak out.

In fact, over the years, in order to keep the development technology of superpowers from being leaked, they have strict control over the communication between the soldiers. If the information is scattered, they are much easier in this respect, but may face greater external pressure.

"Everything has a price, super ability to develop technology, and everyone has different degrees of breakthroughs on the field. It will be sooner or later to develop it. Why don't the Chen Mo brothers use this technology to maximize their own interests? The Chen Mo brothers should be a wise man. " Said Tong Qing.

"To maximize my interests? What kind of technology do you have that can replace my superpower development technology? "

After Mr. Chen admitted that he had the ability to develop technology, there was an uproar at the banquet.

Super power development technology is emerging again, and it's on this occasion. Next, Chen Mo will undoubtedly become the focus of the field.


"It's kind of interesting." Emperor Wu took a sip of the wine in the cup and said with great interest.

"You say, will the 7th National Congress fight again, and then come here to copy a war in the system of Lycoris?" Wei Di also asked casually.

"The sky, the stars and the earth are too big to be blocked like the system of Lycoris. If the main star is blocked by force, and there is movement around, it will be found in the first time. By then, it's time to go. " The rain emperor shook his head and looked relaxed.

"I'm afraid Chen Mo can't get out this time." Emperor Wu's mentality of watching a play.

The attention of Chen Mo? They all have this idea after hearing about the super power development technology. It's useless here. Seven divine civilizations are lining up there. They can't even try to do it.

Huaibi is guilty of this kind of situation, not only on earth, it is universal. The greed of life has long been the necessity of this situation.

"The party is becoming more and more interesting."

The other big guys at the dinner table are all like watching a play.

They are not greedy now, because the time is not allowed. If they can contact Chen Mo, they believe that there is no life to restrain the greedy in their hearts.


What technology can exchange the technology of super capacity development?

On table one, several people squinted and thought. In order to impress Chen Mo and let him hand over his technology, there must be conditions for exchange. Otherwise, it's like a hard fight like the stone Ganxing system?

The heaven, the stars and the earth can't confine the space like the stone, once there is anything wrong, Chen Mo will leave without hesitation.

If they want more, they will go to Pisces and Cetacea and attack chenmo. Chen Mo may continue to escape.

"Let's talk about what conditions the Chen Mo brothers want. If they can afford it, they will sell it. Or you can sell us a piece of technology to all civilizations and take all the benefits to the maximum. " Said the thunder.

"Mr. Chen Mo sold us the technology of super power development to the dark forest civilization, and I can also make the decision. Our grudges with Mr. Chen Mo in the shiganxing system will be written off." Dinan Milo, who had not spoken for a long time, spoke, and the orc like voice was a little murky.

"Brother Chen Mo, you should know the civilization of the evil flame in the system of Shi Gan Xing very well." Fox Bingxin has something in it, said smilingly.

"I'm still on that condition." Purple rhyme also cold mouth.

Water Ling and tea cloud didn't talk. They knew that if Chen Mo wanted to sell it to several other companies, they would give the same conditions, and Chen Mo would not refuse. Now it's not very wise to give Chen Mo pressure, and the old prophet told him to make a good deal with Chen mo.

Only a poor dragon fish princess on the table, who is stiff all over at this time, can not walk or stay. She knows that this table is the center of the storm.

"Do you want me to hold an auction? What about the high price? " Chen Mo asked with a smile.

Several people can hear the irony in Chen Mo's words. In those days, the technology of evil flame civilization was snatched by several companies after the auction, and finally ended up killing the family and the species.

"As far as I know, some of you in the Lycoris system should have acquired the technology of demon flame civilization." Chen Mo's face calmed down and smiled: "the technology I have is still comfortable for myself, and I don't like to sell it to others."

As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere on table 1 was quiet and in a stalemate.