Science and Technology Library

Chapter 955

Tea cloud and water Ling appear together, attracting people's attention.

Endless sea appeared, and the tea cloud of Yunzhou civilization. Endless sea needless to say, the guests of many big civilizations in the universe all know that Shuiling has already won over the shadow frequency of the Dark Dragon Prince of the dark forest civilization, which has already spread all over the universe.

And all the guests in the tea cloud are not new. They attract a large group of divine life to follow them, create a top-level civilization, Yunzhou civilization with great courage, and become a hegemon with personal strength, which is also famous among the universe.

Although the age is a little longer than the pupil, but other aspects are not inferior to the pupil. Tong Qing is to inherit the position of the speaker of black pupil civilization, while Da Yun is to create a top civilization step by step with his own hands.

Chen Mo is like a magnet, attracting the attention of many divine civilization.

The three divinity level civilizations, plus the powerful man of tea cloud, all gathered at Chen Mo's place, which also became the focus of the whole audience.

"Long time no see, brother Chen mo." Tea cloud said hello to Chen Mo cheerfully.

"Long time no see, Mr. Chen mo."

Shuiling also politely said hello. Her teacher told her to make friends with Chen mo. although she didn't know the reason, she believed the teacher's ability unconditionally.

"This is Mrs. Fox and Ms. Ziyun. I've heard a lot about them." Tea cloud looks to Fox ice heart and purple rhyme, is also polite to say hello.

At their level of life, what they see is not only love and hatred, but also necessary etiquette for their opponents and partners.

"You are welcome, Mr. Bayun."

Hu Bingxin and Ziyun both respond to him, but Hu Bingxin smiles, and Ziyun is as cool as ever, and doesn't smile to say hello.

"You had a good chat just now. Did we miss anything?" Tea cloud asked with a smile.

"I didn't miss it. We just talked about it."

"Ms. Ziyun wants to make a deal with Mr. Chen Mo, but I'm also interested. Only Mr. Chen Mo won't tell me the content of the deal. If Mr. Ban Yun is interested, you can ask him Hu Bingxin said with a smile.

A flash of tea cloud's eyes, he is also an old hand, and naturally knows the pit in Hu Bingxin's words.

"Chen Mo's brother is not willing to tell his wife about the contents of the transaction, which must be confidential. It's even more inconvenient for me to ask." Tea cloud narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "brother Chen Mo, I'll see you later. How are you these days?"

Tea cloud will turn the topic away, do not want to stay on the original topic.

"Not bad. Everything is going well." Chen Mo said, "it's necessary not to contact my brother during this period."

"Hahaha, understand." Tea cloud sun ran a smile.

Chen Mo has offended several God level civilizations. He is naturally cautious about his whereabouts.

"Mr. Chen Mo, let's go back to the topic." Hu Bingxin interrupts, smiles YingYing and says: "little girl is really curious, sir and crape myrtle civilization trade content, say seriously."

Water Ling and tea cloud both look to Chen Mo and wait for his answer.

Although they say they don't ask, they are still curious. After all, the transaction that can make crape myrtle civilization interested is definitely not common.

Chen Mo was not afraid of it. He said lightly, "didn't you guess just now?"

"It's not a joke, sir, to be serious." Hu Bingxin smiles: "I heard that Mr. Liu has made a deal with Tong Qing and Shi Ganxing. That deal can cause great loss to our white star civilization. Mr. A is a businessman. Naturally, we don't blame him. But if you want to sell something, you can see that there may be some competition and a better price. "

"You asked her if you really guessed it." Chen Mo's face doesn't matter. He points to the purple rhyme beside him.

Ziyun's eyes gave Chen Mo a cold look.

At present, this man is not generally smart. There are many ways to make jokes. Now he pushes the problem back to her.

Thinking of what fox Bingxin said just now, purple eyes flash slightly.

"You guessed it."

Next to the unknown so the tea cloud and water Ling confused, they later, do not know what they just said. Shuiling couldn't help asking, "can you take care of us who just joined us? What did you guess just now?"

"I admire Mr. Chen Mo's talent. As long as Mr. Chen Mo agrees to my terms or joins me in Ziwei civilization, I can marry Mr. Chen mo. obviously, if Mr. Chen has the ability, it is not impossible for him to be the leader of Ziwei in the future. But Mr. Chen Mo never replied to me. "

When this is said, everyone is shocked.

Fortunately, when several divine civilizations come, all the guests around will understand the principle of interest. Otherwise, hearing the condition of purple rhyme, I'm afraid it will stir up a storm.

It's unimaginable to let the core heirs of crape myrtle civilization say such conditions.

In their eyes, this condition is almost the most terrible condition they have ever heard. Bet on the future of crape myrtle civilization, this kind of courage, only the present woman has it.But it's not necessarily the meaning of ZIWEIXING Lord, it may also be the picture cake given by this woman.

Not only water Ling and tea cloud shocked, but also fox Bingxin and lion dusk were inconceivable. They thought it was just a joke, but Ziyun actually admitted it.

Is crape myrtle civilization short of talents?

No way.

Even though Chen Mo has the ability and talent, the crape myrtle civilization is not so urgent.

The only explanation is that Chen Mo has what the crape myrtle civilization urgently needs in his hand, so all of them will tie Chen Mo with this desperate means.

Several people's eyes all look at Chen mo.

"I have a wife." Said Chen with a shrug.

"I can make small ones."

"Cough, cough..."

Chen Mo is choked by Ziyun's words and looks at Ziyun's expressionless face in shock.

Is this woman crazy?

Chen Mo has heard of recklessness, but he has never seen such recklessness.

A heiress of the divine civilization, who makes a little wife for a nobody, is heard by other great civilizations who want to marry the divine civilization, and they may die of anger.

This woman is a little scary.

Chen Mo takes a deep look at Ziyun.

Tea cloud and water Ling face a ghost expression, just a few minutes of chat, their world collapsed.

Shuiling used to just listen to the teacher to make friends with Chen Mo, but she would never be so crazy. Today, Ziyun's words refresh their world outlook.

"Mrs. fox just said, can you give me better conditions than my crape myrtle civilization? Mr. Chen Mo also said that Mrs. Hu is better than me. It's better for Mrs. Hu to marry Mr. Chen Mo and make a small one. I will give you the terms of trade with him. " Purple rhyme cold mouth, voice no mood fluctuations.

The fox Bingxin is still in shock, and her expression is stiff on her face.

She never thought that this cold and independent looking crape myrtle girl was so cruel. She went into the water first and then dragged her down.

As the successor of crape myrtle civilization, it's not a fuel-efficient lamp.

This woman doesn't talk much, but she's worse than anyone.

"Ms. Ziyun is joking. I have never known the contents of your transaction with Mr. Chen mo. May I know the details of the transaction, sir, and let others see whether they are worth the price? " Fox Bingxin smiles and looks at Chen Mo with eyes bent into crescent.

None of these two women is easy to deal with.

Once again, Chen Mo is calm and calm. He will not jump into the pit naturally.

"Just now, Miss Ziyun said that she admires my talent. Madam, can you let her be a little one?" Chen Mo smiles at Bing Xin.

The lion Dusk's face turned black, and Chen Mo's eyes were not good. To him, it was blasphemy to his wife.

Even in the old Jianghu, when he heard Chen Mo's answer, he couldn't help but praise Chen Mo secretly. This speaking skill is very sophisticated, and now it makes Hu Bingxin in a dilemma.

When the fox's eyes flickered and thought about the response language, an inappropriate voice interrupted them.

"It's very lively. Is it convenient for me to join?" Thunder came slowly with a glass of wine and a standard smile on his face: "it's rare for several people to get together and talk about something. Do you mind if I have one more?"

There is a high-level God level civilization. This time, it's thunderbolt, the king of thunderbolt civilization. The youngest king in the history of the Raytheon Dynasty, he is in charge of one of the most powerful civilizations in the universe.

Pay close attention to the guests in secret. They are shocked.

But in the circle of divine civilization, they can't touch it. Naturally, they dare not rush to disturb it.

However, some of the top civilizations that covet God level civilization always pay attention to the movement here.

I didn 't know how to answer Chen mo' s question. When I saw the thunder, my beautiful eyes were bright, and the smile on my face was restored. I looked at the thunder with a smile: "of course, welcome, Mr. thunder. Let me introduce you to Mr. Chen Mo, who was the first to build a space connector to escape from the sky

Chen Mo's eyes narrowed, and he glanced at Bing Xin of the fox. He was motionless, but he was on guard.

The thunder's eyes twinkled.

Tea cloud and water Ling both realize that something is wrong. Fox Bing Xin's sentence is not cruel. Dan's death is indirectly related to Chen Mo's selling space connector to Tong Qing.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little more subtle.

All of a sudden, Thunderclap sun ran a smile, turn open delicate atmosphere.

"I have heard of Mr. Chen Mo's name. As far as I know, the origin of the event was that Mr. Chen Mo accidentally rescued the experimental body escaped from the laboratory by the evil flame civilization. At that time, the battle of the main star of the system of Shi Gan was alarmed. "