Science and Technology Library

Chapter 956

For a while, the scene was turbulent.

A few people on the scene did not have a fuel-efficient lamp. They were all intriguing in their words and lines. As long as one of the answers was wrong, they would pit themselves in.

Even the relatively inexperienced Shuiling also noticed that the atmosphere was not right.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with myself. Shuiling and tea cloud are all watching the opera.

Fox ice heart beautiful eyes slightly flash, eyes sharp awn is covered, face unchanged.

Chen Mo once saved the experimental body of the evil flame civilization, but they didn't find the news. At the beginning, because the experimental body was robbed, their white star civilization fell into a passive position in the competition behind. Originally, they knew the first news about the super power development technology of the evil flame civilization.

Just as she said that Chen Mo had an indirect relationship with Dan's failure, thunder also had a lot of information. Chen Mo caused their failure in shiganxing at the beginning.

Hu Bingxin is in a bad mood at this time, but he can't attack it. At this time, whoever first shows the mood fluctuation will lose.

Despite the fact that the two sides have joined hands in dealing with Raytheon civilization, the real relationship between the two sides will not be an ally, or they will not have such a good fight in the system of Lycoris. The real goal of the two families is to bring down the black pupil civilization.

It's a pity that the appearance of Tong Qing has stabilized the black pupil civilization, and has also realized the transformation and great exchange of blood, which has failed their ideas.

Now, after Hongqiao's convulsion, the universe channel is opened, and there are also Hongqiao connections in the two star regions. When competing for Hongqiao's control power, there has been little friction between the two countries, but there is no comprehensive war.

Now the battle on this occasion is a silent battlefield.

Soon, Hu Bingxin fell into thinking.

If Chen Mo rescues the experimental body, he may have been exposed to that technology in the system of Lycoris, and another possible thing will appear.

The transaction of crape myrtle civilization.

Fox Bingxin has a deep look at Purple rhyme.

On the other side, thunderbolt looked at Chen Mo as if nothing had happened. "I've heard a lot about him, Mr. Chen mo."

"Hello." Chen Mo did not reply coldly.

A brief eye contact, the two staggered, did not form a confrontation, but light.

Thunder and several other people on the field simply said hello.

In a sense, there is an indirect hatred between him and Raytheon civilization. It's like during the war, someone bought a plane from him, then bombed it with weapons transported by plane, and killed each other's relatives.

From a rational point of view, this matter has nothing to do with him, because his "plane" can be bought by anyone, mainly depending on whose price is high and who pays the corresponding money. From the perspective of human nature, Raytheon civilization can regard him as an accomplice to kill Dan.

"Mr. Zhang's demeanor in the forest of heavenly stars and steles is amazing. I hate to meet him very late. If I knew his talent, I should have made friends at that time when I was in the shiganxing system." Thunderbolt said with some regret.

As for whether it is a real regret, there is no way to be sure.

Obviously, several people on the field will not take his regret seriously.

Chen Mo is more or less related to the tragic defeat of thunderobot civilization in the system of Lycoris. For thunderobot, Dan, like his elder brother, can't care nothing. Thunder is not a saint.

"You're welcome." Chen Mo says with a smile.

"What were you talking about just now? So busy? " Thunder naturally moved the subject away from him.

"Mrs. Hu and I are both interested in Mr. Chen Mo's talent. We all want to be Mr. Chen Mo's little wife and let him join our civilization. We just talked about this. Mrs. Hu is thinking about it." Purple rhyme cool said.

Rao is thunder has seen the world. Ziyun's words fall in his ear, and his expression is still frozen.

There's a bit of information.

Fight for a husband or be a little wife?

There are all kinds of civilized life in the universe. There are many wives in male life and countless women in male life, but both of them are the core high-level of divine civilization.

As for lying, it's not like the first time I heard it. I'm obviously prepared.

For a while, thunder also began to see the play.

Although Chen Mo doesn't touch purple rhyme many times, the coolness of this woman is from the heart, and he can feel it every time. But this woman is ruthless, and really desperate.

He is happy to go to the theatre. Although he is the main character, it is none of his business.

None of these two women is easy to deal with.

Hu Bingxin's expression was cold, and soon recovered as usual. He smiled and said: "your trading content is not only about Mr. Chen Mo's talent, is it? How dare I promise such a thing if you don't tell the truth. "

"Ziwei civilization has a deal with Mr. Chen Mo?" When thunderbolt heard this, he immediately became interested in it and interposed: "I wonder if I can hear what Mr. Chen Mo wants to buy or sell? After all, we didn't trade with Mr. Chen Mo in the Shigan system at the beginning and suffered a lot. We can't do the same this time. "

The topic returns to Chen Mo again.

Chen Mo is still calm.

He will immediately become the focus of the field, and then be stared at by numerous top civilizations. It is obviously impossible for him to make the super development technology clear."I didn't say I wanted to buy or sell anything from the beginning to the end." Chen Mo's stall spread out his hands and said with a smile.

This time, several people look at Ziyun.

"I didn't say what to buy either." Purple rhyme cool said.

Several people look at Hu Bingxin.

Fox Bing Xin's eyebrow slightly frowns, soon spreads, the smile on his face does not reduce: "that may be my mistake."

The whole scene is clear.

Will tea cloud and water Ling believe them? Obviously not.

Thunder is more unlikely to believe them.

Maybe there is a deal between crape myrtle civilization and Chen Mo, it's just the content, because Chen Mo doesn't want to sell it, so it's not published.

"I seem to be late."

Just then, a thick voice appeared.

Tong Qing appeared in the meeting, not far away from them, and was coming towards several of them.

On his left side is the life of the Mu's Tianxing family. There are clan costumes, like some highly respected figure of the Mu's Tianxing family. On the right side of Tong Qing is a female life of the black pupil family. His assistant Tara is dressed in a traditional black pupil dress.

The appearance of pupil blue caused a great commotion.

"What's the situation? Are the pupils all gone? "

"What special charm does that man have to attract the most powerful leaders of several civilizations? It's incredible."

"It's a big play."


"Here comes Tong Qing. Who do Mr. Chen Mo know?" Baiyun looks at chenmo's side and asks what Jingge is curiously.

However, jingo still didn't answer his questions.

Beside Jingge, Baiyun is the one who speaks actively. She seems to know that Jingge doesn't like talking very much.

"Several representatives of divine civilization are all great figures. Mr. Chen Mo will be ok?" Baiyun can't help worrying. Chen Mo is also with Jingge.

"He's fine." Jingge said quietly with a glance.

"You are willing to talk at last, hehe." Baiyun was immediately surprised.

Among the onlookers, countless gossip began to be discussed in a low voice.

Today's overlord of the universe, Tong Qing is worthy of the strongest, not only personal force, but also courage, mind, vision and strategy, are extremely excellent, no one can come out of their right.

Even if thunder beats the former speaker of black pupil civilization, he still loses a lot compared with Tong Qing.

In charge of the black pupil civilization, and let the black pupil civilization complete the transformation and centralization in a short period of time, and abolish the lifeless black pupil parliament, which is under the control of aristocrats and large families, and change the legal system of the black pupil civilization, which has been passed on for millions of years. This courage is not shared by everyone.

In today's turbulent times, except for a few divine civilizations, no other civilization dares to provoke the black pupil civilization.

In the battle of shiganxing system, it is widely speculated, including killing Dan, using military weapons without permission, and being sent to black hole prison, that all were designed by Tong Qing.

If it is only to kill Dan, it is impossible for the black pupil civilization to send him to the black hole prison, or even punish him. What vivroyun is angry about is that he uses military power without permission.

However, when Tong Qing was jailed, the two civilizations put pressure on each other, and the important military figures of black pupil civilization could not be hidden, resulting in the crisis of black pupil civilization. When vivroyun lost his prestige, Tong Qing followed the trend and took over the black pupil civilization in the crisis, so as to carry out drastic reform, with very little resistance.

Just about all this, is the outside world's guess, Tong Qing will not personally confirm these rumors.

"Long time no see, brother chenmo."

Tong Qing smiles and says hello to Chen Mo, looking at the others, and also says hello.

Even though the black pupil civilization and the thunderobot civilization have enemies, at the moment, the pupil green and the thunderobot still pay a little tribute, and there is no hatred and confrontation in each other's eyes.

A small detail has caused many accidents at the top of the great civilization.

Tong Qing greets Chen Mo first, and then the representatives of other civilizations, which shows that in Tong Qing's heart, Chen Mo's position is more important than that of the others.

And Chen Mo's position can't be compared with other people, right? It's just a little bit of a pawn.


Chen Mo lightly responded to a pupil green, to pupil green this' brothers' appellation not very cold.

Tong Qing impressed him.

This man is terrible, and he doesn't want to have any more interaction with each other.

"This is Mr. Chen Mo who has changed in the Tianxing stele forest this noon. It's a pleasure to meet him. I'm the patriarch of the Tianxing family of the Mu family. I'm mu Shichong." "Last time I was going to send you an invitation, my son said that it had been sent to you. I didn't expect that you were familiar with these people and almost missed it," said the old man of the Mu's Tianxing family, who came with Tong Qing with a smile

Mu Shi looks at Chen Mo up and down again. This young man gives him a very special feeling. It's from his intuition.

"The patriarch is flattered." Chen Mo's modest reply.

Chen Mo naturally knows the etiquette of the scene."Then you guys talk first. The party is about to start. I'll move to prepare first." Mu Shichong said goodbye to the people on the stage and turned away.

"I remember the first time I met Chen Mo brothers was in the system of Shigan. At that time, I knew that Chen Mo brothers were not ordinary people. The deal with the chenmo brothers is the most cost-effective deal I have ever made. Thank you, chenmo brothers. " Said Tong Qing.

"It's just a deal. You buy it and I sell it. When others come, I sell it. You're just lucky." Chen Mo naturally pays attention to the look of thunder nearby. He doesn't want to be labeled as a black pupil civilization.

"It seems that brother Chen Mo can see it very well." The pupil is green and bright.

"Nothing is incomprehensible. I used to be a businessman." Chen Mo's tone is still bland, even in the face of pupil green, he has no pressure.

When you want to have a deep chat, the music starts at the banquet, and the fireworks show starts. The colorful fireworks, like a fleeting masterpiece in the air, illuminate the whole venue.