Science and Technology Library

Chapter 954

Looking at it, I don't know it all.

Chen Mo didn't deliberately know the representatives of the great civilizations, because there was no need. He could see that some representatives of the great civilizations were more or less defensive, because he was the wanted criminal of crape myrtle civilization.

The food prepared by the Mu's Tianxing family is very rich, mainly some non-toxic food for all life, and the drink is also the traditional wine of Mu's Tianxing. Chen Mo tried it, and the taste is good.

He suddenly thought of Ka, the old alien who loves to drink.

When he returned to the earth, he sent people to qingshuixing to pick up Jia. Unfortunately, the war a repair shop had already been empty.

"Mr. Chen mo."

A kind of familiar voice appeared behind Chen Mo's back. The voice was cold, and the figure of purple rhyme appeared in Chen Mo's brain involuntarily.

Ziyun is wearing a purple dress. Her purple skin is all exposed. At her arms, there are shimmering crape myrtle flowers, which make her look noble and incomparable.

The appearance of purple rhyme immediately became the focus of the scene.

Crape myrtle civilization.

Around the representatives of the great civilization and aristocrats of the moment quiet down, a few seconds later, the commotion. Ziwei civilization, the delegation of Ziwei civilization, is Ziyun as the representative messenger.

The guests began to whisper, and the noisy banquet venue became more noisy.

The guest looked at Chen Mo's eyes and felt a little sympathy.

Chen Mo is a wanted criminal of crape myrtle civilization. They all received news. Therefore, Chen Mo made such a big move in the forest of Tianxing steles and showed extremely powerful talent. No big civilization and power sent invitations to him.

Now at the banquet, I meet the representatives of crape myrtle civilization, which is a good play.

Although crape myrtle civilization is not the most powerful of the seven God level civilizations, it was once the most powerful in history. The first group of pioneers of cosmic civilization established the war armour system and countless talented generals.

Only when Zidi defected, killed a number of talents and uncovered the corruption of Ziwei civilization, there was no outstanding successor of Ziwei civilization, which led to the decline of Ziwei civilization in the past two thousand years.

But even in the decline of crape myrtle civilization, the deep-seated, not any life and civilization can offend.

Although they know that Chen Mo has the top-level war armour masters in his hands, there are many such masters in crape myrtle civilization. The top-level war armour masters are everywhere, and the most terrifying is the power of the War Department of the divine civilization military.

If crape myrtle civilization is strong, no one dares to help Chen mo.

Chen Mo, who has become the center of the guests' topic, is affectionate and calm at this time, and doesn't care about the appearance of Ziyun.

"Mr. Chen Mo, don't worry." Purple rhyme stands in front of Chen Mo, cold and open, as if greeting between ordinary friends.

This time, let the guests around a face of consternation, suddenly in an uproar.

Isn't Chen mo the wanted criminal of crape myrtle civilization? It's like meeting a good friend. Chen Mo is a wanted person of crape myrtle civilization. They have paid attention to the news about Chen Mo and confirmed the wanted list of crape myrtle civilization. Until now, that kind of wanted list is still in the wanted list of crape myrtle civilization.

Still, crape myrtle civilization didn't want to fight Chen Mo at the family banquet of Mu's heavenly star.

That seems to be the best explanation.

"Mr. Chen Mo, what about the deal I said last time? It's still working. " Ziyun said.

"Dealing with a wanted man of your civilization?" Chen Mo is happy and throws the problem back to Ziyun.

"The main gentleman promised that the wanted order could be removed now, and that he would become the most important VIP of our Ziwei civilization, on the condition that he said so." Purple rhyme said plainly.

Chen Mo just wanted to speak, another female voice appeared, interrupting the dialogue between them: "it seems to be very lively, I also come to join in the excitement."

Chen Mo turns his head and comes to the fox girl. She has fox ears on her face, a white fox tail and a red and pink evening dress, like the fox spirit in the movie.

Beside Bing Xin, there is a middle-aged life with a powerful face. It looks like a lion, with brown mane around its neck and a lion's tail.

The fox Bingxin and the lion dusk of the white star civilization. Chen Mo has seen them on the roster of the high-level civilizations participating in the Star Festival, but he and the other party seem to have no intersection.

Around the guests saw the fox ice heart and the lion dusk appear, and there was another commotion. Even those who didn't pay much attention to their guests turned to see the situation.

The fox lady of white star civilization has always been famous, and there are many rumors about her. However, few people have ever met, so the identity has always been mysterious. It was only when I knew that I represented the white star civilization to participate in the Star Festival that I appeared in front of the outside world.


"Brother Yu, brother Wei, what do you think of Chen Mo?"

In the corner, three middle-aged people glanced at Chen Mo's position and exchanged views with each other.

There's no sense of watching, but the topic is very serious.

There is no other life around to dare to approach them. They are the three famous emperors of the universe Alliance: Yudi, Weidi and Wudi.The three emperors are the first place of Wuxian. Wuxian is crowned with the Great Wall in the north, and it has a star territory of 10 billion light-years.

The three belong to the most powerful and challenging divine civilization. It's just that they have been suppressed by gods all the year round, but now the universe is in chaos, they have a tendency to become potential.

"I look like a character, but I'm too young." A jade emperor with his skin like a rock and ravines opened his mouth, and his voice was as thick and deep as a rock: "the wood is beautiful in the forest, the life that is stared at by the divine civilization will not end well, and the civilization of evil flame is a mirror of the past."

"If he doesn't offend crape myrtle civilization and Raytheon civilization, he can come here and use it for us," agreed Yudi, whose skin was golden and metallic

"It's a pity for a talent." First of all, Emperor Wu nodded slightly: "this grand meeting is expected to be very wonderful."


"I just heard that crape myrtle civilization is going to make a deal with Mr. Wang. I don't know what it is? Maybe the price of our white star civilization will be higher. "

Hu Bingxin's beautiful eyes looked at Chen Mo with a smile, and the white that the dress couldn't cover, just like the ripe peach, was very charming.

Ziyun's expression suddenly cooled down, glanced at Bingxin, didn't rush to talk, but looked at Chen mo.

She wants to see if Chen Mo is nervous about the news that super ability development technology is in his hands.

Once the news is leaked, Chen Mo will have a steady stream of troubles.

Even in the face of two high-level divine civilization, Chen Mo is still calm and confident, and says: "listen to the rumors that madam is very smart, or you guess?"

"It turns out that Bingxin is so smart in my mind. Don't you give me some hints?" The voice of fox Bingxin is full of temptation.

"You can't show your wife's intelligence by giving me hints." Chen Mo said.

"That's interesting, sir. I guess so."

Fox Bing Xin smiles, the beautiful eyes flash over the color of thinking, and looks at Chen Mo carefully.

"There are not many technologies that can make crape myrtle civilization, an old God level civilization, interested. Special armor techniques? A more advanced technology of life evolution than divinity? Super capacity development technology? Technology that can extend the life span of the divine? "

Hu Bingxin's attention is all on Chen Mo and Ziyun. When she says these things, she hopes to see some reaction from Chen Mo, but she is disappointed. Chen Mo is a plain expression from the beginning to the end, and Ziyun is still cold for thousands of years.

"Isn't it true that there are no successors to crape myrtle civilization. Seeing his outstanding ability, he wants to attract him to become the star master of crape myrtle civilization? And then take Ziyun as the wife of YaZhai? "

Ziyun looks cold and looks at Bing Xin.

The meaning of the other side is very obvious, that is to say, crape myrtle civilization has declined, no one will follow, and Chen Mo is sticking backward.

"I admire Madame for her cleverness." Chen Moha laughed: "she really trades with me on this condition. You just said that white star civilization can offer better conditions?"

"I'm joking. They give crape myrtle civilization to each other and their wives. Our white star civilization is not as rich as crape myrtle civilization. There is no better condition than this."

"Who said no? For example, madam, you are better than her. "

The fox ice heart beautiful Mou twinkled, Mei smiled: "cackle, sir is good or bad, I like very much."

A clear voice appeared behind Chen Mo, interrupting the exchange of several people: "it's very lively, very happy, what wonderful topic did I miss?"