Science and Technology Library

Chapter 951

A word awakens the dreamer, saying Chen Mo's present state.

Chen Mo is addicted to the control of consciousness. His body is different from ordinary people. He has already abandoned the concept of brain and nerve, and has reached a state that life science can't understand now.

Just now, the little girl's words are like pouring.

His consciousness can no longer be confined to the brain of the head, so that he can easily control other parts of the body. The first shift of consciousness is still very rough, and later more and more familiar. Consciousness spreads to all parts of the body, and the sense of control of the body reappears.

The joy from the deep of consciousness fills the whole body.

Chen Mo is still there, but his consciousness is very active.

In the middle of the afternoon, the forest of stars and steles is full of life.

In full view of the public, Chen Mo is the life that is focused on. Its abnormal appearance naturally attracts the field's attention.

"No? Again? "

The life of onlookers is a little incredible. Seeing Chen's silent action, an incredible possibility comes to their mind. The first change has just passed. Now, for the second time, life is not allowed to live.

They are destined to witness extraordinary moments, and every life is breathless and focused.

Many of the life spectrum cameras expected by life appeared with UAV again, and fell on Chen mo.

At the next moment, the huge holographic light curtain rises, and the figure of Chen Mo's freeze frame reappears on the holographic light curtain, with the spectrum of Chen Mo's body changes.

"It's true, my God."

"Life is more than life. I'm so angry."

"Pervert, pervert."

In a few days, there was a second evolution of the body, which was the general existence of anti heaven.

Can Chen Mo awaken the second super power, or the third super power? In the history of the universe, there are a lot of multi-functional divine life, and Mu's heavenly star used to be one.

The spectrum of Chen Mo's body changes more and more dramatically.

The atmosphere seems to be solidified, making the surrounding area become dead and silent. Suddenly, an inexplicable hum appears, and the forest of heavenly stars and steles begins to shake, as if it were an earthquake.

Countless lives have watched the earthquake with horror. They have seen some god level life can control the earthquake, but in the evolution of the forest of Steles, there is only Chen Mo who caused this kind of vision.


In an unknown castle of the Mu's heavenly star, the Ming Tea sits in front of the screen and looks at the information of the top civilizations coming. He has seen more than 10000 top civilizations. However, he has not yet determined which top civilizations are worth trading with.

He is looking for civilization, the leader must be a bold and talented life.

In this regard, Tong Qing and thunder are undoubtedly the best candidates, but he rejects the existing God level civilization from the depth of consciousness. In his view, the roots of the present divine civilization are all rotten.

Suddenly, Ming Da looks up and looks at the latest news from the system.

Chen Mo's figure, floating in the air like an old monk, came into his eyes and his indifferent eyes fluctuated.

It's him, the life wanted by crape myrtle civilization, who has evolved twice.

Ming Da's eyes began to flash, and he realized that maybe Chen Mo was a good choice. In the system of shiganxing, it offended the three divine civilizations. This life has enough courage to evolve twice in the forest of Steles, which is unprecedented at this time.

Meditation for a long time, Ming tea slowly closes the information page of the holographic screen.

He decided to make a bet.


Tea cloud stared at the falling holographic light curtain, with a look of wonder. I'm afraid that the growth of young people who were in the system of Lycoris at that time has surpassed his predecessors.

This kind of horrible life can't be described as genius, but as evil.

At the beginning, when the gods gathered in the system of Shigan, he stood out. For example, in today's steles, talents from all over the universe gathered, and many divine life gathered, he still stood out.

No matter where he goes, he is destined to be a protagonist, a life not lost in the pupil of the blue and thunder.

Tea cloud looks forward to it.

I'm afraid it will be busy again this time.

But it's not something he should worry about. It's something big guys should worry about. At their level, they naturally know who their opponents are and who their friends are.

Tea cloud knows, pupil green and thunder flow also know.

The next era will be the era of competing for hegemony.


Kuyao stared at Chen Mo's figure with great piety.

This is the demeanor of the God King.

They always believed that the God King was the most intelligent and perfect genius in their hearts. Although the God King seldom does, they can feel that it is not only wisdom, but also omnipotent perfection.

Today, the king of God has evolved twice in the forest of celestial steles, which is enough to show his genius and wisdom.

Throughout the ancient and modern universe, there has never been life in the forest of celestial steles where two evolutions, or in just a few days.Now the demeanor of the king of God spreads all over the heaven, the stars and the steles.

Many Shenwei are overjoyed and hold on with the spirit of 12 points for fear of problems at this critical moment.

The happiest is Xiaoyu.

She has been with Chen Mo for the longest time. She knows how good this man is.

Today, Xiaoyu is proud to be the most intimate person in the universe. No woman, do not want to see their men become better, show style.

She knows Chen Mo's current physical condition. After the development of quantum life, Chen Mo's body is very special, and any changes are normal.

Now she just wants chenmo to control her body.

Chen Mo can't control his body. Although he does nothing, sometimes it's a little inconvenient.

And at home, Mo Nu can only sit in a wheelchair, or rely on Zhan Jia to assist in sports. She can't move at the same time.

If Chen Mo can move, then everything will pass.

As long as Chen Mo is safe, the March ant group will not be afraid of any disturbance, and they will be at ease.


Chen Mo's changing shadow frequency in the forest of celestial steles has been transmitted back to the earth tens of billions of light-years away.

LAN, who has always been calm, is shocked to see Chen Mo's changes, while Zhao Min's beautiful eyes are motionless on Chen Mo, and Mo Nu, who is sitting in a wheelchair, is also surprised to see Chen Mo's figure.

In the war room, there are other high-level groups.

"It's kind of perverted." LAN mumbled.

Zhao Min nodded approvingly: "he has always been so abnormal."

In the war room, all the other senior leaders agreed to nod. The mainstream technology of the March ant group is all from Chen Mo's hands, and in such a short period of time, it has grown from a low-level civilization to a top-level civilization.

They can't think of any adjectives but perverts.

What's more, it's an unprecedented achievement in the forest of heavenly stars and steles.


Chen Mo's body changed for the second time in Tianxing stele forest, causing a sensation in the whole Tianxing stele. Almost all the news pictures and live pictures are broadcasting Chen Mo's scenes over the forest of Steles in real time.

The two evolutions caused the earthquake anomalies of Tianxing Beilin, which was previously unthinkable. They seem to see that the most dazzling new star of this star Festival is rising.

Under the intense attention of countless pairs of eyes, Chen Mo, who is frozen in the air like clay sculpture, slowly recovers the focus of his eyes and moves his body in the air.