Science and Technology Library

Chapter 950

The forest of heavenly star steles is more lively than last time. Since Chen Mo's change was put into every corner of Mu's heavenly star through holographic shadow frequency, the strange role of Celestial Star steles has been widely discussed by every life again.

All the people who come to the Star Festival come to watch the forest of skyscrapers and steles in advance.

Every life wants to be stronger.

Divine life means a longer life span, a smarter and more responsive brain, and special abilities.

No matter what, it is a huge temptation for the intelligent life.

The life of each tablet is obviously better than that of Chen mo. these formulas are celestial books. Even researchers should read and answer them carefully. For Chen Mo, any math company with difficulty seems very simple.

The whole solution process, when he saw the main formula, was clear.

Unconsciously, Chen Mo quickly fell into it.

A pair of eyes are paying close attention to Chen Mo's situation. When Chen Mo stays on the monument of philosophical consciousness existing in the fourth dimension, the news about him appears on the table of major civilizations.


"He's gone again. This is the study of philosophical consciousness in the fourth dimension." Tara hands the hologram to Tong Qing.

"Show me the contents of this tablet."

Tong Qing looks at Chen Mufu's figure in front of the tablet with interest.

A holographic projection appears, which completely projects the tablet engraved with philosophical consciousness research of the fourth dimension, and reappears in front of the pupil.

Dense formulas and equations, as well as strange figures, make people feel numb.

"What do you think?" Tong Qing asks Tara.

"I'm glad I learned math and numbers." Tara said.

"Hey, it is." Tong Qing smiles gently, nods his head with great approval, looks at the tablet for a while, and then falls on Chen mo.


"Wang, this life is indirectly related to the killing of Dan." One of his subordinates looked at Chen Mo's hologram with anger in his eyes.

They are the life of Raytheon civilization.

Now it has been confirmed that Chen Mo sold the space connector to Tong Qing and let Tong Qing take the lead before Dan died in the Shigan galaxy.

"I'm more angry than anyone at Dan's death. Don't be blinded by hatred."

The thunder was low.

My subordinates wake up like a dream and tell me right away.

Compared with the past, the current thunder, the pride of the body disappeared, there is an upper class temperament, there is also a kind of self-confidence.

At that time, he was also in the system. Their movement was a step slower. Their space connector was not formed, and Tong Qing sent the space weapon to the system to give Tong Qing the first chance.

It's Chen Mo's space connector that gives Tong Qing a head start.

But for Chen Mo, he has no hatred.

Just like the last words Dan said to him in the system of Lycoris.

To lose is to lose. No matter how you lose, you must admit that the most terrible thing is to find an excuse for failure for yourself. That's the weak.

"Chen Mo is not simple. First, find out his identity. Don't worry about being enemies with them. Now the situation in the universe is not optimistic. If there is one less enemy, there will be one less." Said thunder.


It seems that all around is quiet. Chen Mo's browsing speed is faster.

In the tablet, Chen Mo just pauses to think when he meets a question, and the answer comes to his mind completely.

Chen Mo is now a god level life. Strictly speaking, he is half a level higher than God level life. In addition, he is a researcher. His thinking on academic issues is very fast, and he has to answer these questions from all levels.

Some curious life will come to watch Chen Mo browse the stele, after all, it is the star effect, and some life will ignore these and continue their own reading.

Chen Mo's speed slowly decreased. With the deepening of watching, more and more questions were put forward in the study of Mu's heavenly star, and the level of thinking became higher and deeper.

Philosophical problems are always mysterious and need to be pondered and chewed slowly.

In the study of Mu's Tianxing, he raised many unanswerable questions. Later generations have done many papers to solve these questions. On other steles in the Tianxing stele, they are not here. Chen Mo doesn't have time to look at them one by one. Most of the questions can be solved by Chen Mo himself.

There are also many questions about philosophical paradox. However, the existence of parallel universe and the ability of life in the fourth dimension can well solve those paradoxes.

Starting from the 40th tablet, Chen Mo's speed has become faster again.

Finally, we will talk about the various superpowers that the fourth dimension life consciousness may possess.

The conjecture is very simple. According to Murdoch, the fourth dimension of life, in addition to being able to shuttle freely in time and space, has all the superpowers. It is the super power of the universe God level life, which is part of the mapping of the fourth dimension life power. But to have all the superpowers is not the fourth dimension of life.This kind of discussion is not the first time. Chen Mo has also seen it in the science and Technology Library. So this part of the content, Chen Mo is very easy to understand, sweep through.

Chen Mo has to admire that Mu's heavenly star is indeed a great pioneer.

After reading it, however, there was a little harvest, but it didn't really touch him. Chen Mo regretted.

But think about it carefully, I don't seem to have any regrets. If I can get a lot every time, I can only say that he has learned nothing about the knowledge in the science and Technology Library.

A little greedy.

"Dad, why can he understand the tablet? Can't we understand it?"

A voice of milk and milk sounds in the crowd of watching life. According to reputation, it's a little lolly who sits on the shoulder of her father's armor.

"Because he learned so much, we didn't learn so much."

"Why don't we learn so much?"

"Because we don't do professional research, it takes a lot of time to do professional research, and we need to have a very smart brain to think." Father answered patiently.

"Why brain thinking? Isn't consciousness thinking? Is brain and consciousness the same thing? "


"Why brain thinking? Isn't it conscious thinking? Is brain and consciousness the same thing? "

The sound of Luo Liyin makes Chen Muru be annihilated by Lei. The body that just wants to leave the tablet is frozen in place.

Is the brain thinking or the mind thinking? This is not only a philosophical problem, but also a problem that Chen Mo never thought about, and also a problem that Mu's heavenly star did not raise in the research.

Is brain and consciousness the same thing?


Xiaoyu's ability can see the consciousness body. When Chen Mo and Xiaoyu connect consciousness, they can see the perspective Xiaoyu sees. The consciousness body exists.

And Mo Nu's consciousness is created out of nothing by using quantum mechanics. Brain and chip are just containers.

If the brain is just a container, can't the conscious body think in other containers? For example, steps, arms, etc. of the body, or thinking directly from the living body to other living bodies or objects?

A series of questions emerge in Chen Mo's consciousness in an instant.

Chen Mo froze in place. As soon as Kuyao wanted to ask, he was stopped by Xiaoyu and asked him not to speak.

She felt that Chen Mo had changed again.

Second change.