Science and Technology Library

Chapter 952

Countless warships appear in the floating debris at the entrance of Hongqiao. On the warships, the symbol of white star civilization is particularly obvious.

"Bring out the star map."

He stared at the map, his eyes motionless. On her armor, the wolf totem was very conspicuous. She is a white star civilization half Orc Wolf Woman, also is this war department's general star, a female general star.

Werewolves are good at group warfare. They are almost born with generals. In the history of white star civilization, there have been many famous generals, especially in the war period when white star civilization rose.

In this generation, Gou Yu is the best of the werewolves.

"My Lord, this is the dark forest area, side cloud seat. What can we do next? Attack the dark forest civilization? " Asked the Deputy next to him seriously.

Their capture of Hongqiao, which leads to the dark forest civilization, means that they need to consider the next step.

"Do not touch the dark forest civilization for the time being." He shook his head, then pointed to the holographic image: "this Hongqiao is the hole leading to the shepherd's seat?"

He points out a Hongqiao information a billion light-years away from the edge of the Cloud City. Intelligence personnel have already investigated the situation of these Hongqiao channels.

Today's universe is like a perforated cheese. Hongqiao is a small hole in the cheese, accelerating the pace of war and increasing the complexity of the cosmic war.

"Yes, it's the collapse of the black hole of Muwu Galaxy in Mufu. It's called Muwu Hongqiao. According to the information, this Hongqiao is occupied by the marching ant group." Said the deputy.

"March ant group?" Gou Yu was puzzled. She heard about the group for the first time.

"A powerful group comparable to the top civilization, originated in the supercluster complex of Pisces and cetaceans, appeared in a very short time, only a decade, suddenly rose, conquered the Pisces and cetaceans complex, they have dark matter and antimatter extraction technology, and they have a variety of space weapons, guess it should be a top civilization migration, their have The origin of the body is still unknown. "

The deputy general went over the information.

"A top group that doesn't know its origins?" Gou immediately became interested: "send exploration spacecraft to investigate the deployment of marching ant group in Muwu Hongqiao."

"Good." The adjutant nodded.


Chen Mo twists his neck in mid air, a very common action, but for Chen Mo, who has been unable to move for several months, this is a good news.

The body is completely restored.

He had never felt so comfortable. He knew all the changes in his body.

Now I feel that there is endless power in my body, as if I can do anything.

All thoughts come naturally. He now has consciousness all over his body. Every flesh and blood, every cell is under his control. It can be said that the whole body is the brain, which is the strength of this body.

But it doesn't seem like the time to experience change.

In the sky over the forest of Steles, countless lives surrounded them, staring at him as if looking at a monster.

At this moment, Chen Mo feels like a giant panda in the zoo.

Dead silence.

Even Chen Mo, in the face of countless pairs of strange eyes, can't help his body hair. Those lives, almost all want to take him to the laboratory to dig.

Xiaoyu gently reminded Chen Mo that he knew his changes in the forest of celestial steles, which attracted so many strange eyes.

"Go back first."

Chen Mo leads several people to fly slowly away from the sky star stele, along the way, all lives, give way to them.

Countless eyes fell on Chen Mo, each with different emotions. Envy, jealousy, wonder, admiration, worship, etc. are everywhere. At this moment, Chen Mo is the most dazzling life on the Tianxing monument.

When Chen Mo left, the stele he had just seen was occupied by other life. I hope that there will be some benefits from the stele that Chen Mo just saw and find out the essence of life evolution.

As Chen Mo left, the life of the onlookers also disappeared, but the heated discussion was just beginning.

Two times, there were changes in the forest of celestial steles, which also caused the earthquake in the forest of celestial steles. It's incredible. Many lives are speculating about Chen Mo's specific origin, as well as Chen Mo's ability to gain from it.


In the room of the manor, Xiaoyu looks at Chen Mo's body in amazement.

After the body was controlled, Chen Mo's body appeared some changes, some changes in details.

Every muscle, every bone, is perfect, and the lines are the most comfortable. It looks full of strength, but it does not lose the beauty. The eight abdominal muscle lines in the abdomen are gentle and even.

Even when I saw Chen Mo's body, I was fascinated by the change of Chen Mo's body line.

This body is the most perfect masterpiece of heaven. No girl can refuse it. Xiaoyu reaches out his finger and moves Chen Mo's chest muscle gently. It's not soft or hard. It's very comfortable.

Xiaoyu couldn't help but feel more.Chen Mo looks at Xiaoyu, who is infatuated with flowers. There is a black line on his forehead. He can't provoke her. He can only let her go.

It has to be said that the feeling that the body is under control is really cool. You can do whatever you want, instead of being helped by Zhan Jia. That feeling that the body is under intelligent control is not very good.

"What is your body capable of?" Xiaoyu asked.

"I don't understand." Chen Mo said helplessly.

Even if he controls his body well, he doesn't know all about it. It's a physical ability.

"I feel like I can do anything, but I haven't explored how to use them." Chen Mo thought about it, adding.

"Apart from controlling your body, what special gains do you have?"

"Yes, I learned to think with my butt."

"Speak seriously." Xiaoyu grabbed Chen Mo's waist and gave him a white look.

Chen Mo looks innocent.

He's serious.

After consciousness spread all over the body, the world he knew collapsed in his mind.

Let Chen Mo put on his clothes. Xiaoyu takes out the quantum communication device and dials the number of Mo nu. Because of the development of quantum life, Mo Nu helped Chen Mo make a first confirmation that Mo Nu's body is still out of control.

"Brother moo, sister Xiaoyu."

Mo Nu sees Chen Mo and Xiaoyu and smiles with surprise. Zhao Min is also beside Mo nu.

"We saw mogo in the forest of celestial steles."

"What a quick news. My husband can control his body now. Now let him and Mo Nu talk about how to control his body. " Xiaoyu looks at Chen Mo and gives him the topic.

"Mo Nu, it's not hard to control her body. Now our bodies are different from traditional life. Strictly speaking, there is no difference between traditional organs. Every cell of the body is very special. The brain is just a container of consciousness. Our consciousness can spread all over the body. "

Chen Mo tells Mo Nu his experience.

This is what he came up with when Laurie woke him up in the forest of celestial steles.

"Our body, our consciousness, can no longer be confined to the brain."

Hearing this, Mo Nu, who is far away from the earth, has bright eyes. She was born of quantum consciousness and had a high IQ. Chen Mo picked out the situation and naturally gathered all her ideas.

"I'll try." Said Mo nu.