Science and Technology Library

Chapter 946

The city of stars chooses battlefields, a sea of people, and a steady stream of life comes from all directions. The open-air challenge field can accommodate more than one million people.

I haven't seen the battle of famous teachers for a long time.

The battle of the top class armour division can be used as a reference for other armour divisions.

Chen Mo didn't want to be so troublesome, but no big fight was allowed on the Tianxing stele forest, so he chose the battlefield. The scene is surrounded, which has the taste of an ancient Colosseum.

Chen Mo stands on the sidelines of the court. In his vision, Kuyao stands with a gun. The sound of the scene was a little noisy, and the atmosphere gradually rose.

"Who do you bet on?"

"Nonsense, of course, Wan'an, a top class war division, a famous division."

"But who is that guy? It's so crazy. Let the guard compete with the famous teacher and say to have fun. "

"Who knows?"

"However, this time Wan'an's practice is a bit inappropriate. It's normal for others to ignore his duel when they have just been promoted to divine life. After all, they can't beat him, but he still pesters him, which is not interesting."

"Wan'an has a great desire for fame, don't you know? Only in these years can we challenge the top class battle division. It's for the sake of fame. Now it's before the Star Festival. Once we succeed, everyone will pay attention to us. Who doesn't want that kind of vanity? "

"However, Wan'an is very angry and despised this time. He is also regarded as having fun. Hahahaha."

There was a lot of discussion among the onlookers, and more people regarded it as an Entertainment Bureau. Most people didn't think that the guard of this unknown person could win Wan'an. In every star Festival, there are many young people who are arrogant to the extreme with a little achievement, and finally they have to experience the beating from the society.

"Wan'an, kill him. I love you."

Female fans in the audience screamed through the public communication channel.

There are fan groups.

"Wan'an, teach him a lesson. You are the most handsome and love you to death."

"Wow Wow, brother Wan An is so handsome. He is going to die. He is going to die."

"Come on, kill him."

"Brother Wan'an, let them know what is heaven and earth, and teach them a lesson."


Hearing the voice of female fans, Wan'an's gloomy face recovered a little. He cleaned up his mood and smiled a long time. His voice was quite confident, just like a master's demeanor.

The female fans in the audience screamed even more and became more crazy.

"This is the style and confidence of a famous teacher."

"Yes, it seems Wan'an doesn't care about the contempt of the other side."

"Isn't that normal? Wang An is a famous teacher. How can he compete with this kind of young people who don't know the height of the earth. It's his pleasure to challenge him. "

Once again, the voices of the onlookers were warm. They were almost sure that Wan'an's victory was almost without suspense. It's a pity that we didn't open the market, otherwise we can press some chips and win a little money.

"Uncle lion, who do you think will win?" Hu Bingxin looks at the scene curiously, but Mei Mou doesn't blink.

"Judging from the superficial news, Wan'an's victory is to crush each other. But the origins of these people are mysterious. I'm afraid they are not so simple on the surface. " Lion Dusk's eyes swept over Chen Mo's men.

He can't see through Chen Mo's group. From his reading eyes, the other party doesn't show arrogance and pride, but a kind of confidence and calm.

Instead, Wan'an provoked the battle. They were forced to fight.

"It seems that uncle lion is very optimistic about them, but he doesn't know their origin. Can he accept them for his own use?" Fox ice heart beautiful eyes are full of curiosity.

"Hard." "Madam, do you feel the difference of that young man?" said the lion dusk

"What's the difference?"

"The temperament of the superior."

Chen Mo's temperament is obviously that of the superior who has been in high position for a long time. Obviously, the other side has power and strength. Otherwise, no matter how stupid it is, it is impossible to send a guard to fight against a famous division.

He has confidence in his bodyguard, which means that the bodyguard is at least the top armor division.

"The superior? More interesting. " Bing Xin's attention falls on Chen mo.


Wan'an is now thinking about how to win the battle with the most handsome posture?

The other side is the first talent to appear before the Star Festival. Now it is the focus of Mu's star. Winning the other side is a good time to gain a higher reputation.

But when he thought of Chen Mo letting a guard fight with him, he was not in a good mood. It was an insult to him.

Thinking of this, Wan'an's angry face flashed away. Under the cover of war armour, it was not known to outsiders.

He has been famous for a long time. He has competed with dozens of top class division a and won few. When he was never so despised, but in order to make a name in this star Festival, he endured.

When he wins the other side's guard, he will see what reason the other side refuses.

But to win is to win, he has to win more beautiful.

Looking at Kuyao, I can see that the opponent is looking at him meticulously. The long gun and short pulse laser in his hand are activated, and the dangerous light flashes at the gun tip.Wan An's eyelids jumped.

Kuyao is looking at him with firm and indifferent eyes. His strong momentum seems to burst out from him and enter a super state. Kuyao is like a dangerous beast with fierce outburst.

It's clearly felt wrong in the air.

Originally noisy onlookers, the taunts in their mouths disappeared, and they unconsciously calmed down.

Top class division.

Wan'an was shocked.

He can guess that the opponent is a top class armour division. After all, the opponent dares to challenge, and his armour is not weak. I thought it was similar to the top armour division he had challenged before. Compared with the other side, it was only a guard. It was only a coincidence that he was forced back just now.

And at the start of the Star Festival, it's not surprising that the divine life and the top class war armour division are here.

However, when he felt Kuyao's momentum, he had an improper premonition.


At the moment of speaking, Kuyao bowed, and his armor engine suddenly increased to the highest power.


The sound of sonic boom exploded at the moment when battle armor broke out, shaking the heart of every life. Kuyao's body suddenly disappeared, dragging the shadow in the air and appeared two meters in front of Wan'an.

The sharp point of the gun flickers with a little light. The air waves visible to the naked eye in the pierced space are silent, but they kill infinite opportunities and pierce Wan'an's chest.

He has experienced the standard that LAN is fiercer than the devil. He has been trained as hard as Jingge. He has been fighting on the planet with bare hands in the small universe and on the civilized battlefield. Although his growth time is short, his actual combat experience is the most indispensable part.

His belief told him to use up twelve points of strength in every battle without reservation.

Wan'an looks suddenly changed, there is a kind of panic shrouded in death.

This shot, as if foretold his retreat, can not avoid.

The situation is critical. Wan'an drinks a loud voice, urges the body's armor to lean back, and a three meter long cable appears in his hand. Flashing blue electric pulse, extremely dangerous.

With a wave of the electric cable, the electric awn twisted the air and wrapped it like a snake towards the long gun in Kuyao's hand.

Being entangled by cables, the battle is basically over.

When Wan'an thought he could, Kuyao made an incredible dodge over the battle field with a twist of his long gun. It's like fully predicting the trajectory of the electric cable, avoiding the long gun perfectly, and not reducing the castration.

Wan'an's pupils suddenly constricted, his face suddenly changed, he could not pay attention to the attack and urged Zhan Jia to retreat.

Boom! Boom!

Two sound blasts in a row, exploding in the eardrum of all life on the battlefield.

Instant step! Stop!

Double top fighting skill, in one go.

When the long gun comes out again, it will go straight to Wan'an's chest at a faster speed, and it will never move forward.

It's a skill tempered by Jingge. It's trained by using battle armour in the battlefield.

On fighting talent, Kuyao is not the strongest. In order to practice the top-level skills required by Jingge, Kuyao does not know how many times he has trained, how many times he fainted in the training ground, or even used the exercise again and again in the battle, so he has today's proficiency.

All this is for faith, deep awareness and deep faith.

Every time he falls down in battle or training, he tells himself that he is the leader of Shenwei, and he must convince all Shenwei to have the strength to match the position.

Tired again and again, standing up again and again, I am extremely strict with my standards. Even Jingge is very satisfied with his training.

The terror of the battle volume, let him under heavy pressure, successfully entered the second stage of super ability. At this stage, the combat consciousness can detect the imminent danger and see through the other party's next movement track.

On the practicality of combat skills, all of Kuyao's combat skills have experienced the baptism of war.

"Instant step! Stop! Double top combat skill. " The sudden changes on the field made the lion's eyes contract tightly at dusk and stare at the ghostly figure on the field with serious expression.

The life of the onlookers did not have his calmness. Seeing Kuyao's action, they burst into a scream and a uproar.