Science and Technology Library

Chapter 947

Instant step! Stop!

It is the moment when the engine of battle armor is pushed to the highest level, the engine is accelerated in an instant, and reaches the opponent's body, and the thrust of battle armor is put to the highest level.

This kind of ability has a great load on the body. It requires a strong physical quality of the war armour division. Only with a higher physical strength than life can we make this action in front of us. Otherwise, it will be directly crushed by the impact of the moment when we start and stop.

The difficulty of one skill is big enough. The combination of the two top skills is terrible.

Even the top class armour division, not everyone can master this skill, because the training process is too hard.

None of them is a famous teacher who can make these two skills in succession.

For hundreds of millions of years, this skill has been selected and baptized by various legendary battles, which not only has excellent ornamental, but also has excellent practicability.

However, Wan'an doesn't think it has any beauty.

The long spear came to him like a viper. Just as he had just retreated, his heart beat faster and faster. Even though he was usually in danger in the battle, now he is a little disorderly.

He can feel that the momentum of the other side is becoming stronger and stronger, which creates a lot of pressure on his will and spirit.

This gun, Wan An has a sense of nowhere to escape.

Just now, the front-end engine just broke out. It's just in a moment's pause. It's too late to dodge back. The danger makes him have to make a choice immediately.

The engine on the side of the armour is on. Push it.



When Wan'an thought that he could escape, the sound of the sonic boom exploded, and it was reborn.

I saw Kuyao's spear point. When he started the side engine, it was a strange turn. It seemed that he could see through his action, and turned to the right where he dodged.

The tip of the gun is a little bit cold, and a beautiful arc is drawn in the air, just like a viper smelling its prey.

All this slowed down in Wan'an's eyes, just like the long spear was going to stab him in the other side, and his Dodge was to bump himself into the muzzle of the spear.


The sound is very thin in the cover of the detonating sound, falling in Wan'an's ear, but very clear. The expression under Wan'an battle armour solidified, and all voices stopped abruptly.


The spear pierced the armor, leaving a hole in the chest.

The power of battle armour is destroyed. Wan'an lies on the floor of the battle field, staring at the sky, blue and purple blood, soaked in the floor, and his face is still incredible.

He didn't understand how Kuyao saw through his movements and predicted in advance.

He is not dead. The life force of divine life is amazing. Unless one shot destroys the brain, he will not die immediately. He only needs to be sent to the medical cabin for treatment and can recover soon.

But the lesson is enough. As for psychological shadow, outsiders don't know.

Kuyao only needs to move the gun a little more, and he will pick the battlefield.

There was no more sound on the court. The voice of discussion and mockery just now became so harsh.

Just now, I was optimistic about Wan'an's life. At this time, I was silent.

Double top combat skill.

This kind of fighting method and skill requires a high level of physical quality, reaction ability and fighting armour performance, which is indispensable. Generally, this super difficult skill only appears in the elite top class battle armour division. Maybe Wan'an, a famous division, can use it, but Wan'an despises the enemy.

"God My Lord, I'm glad I didn't disgrace myself. " Kuyao, with a long gun on his back, stops in front of Chen mo.

Just now, he really used twelve points of strength. With the enemy's weakness, his fighting consciousness was also strong, so he easily grasped the weakness of the other side and ended the fight in the shortest time.

"Let's go." Chen Mo glanced at the battlefield and several people flew away.


It was not until Chen Mo disappeared in the vision of shadow frequency and battle field that the battle field was exploded.

They are all watching at the scene, and the sense of shock goes straight to the heart. This is the battle of the top class battle division. If it's not very good, the victory or defeat will be in a flash.

What is the origin of Chen Mo? A guard can defeat a famous teacher. How terrible is this force?

No one dares to laugh at Chen Mo's words when he just wants to have fun. He just felt arrogant. Now they are sure that Chen Mo is not arrogant. For each other, he is just looking for fun.

"Too strong."

"What's that look like? It's no wonder that the top class armour division is the highest pursuit of all the armour divisions. There is no redundant action in the unrestrained fighting. "

"Handsome life, strong, which civilization is that man?"


Not only did he choose the battlefield to discuss and focus on the life of the challenge live broadcast, but also he was restrained by Kuyao's shot. They were all wondering if they could dodge that shot if they were in Wan'an's position.

Obviously, the answer is No.

Some famous battle armour divisions marveled at the shot.

When Wan'an broke out in a backward space and the successor was unable to do so, that shot blocked all of Wan'an's retreats, pierced his chest, and destroyed the core energy of war a.Besides fighting skills, the timing is perfect.

That happens in an instant, and the other party grabs the moment.

As for the origin of Chen Mo, it has become mysterious in the eyes of countless civilizations. A guard has the ability to kill a famous war Armor Division. He is the master. How terrible is it? How strong are real masters?

The fox ice heart beautiful Mou looks at Chen Mo to disappear the direction, flashing the splendor: "the lion uncle, saw what?"

Lion DUS looked very serious. Just now Kuyao's shot was replayed in his holographic video, and when he heard the question of Hu Bingxin, he was just a little shocked: "madam, that guard has been on the battlefield and is the top soldier."

"The battlefield?" Fox ice heart body shape shock.

Although they are the same, sometimes even confused, because they are all war armour divisions, there are some differences, like the differences between martial artists and soldiers in the society.

Soldiers are trained to kill people. Every soldier climbs out of the dead and is better at fighting on the edge of life and death.

In terms of psychological quality, the war armour Division will be one point worse.

"Decisive, ruthless and without any extra actions, every action is homicide. If it had been in the real battlefield, Wan'an would have died faster. " The lion dusk looks solemn.


"Yes, on the first attack, Wan'an will lose as long as the opponent doesn't dodge, but his weapon will be damaged or hurt a little." The lion dusk recollects just now the process: "has a potential in that guard body."


Fox Bing Xin heard this for the first time.

"Yes, potential. If you want to be trapped, you have to live or die. "


On the table, I played back the shadow frequency of Kuyao's battle. On the other side, Chen Mo was standing on the edge of the challenge field.

The pupil is tapping on the book, and his eyes are on the shadow frequency where Chen Mo is.

I don't know what I want to write.

"Speaker, would you like to invite them to join our civilization?" Tara stares at the hologram.

Tong Qingda has seen this video many times and played it back. Tara was also shocked by Kuyao's attack.

"Invite them?" The pupils are blue and clear, the dark pupils are bright with focal length, and there is a gentle smile on his face: "Tara, you still have a lot to learn."

"The speaker, my subordinates don't understand very well." Tara's face was confused. Why did Tong Qing say such a sentence.

"This is a soldier."


"Well, there is a momentum in this soldier. He is one of the best fighters."

Tong Qing looks at the hologram.

"Only a strong civilization and firm belief, or a dead man, can cultivate such an excellent soldier. Obviously, this is not a dead man. So this is a war soldier of the top civilization. With the temperament of this young man, he is the superior. Do you think that a leader of the top power will join our civilization? "

Taradon was clear.

"Besides, don't you think they are familiar?" Tong Qing continued.

"Speaker, you are familiar with it. It seems that..."

Tara thought for a moment, his pupil shrank, and two photos were released, which were exactly Chen Mo's original image and his pseudonym Mo Chen's appearance in Shigan galaxy.

It's him.

The one who traded with them in the Shigan system offended the crape myrtle civilization and disrupted the life of the white star civilization plan. The speaker wanted to find out his news many times, but he didn't know where he was. I didn't expect to meet him here.

"They are here, too."

"This star Festival has become very interesting." Said Tong Qing with a smile.


Mingyue Liuhua leaves suddenly and goes to Hongqiao, the great wall of Shilong. He is not worried about the command and tactics of Mingyue Liuhua. He never stops what she wants to do.

However, the location of the great wall of Sloan is special. Since it was controlled by the great wall of Sloan, it has become a thorn, which keeps them tied up.

"Mingchang, you lead a million soldiers to support Mingyue sister." Ming'a said to the stars around him.

Ming Chang has been around him for a long time. He has enough ability and stable style. He can take precautions when necessary. Today's situation is changing rapidly. The war is expanding. No one knows what will happen.

"Yes." Ming Chang takes command, takes the talisman and turns to leave.

Hundreds of warships set sail, followed by the moon and the flowers, towards the Hongqiao where the great wall of Sloan is located.

Mingyue Liuhua didn't know that Minga sent someone to support him. After several energy storage jumps, the warship's holographic radar suddenly jumped out of the picture.

There is a huge colorful whirlpool with violent spatial fluctuation.

That's the wormhole to the Sloan Great Wall.