Science and Technology Library

Chapter 945

"It's him."

Joel nanluo is shocked to see Chen Mo in the movie.

Chen Mo comes with him. He has been in touch with Chen Mo for some time.

A mysterious young man.

When discussing research with Chen Mo, he can clearly feel his own shortcomings. Chen Mo's knowledge, like a bottomless hole, involves all aspects. When discussing with Chen Mo, he can't even keep up with each other. The other side can even draw inferences from one instance.

However, from the beginning to the end, he did not see which force Chen Mo belonged to.

Qingmuluo was also shocked. At the beginning, the transaction between Joel nanluo and Chen Mo made him upset. However, later, it was found that Chen Mo's ability in scientific research seemed to be no worse than that of Joel nanluo, so he gradually relieved.

Now he is shocked to see Chen Mo appear on the holographic shadow frequency of Tianxing stele forest.

He knew what the holographic shadow frequency of the forest of Steles meant, and it was possible to awaken his ability to become a divine life.

However, he will become a talented figure competing for the top civilization, and may even be looked upon by the divine civilization.

"Professor, do you think he will be selected by the seven divine civilizations?" The Bluewood beetle turned to the nearby Joel Naro.

"It's hard to say, but the first talented person in this Tianxing festival will surely be noticed by all civilizations, and even released conditions for their own collection." Said Joel nanlo.

The existence of heaven, stars, steles and earth has become a cradle of cosmic talents.

In order to gather up the talented people in the forest of Tianxing steles and continuously input blood for their civilization, there are organizations or offices stationed in Tianxing steles.

"However, if it's too much to attract people's attention, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble." Said the green wood.


Chen Mo is immersed in the harvest. He is exploring how the fourth dimension exists.

Even in retrospect, in the quantum sphere of life that moment of feeling.

In Chen Mo's thinking, there is a common point in many things, but he feels that he just sees the appearance. Just like the two-dimensional life, it is thinking about the high edge of the two-dimensional world.

His body is a kind of special existence, but his consciousness has not reached the stage of special existence.

Obviously, it is the science and Technology Library.

The experiment of quantum life ball is a success, but after [science and technology administrator · God], the science and Technology Library did not give the next task, nor the next permission.

Until now, he has not completely controlled the technology library.

It is obvious that only when he becomes a quantum life can he give the final answer.

The shivering ability to manipulate material particles, space, time and even the consciousness of all life in the universe is the creator in the definition.

It can be confirmed from the study of Mu's heavenly star that he is also looking for a breakthrough in divine life and evolution to an incredible state of life.

But he failed to find the door to the fourth dimension.

The purpose of these steles left by Mu's heavenly star is only one. On the basis of his research, the younger generation of cosmic life will explore the existence of a higher dimension.

What kind of world is the high dimension? Chen Mo can't understand it now.

If he could understand the consciousness and law of that dimension, he would not be able to watch the theory of Mu's heavenly star here now.

From his thoughts, Chen Mo looks around and is stunned.

"What's the matter? Why are you watching me? "

"You're on TV."

Xiaoyu points to the holographic shadow frequency in the air, but no matter where he goes, Chen Mo can always make a little movement.

"It's as if you were thinking about something and your body has changed. The artificial intelligence of Tianxing forest of Steles, thinking that you have the ability to wake up and broadcast the picture, should be a means to build momentum for Tianxing forest of steles. "

Chen Mo is clear.

As Xiaoyu said, a divine life was born in the forest of Steles, which is the best advertisement. With this magical effect, there will be a continuous stream of life, to pilgrimage here.

In addition to the forest of heavenly star steles, the research on the steles left by countless predecessors is the masterpiece of pilgrims.

"What's the gain?" Xiaoyu asked.

"The harvest has a little, a vague outline. I feel that I can control my body when I step over that ridge." Chen Mo said.

"Go back first." Xiaoyu doesn't adapt to all the eyes. Jingge and Shenwei are highly nervous and alert to possible dangers around them.


"Stay, my friend." A life comes out of the crowd. The armor is suspended ten meters away from Chen Mo: "Kuyao and two divine guards stand in front of Chen Mo and watch out for those who come.

"Who are you?" Chen Mo asked with a frown, obviously finding fault.

"I want to compete with my friends in Wan'an." Wan'an said proudly.

Wan'an is a typical humanoid life. It's 300 years old. It's a young man with a strong body, even body muscles, sharp eyes and sharp smile on the corner of his mouth."Master Wan An? He is a famous teacher, Wan An. "

"It's a good play."

"It's not just fun. Wan'an is a famous master of Mu's heavenly star. He is a famous top-level war armour division, not an ordinary top-level war armour division."


There were shouts and discussions among the onlookers. Countless lives were looking forward to it. It was like watching a play. Before the Star Festival, what kind of life is there in the forest of stars and steles.

Now the camera is still on Chen Mo's body. It's a good chance to be famous. Some lives won't be let go so easily.

"I haven't heard of it, and I'm not interested." Chen Mo said lightly.

Don't say that his body is out of control now, and he can't control battle armour. Even if his body is under control now, he has no interest in this kind of duel. Anyone wants to fight with him. It's not a bargain.


The discussion ended abruptly, and they did not expect such an answer.

Have you ever heard of Wan An, a famous teacher, or interested in fighting with each other? How arrogant is it to say that?

Wan'an, standing in front of Chen Mo, blushed with embarrassment. He never wanted to be rejected without hesitation or in front of the public.

"Are friends afraid? It's not like a coward to be able to gain life under the tablet of master Mu's heavenly star Wan'an still keeps a sharp smile.

"Let's go."

Chen Mo no longer pays attention to Wan'an, calls Xiaoyu, and is ready to leave. He is mentally retarded by this kind of inferior method. The other side obviously takes him as a tool to become famous, challenges him with his current situation of public attention, and wins him to become famous.

"My friend, let's have a duel before we leave."

Wan'an obviously didn't let Chen Mo go. The armor engine broke out and rushed to Chen mo.

All of a sudden, Wan'an's heart was alert. He was born in the middle of the sky. The sharp contrast made the onlookers want to vomit blood. One meter in front of Wan'an, a long gun appeared and came straight to his face.

Wan'an's heart was in awe, and he backed away quickly.

Standing on his body, he saw Kuyao holding a long gun, standing between him and Chen mo.

Wan'an's mind stirred up waves. Just now, he noticed something wrong. Fortunately, he closed his hand quickly. Otherwise, he would crash into the muzzle of the guard.

Coincidence or strength? Wan'an is uncertain.

Chen Mo stops, the other side turns over three times four times to provoke, then leaves has a little escape meaning. It seems that goodness will be regarded as weakness here. Anyone will challenge ridicule. I'm afraid I don't know how many flies there are.

"You want to compete?"

"Yes, my friend." Wan'an put down the doubt and stared at Chen Mo with a smile.

"Kuyao, to give him a profound lesson, we should play and have fun." Chen Mo turns to Kuyao and his voice is a little light.

"Yes, God My Lord. "

Kuyao immediately took the command and his eyes were cold.

"Just for fun? Take the challenge of a famous teacher as fun? "

"Crazy, but I like it."

"I haven't heard such domineering words for a long time. I don't know whether they are ignorant or really domineering."

"It's not domineering, it's not knowing the height of the earth. That famous teacher has fun? I'm afraid I haven't experienced the social beating. "

Chen Mo's words aroused a torrent of abuse.

Wan'an is a famous top class war armour division of Mu's heavenly star. He is also a genius and has a lot of life knowledge.

Now his challenge is seen as fun.

The crowd immediately became excited and the Star Festival was about to begin. This was the appetizer. Wan'an, a famous teacher, competes with the guard of an unknown person, and is regarded as having fun by the other side.

It's a bit funny. Wan'an is looked down upon.

As a famous master of Mu's heavenly star, Wan'an's name is all made up. He competes with all kinds of top class battle armour masters. If Wan'an wants to join a certain force, even God level civilization will open the door for him.

Now he is looked down upon by the life of a new moon star.

Chen Mo's contempt makes Wan'an extremely unhappy, and the ferocity of his heart is aroused. Where is he? He has never been looked down upon so much by a young boy.

"I hope your strength is worthy of your arrogance." Wan'an's smile turned cold.


The dialogue between Wan'an and Chen Mo spreads all over Mu's heavenly star through holographic shadow frequency.

Now, the Star Festival is about to open. Many life's attention is focused on the Star Festival. Mu's star has been stable for a long time without a battle of life and death. This battle is the appetizer of the Star Festival.

"It's interesting. It's going to start so soon."

Fox Bing Xin Mei Mou is surprised to see Chen Mo's news and is very interested. Before the Star Festival, there was such an episode, which attracted the attention of the whole Mu's star.

"Uncle lion, go and have a look." Fox Bingxin said with a smile.

"Madam, it's busy..."The lion dusk is speechless, and the lady likes to join in the bustle. She can only follow her to the direction of the celestial forest of steles.