Science and Technology Library

Chapter 938

In a mansion, Zhan Jia lands on Zhan Jia platform.

Cotton came out of the armour and, as usual, headed for his room.

This planet is the base of the crazy beast battle group A. as the deputy leader of the battle group A, he has his own residence. Just after training, cotton's eyes were a little tired and a little sad.

When the war broke out, the chaos became more chaotic. Now the whole chaos is surging. He felt that before long, there would be chaos, and the chaos would be shuffled.

As soon as he entered the gate, cotton's pupils shrank, and a stranger was in his mansion.

"Who are you?" Keaton frowned at each other, looking alert and wondering why he was at home.

"The nest is called, and the plan is ready to begin." The stranger passed a copy of the film on to cotton.

Cotton's face changed slightly.

Hearing the call from the colony, he knew what was going on.

After so many years of planning, he joined the crazy beast battle group A, from the unknown, all the way to the top, he knew that there was an organization to assist in the dark. But the organization never asked him to do anything special. He only needed to be quiet in the battle group A, to do things normally and to work normally.

His way of promotion is also very smooth. He almost integrated himself into the wild beast battle group A, and his prestige is getting higher and higher.

Now, he knew that his seed was about to germinate.


Higgins is flying in the cold and dark space, hoping to escape.

Assassin and Armor Division.

He is the most familiar type of armour division.

I didn't expect that I would become the target of Assassin battle armour division today. That attack just now almost killed him.

He was exposed.

In the dark world, identity exposure means not far from death. Not only is he exposed, he just called for several supports, none of them responded, I'm afraid something happened.

Which organization is dealing with them?

He can't think of it at all.

Because for killer organizations, all other organizations are their enemies, sometimes even their teammates are their enemies.


A fog of corrosion exploded in front of him.

"Damn it."

Higgins's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly reduced the speed of the armour. He dared not approach.


From the sound explosion, a pure black armour division suddenly stopped by his side.

Higgins's expression changed greatly. In his quantum radar, there was no display at all. The opponent's armor was displayed on the optical radar.

Used to watching quantum stealth radar, Higgins thought of a possibility: quantum stealth war armour.

Think of this, Hutchins is cold all over, they are stared at by the top forces, or the top group.

Is the land of chaos changing?

This is the last thought of Higgins.


The leader of the wild beast battle a regiment was ambushed by unknown forces, and died unexpectedly.

all members of the "blood color" organization were assassinated overnight, uprooted.

the golden scissors battle a regiment declared war on the hornet battle a regiment

the nine Hua organization denied that the assassination was done by them.

The land of chaos, the dark and turbulent.

In one day, as if by gunpowder explosion, dozens of senior members of the war armour regiment were attacked, assassinated, attacked each other, and even organized and the war armour regiment were destroyed overnight.

It's going to change.

The chaos, which was originally a mixture of fish and dragons, has become unprecedented turbulence.

Conspiracy is flying all over the world, and it is constantly revealed which family did it, and the turbulent situation is aggravating. There is no good stubble in the chaos, but now it is a basin of cold water poured on the boiling oil.

An invisible hand is stirring the water in the chaos.

A little pattern of life are clear, the universe Chaos, chaos in the land also began to shuffle.


Kariyi's face was gloomy and she was in a bad mood.

She came back alive from the war, but she was dismissed.

At the last moment, the city Lord sent a communication to negotiate with each other.

She opposed the peace talks and quarreled with the city Lord, but it didn't work. She couldn't help it. No peace talks are destruction. The city Lord can't want the Mufu city to be destroyed and annexed.

At the end of the peace talks, the leader of Mufu City promised to give up Hongqiao and cede two constellations in order to preserve the civilization of Mufu.

When she returned with her team, she was removed from the position of head of the army.

Now she is alone.

It's a bit ironic. They've made peace.

But kariyi knew that the city Lord's decision was right. Between the land cutting and destruction, the city Lord chose to cut the land.

She didn't know how to describe her mood.

It can be seen that the suddenly emerging forces are very strong. They can beat through the Mufu city and defeat their living strength. The unknown force is very powerful, but she has never heard of it. It can be seen how long each other can endure and how ambitious she is.Now it is basically determined that the Mufu city has been abandoned. If the Mufu city with two hands is abandoned, it will be easy for the other party to swallow it. Although she knew that even if she resisted, she would die. It was just a standing death and a kneeling death. Different ways of death and different times of death were different.

"After so many years in the army, it's time to enjoy life." Kariyi laughed at herself, took off her armor and put on her dusty dress in the wardrobe.


Chen Mo is sitting in a wheelchair, curious to see all kinds of information about Tianxing monument.

After Xiaoyu 's consciousness treatment during this period, Chen Mo is now able to move his arms. As for other places, he is still unable to move and his armour is unable to control them. Chen Mo wants to walk, but he can only rely on intelligence to control his walking. Chen Mo is comfortable in a wheelchair. After all, it's not good to let Zhan Jia control his body.

In the past, the information of Tianxing monument is very complete.

Hundreds of thousands of civilizations have come to participate in this grand gathering of stars, steles and earth, where real talents gather.

He also checked the information of the previous tianxingbeidi grand meeting. It can be said that in the earth age, this grand meeting brought together the top scientists in physics, mathematics, chemistry, medicine, biology, computer science, military and almost all fields.

It can be said that talents are everywhere.

If space destruction weapons are used to destroy the celestial steles and the earth during the grand event, the historical and scientific development of life in the universe will regress for more than a thousand years.

Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to enter any form of War Department, regiment or battle armour regiment, let alone to bring destruction weapons.

Once it is found that there are legions or life with weapons of destruction entering, it will become the public enemy of the whole universe scientific community and civilization, and it will also usher in the pursuit and revenge of the Space Alliance Security Agency.

Ten ships, plus twenty of the Joel nanlo frigates, thirty ships, though large, are almost negligible in the boundless space.

Looking around, I don't know how to describe it.

The professor stayed on the spaceship. As a guard, there was no reason for him to leave.

These days, through dialogue with each other, he can still see some information.

Chen Mo, who is in a wheelchair, is called the God King by many battle armour divisions.

The other side is not the successor of some top civilization he guessed, but the king. Every day, Chen Mo is looking at the steles of the sky, the stars and the earth. He looks very carefully, as if he hasn't seen them before. Sometimes he talks to the professor about things he doesn't understand.

The woman who always keeps chenmo is called the queen of God by those war armourers. Chenmo is the king of God and the husband and wife. A cute little beast, especially smart, this woman, known as the queen of God, can understand the words of that little beast.

There was also a cold man carved with bone. He had been glanced at by the cold man, as if he was stared at by the horrible beast, and he was cold all over.

These guards, which are the most shocking guards that qingmuluo has ever seen, guard their positions from beginning to end. They are really meticulous, strict and terrible. They usually don't talk, just like sculptures.

Green wood Luo couldn't figure out what forces had cultivated this kind of army, and the discipline had reached the point of terror. Especially when they look at Chen Mo, they worship heroes. They are sincere and pure.

He can't think of any kind of army that can defeat this army in wartime, maybe only the God level civilized army.

Suddenly, the scene appeared on the shadow frequency, which made the green wood Luo look shocked.

"The sky, the stele, the earth and the stars have arrived."

People look up at the hologram screen, a huge, solitary planet appears on the hologram screen, and a large universal pictograph of the universe is printed on the surface of the planet.

The sky, the stars and the earth.