Science and Technology Library

Chapter 939

"This time, it seems more lively than before."

Tong Qing's expression falls into memories and regrets.

Once upon a time, it was here that he rose up and became a brilliant battle division. Now again, identity is not the same.

"Tara, do you know who's coming?" Tong Qing looks at her assistant.

"Thunder will come; representatives of the white star civilization will come, the mysterious lady; the Ming civilization talents have withered, and now the Ming area is in great disorder, Ming Tea escapes, and Ming a can't get away from it; the endless sea civilization sends Shuiling, and the dark forest Dinan Milo will come.

Ziwei civilization is not clear for the time being. At the beginning, the female messenger of shiganxing disappeared after she went back. Zijun will not come. Luo pangzi ignored the world and no one else could see the hope. As for Zidi, without his news, she is not the representative of Ziwei civilization. "

Tara said what she had got.

The pupils are blue and the eyes are clear.

He suddenly thought of a man, Chen Mo, who was trading with him on Shi Ganxing. All these years, he had been looking for the news of that team, but he had not been found.

Forces that can make space connectors, dark matter and antimatter extraction devices should not be anonymous.

At that time, Chen Mo gave him a very strange feeling, as if he was a potential threat.

"Is there any news about the ink dust of Shi Ganxing?"

"No, they didn't know what happened after the event. The universe is too big." Tara doesn't know why Tong Qing cares so much about that life, but in her opinion, except for the other six divine civilizations, other civilizations are not their rivals.


Tong Qing nodded slightly and looked at the huge planet ahead.

"Go in."


"At last." Fox girl smiles and looks around.

Heaven, stars, steles and places where the wise and the strong of the universe yearn for.

"Uncle lion, do you think it will be very lively this time?" The fox girl looks at the lion's Dusk nearby, revealing her rare daughter's state.

Lion dusk is helpless to her, but has no choice.

"According to the information, Tong Qing, thunder and Shuiling have all come, and several other representatives have also come, as well as other top civilizations. They have sent elites, and even the king himself. In this special period of the universe, it is inevitable to be busy. "

"So it's right that we came here." Fox woman looked at the deep space in the direction of the celestial stele.

"Well." "But this time, you can't run around, or in case of chaos, it will be very troublesome."

Fox woman did not refute, obviously agreed with lion dusk.

In shiganxing, she suffered a loss.

"I'm kind of looking forward to what's going on at this event."


Joel nanluo and others need to meet with other friends. After entering the outer area of Tianxing monument, the two teams split up.

Chen Mo's spaceship followed the guidance and flew to the gravitational field of a earth like planet outside the celestial stele.

The outer space of earth like planets is very busy. As a space port, there are spaceships from all corners of the universe.

All the giant private spaceships can't enter the tianxingbei and can only be stationed outside the tianxingbei.

The earth like planet at the foot is an oxygen rich planet. It's very beautiful. Surrounded by white clouds, it's green and looks better than the earth. It's also slightly bigger than the earth. From the space, the scenery is pretty good.

There are antimatter supplement bases and characteristic cities for tourists.

In the distance are stars, which look bigger than the sun.

They can see that after a while, there will be a fleet of ships in the space port. Obviously, there are a lot of lives here to participate in the event of celestial steles and earth.

Stop the spaceship, and place the long-range weapons and laser gain medium according to the regulations of tianxingbeidi.

Now it's outside the Tianxing monument. It's just a port.

The span of Tianxing stele is only 500 million light-years, which is the smallest of the 12 places.

The place they want is the main star of the celestial stele and the earth - Mu's heavenly star, named after Mu's heavenly star.

During the event, all the long-range thermal weapons cannot be brought into the Tianxing monument. Even if the battle armor equipped with high-energy pulse laser needs to remove the laser gain medium to enter. Antimatter bombs are not allowed.

Prevent the entry of long-range weapons and high-energy weapons, so as to ensure the safety of participants during the celestial stele earth event.

As for the use of force in the celestial steles and the earth, the universe alliance has also stipulated that it is not allowed to use heat weapons and weapons of mass destruction, and that it is necessary to use force in the prescribed area, without harming others.

Chen Mo brings 500 Shenwei to Mu's Tianxing, and other Shenwei are managed by kutian. They are stationed on the outer planet. When sylan and uncle crocodile know the event, Chen Mo may not be able to take care of them, so they decide to stay with their kitten parents.

As they prepared to leave, a small single spacecraft appeared in front of their cabin door and stopped about 200 meters away.

A beast like life, gray brown fur, eyes above the eyebrows are white, black eyes look very smart.When the spaceship stopped, it sent a video message to Chen Mo's spaceship.

"Welcome to Tianxing stele. I'm Xiong Ming. I don't know if you need a guide. I've been working as a guide for ten years. I'm familiar with the prosperous stars and the forest of Steles in Tianxing stele, so as to ensure your pleasant journey."

"Tour guide?" Chen Mo is clear, think about to ask: "how to charge?"

"It's not expensive. Ten thousand star coins a day. During the grand meeting, all the guides have increased their prices. Fifteen thousand, I haven't increased my prices. I have a guide license. " Xiong Ming passed on the license information of the guide.

"Then follow."

Chen Mo motioned for the spaceship to leave the cabin, followed by two small spaceships. All Shenwei were on alert.

Xiong Ming looks slightly happy and feels a sigh of relief. This business has been completed. After asking for permission, he drives a single spaceship and fails to enter the leading spaceship.

"I'm very honored to serve you. What do you call me?"

After seeing Chen Mo, Xiong Ming is awestruck. The tall guard gave him a great sense of oppression and became careful when he spoke.

As he knows, most of the people who came to the tianxingbeidi grand gathering are big people.

"My name is Chen." Chen Mo pointed to several people around him and said, "she is my wife. His surname is Jing."

"Foam wipe..." Seeing that Chen Mo didn't introduce herself, the little beast jumped on Chen Mo to protest.

Chen Mo smiled: "this is little potato."

See Chen Mo to introduce it, the little female beast is satisfied to follow Chen Mo's arm, climb to Xiaoyu's arms, and continue to nibble at snacks.

"Mr. Chen, madam, Mr. Jing, Mr. little potato, your bodyguards."

Xiong Ming salutes one by one and looks respectful. Judging from each other's spaceships and battle armour, it is not the life of ordinary civilization. Ten transport spaceships are disguised and look like merchants.

"Gentlemen, are you here to attend the Star Festival? Or come to do business? Or travel? " Xiong Ming opens his mouth and asks Chen mo. his eyesight naturally shows that Chen Mo is the speaker of this team.

"Star Festival."

Sure enough!

Xiong Ming said to himself in a more respectful way.

"My Lord, the Star Festival has not officially started yet, but many representatives of civilization have come, including the God level civilization and the top civilizations, and they are all gathered in the Mu's star. Adults, if you need information about the civilizations involved, I can also find it for you. "

"Give me one." Chen Mo said.

"The price of this information is 20000 star coins." Xiong Ming said with a smile.

Chen Mo waved and Kuyao took out a star Coin Card: "this is 100000 yuan, together with your guide fee for the next eight days."

"Thank you, my Lord. This is the representative of civilization who has arrived."

Xiong Ming naturally takes over the star coin card, takes out a hard disk and hands it to Kuyao.

"Tianxing Monument and earth event, which is called Tianxing event by our local people, has been held every 50 years. So far, it has held more than two million sessions and passed on for 130 million years. Every time it is held, it will bring together the most intelligent life and the most powerful civilization from the whole universe. All the people who can participate in the event are the elites of the elites. "

Xiong Ming flatters me a little.

Chen Mo's face was expressionless. He did not interrupt him. He asked him to introduce him. He checked the information about the civilization he had attended.

"The Star Festival, a two-month event, will gather life from millions of civilizations and come here to participate in the life of trillions or even more. In this year's session, there are many more people participating in life than in the past, and there are also many more great people coming. It is said that the top of the seven gods level civilization has come, including Tong Qing and thunder. "

Chen Mo stopped looking at the data and asked strangely, "won't the high level of the previous divine civilization come?"

"No." Xiong Ming shook his head: "in addition to the occasional high-level divine civilization, but not as Qi as this year, so many. This year, it seems that Tong Qing and thunder have come in person, as well as the rulers of other top civilizations. Tianxing grand gathering is a grand gathering of heroes. Great civilizations want to come here to attract talents and offer various favorable conditions. In the past, some civilizations were even willing to marry the princess in order to obtain talents. "

"That's good. Maybe I can marry a princess." Chen Mo joked.

Chen Mo feels cold on his back.