Science and Technology Library

Chapter 937

Joel nanluo looks at Chen Mo, who is too young in a wheelchair. He thought about many possibilities, but he didn't expect to be a young man.

The heirs of some top civilization?

Prince of civilization?

Or the heirs of higher families of divine civilization?

He was surrounded by the green wood Luo, with a moving face.

A humanoid youth in a wheelchair is the leader of this top regiment. He is a little inconceivable. But no matter how he looked at it, he didn't see what was special about Chen mo.

Joel nanluo is thinking about the name of chenmo. He hasn't heard of it. There are countless lives in the universe alliance. He hasn't heard of it. He thinks it's normal. Green wood Luo also thinks that he is searching for Chen Mo's ethnic group. This kind of person is still the top life or maybe even the divine life. He has never seen it.

There are not many forces like this kind of Legion that shoulder God level civilization in the universe alliance. Many of them have a little impression that there is no similar humanoid life.

Chen Mo's identity has become mysterious here.

"Hello, this is Joel Naro. What's your name, sir? Where is the man? " Joel nanluo opened his mouth with a smile. He was very happy with Chen Mo's requirements. If the interstellar pirates caught him, his fate would be even worse.

"Chen mo." Chen Mo nodded to each other, but he didn't hear the last question.

When Joel nanluo was expecting Chen Mo's reservation, he still smiled and said: "Mr. Chen Mo's staff are really talented people, they are all top class war division a. In the future, we can be compared with those who are blue and furious. "

Aomu Luo's expression is slightly changed. Yes, this kind of person is too young, but he is in charge of a corps of top class armour division. Don't say that Dan is a loser. Tong Qing and thunder, I'm afraid that at this age, he is just an ordinary war armour division.

Although it's not ruled out that the heirs of the top forces are the heirs, their future achievements will not be low.

It's just a comparison between Tong Qing and thunder. He doesn't quite agree. At present, the two divine civilizations are the top civilizations in the universe alliance. Tong Qing and thunder are also the leaders of the two civilizations.

Different from qingmuluo, Kuyao, kutian and other Shenwei around agreed with the old man very much.

In their eyes, the God King is the best life in the universe. No one can be too close to him. Even in their hearts, the pupil of the blue and the thunder are much worse than the God King.

Looking at this old man now, it's easy to see him.

"You're welcome." Chen Murao.

"This is the data and data of the project, and the blood." Joel nanlo took out a hard disk and a container for freezing blood.

Kutian takes over the hard disk and opens it. All the data are displayed in front of Chen Mo through the holographic shadow frequency.

Dense formula, various figures, chemical molecules, general life will be dizzy. Chen Mo glanced at it, and all the data and graphics were gathered in his mind, and the content was clear. Even if any formula was wrong, he could find it.

Seeing some of these arguments, he could understand the meaning of them without thinking.

"Open here" the exploration and Research on the commonality of four-dimensional consciousness and super ability of Mu's heavenly star "


According to Chen Mo, kutian opens one of his papers.

Chen Mo's brain is full of fragments, and his ideas give him a little inspiration. Joel nanlo's research, and some of his views are the same.

There is a connection between the super ability and higher dimensional consciousness.

But no one can explain the existence of higher dimensional consciousness. Now in space, it's clearly not the time to study higher dimensional consciousness.

"Put it away."

"Yes." Take away the hard disk.

"Sir is also a researcher?" Joel's eyes brightened.

From Chen Mo's consideration of the data in the paper, it can be determined that 90% of the researchers are researchers. If so, why does a top army guard him.

Chen Mo should be the top researcher of some divine civilization or top civilization, and he has great value, so he can be protected like this.

"That's right."

"Where do you come from, sir?" Joel nanlo was friendly. Smile is a kind and unified expression of humanoid life in the universe.

"A very distant planet." Chen Mo doesn't think he wants to reach the goal. Naturally, he knew that Joel nanlo wanted to know his origin: "if the professor wants to join us, I can come to see my hometown."

"Sir, you are joking." Joel nanluo laughs. Obviously, it's not possible. He doesn't delve into this question any more. Instead, he puts the topic on other topics: "Sir, is this going to the star monument earth event?"

"Well." There is no need to hide this Chen mo.

"Why don't we go along together? We have company and care. " Said Joel nanlo.

"We have control of your ship, and we have to listen to you all the way." Chen Mo looks at Joel nanlo.

"Professor..."Qingmuluo was a little anxious. Just when he wanted to open his voice, he was interrupted by Joel nanluo: "yes, I can ask a gentleman to direct me. I will stay here and talk with him about the research. I believe that sir."

Chen Mo takes a deep look at Joel nanluo.


The shepherd is empty.

Since entering the empty space of the shepherd's seat, the battle Department of the king of the sea led by Wang Hai has been in a state of flux. Now he meets the first strong opponent, Mufu's legion.

This army is not particularly strong, but it is also not weak. After all, it is a top-level civilized army with space destruction weapons and light speed destruction weapons.

The other side seems to know that they are not good at fault, so they use space weapons and light speed weapons to threaten them in the first place.

Space weapons have been launched in 12 galaxies to bomb them, trying to crush their warheads into molecules. The most dangerous one is that space weapons explode at a distance of 30 light minutes from them. If they tilt a little bit more, they will be turned into atoms by space weapons.

Wang Hai does not hesitate to fight back, because the Pandora's box of space weapons is opened, so there is no need to worry about human nature.

In the future, instruments will be used to terminate the space diffusion of space weapons. Enough time. After the war, a galaxy will only destroy a few star systems.

Three hundred dimensional reducing weapons were launched into the Muwu system.

Among the Legion's resident planets they identified, 15 were destroyed, and tens of millions of senior soldiers, together with three logistics and energy storage planets, were crushed into cosmic debris, killing tens of billions of ordinary lives.

Every time he jumps, Wang Hai chooses to jump without the threat of space weapons.

The senior army of Mufu city has not resisted for a long time under the sea king's War Department of developing super power.

Until I met the regiment in front of me.

In space.

Wang Hai is looking at the regiment, fighting for four days, so that he has a better understanding of its tenacity. If you can't fight, run or call for the army to support you.

The commander is the top class armour division. For them, the strength of the other side is not strong. The trouble is that the tactics of the other side are flexible and difficult to deal with. If you can't fight, run away, turn around and disgust you or attack you.

Knowing that our strength is invincible, we will not choose the front battlefield.

The opponent's tactical choice is very correct.

This is the strongest regiment Wang Hai has met since he led the war department. It took a long time to find out the position of the main army.

Kariyi looked at the regiment that suddenly appeared.

As a female general, she is famous in the constellation of Mufu. After Hongqiao appeared, she was ordered to guard Hongqiao.

At the beginning, the intelligence department heard that an army had suddenly invaded the constellation of shepherds. She thought the other side was not strong, but she didn't expect that the other side didn't spend too much effort to kill the other five legions and came to Muwu system.

The other side's goal is wormhole.

With the images sent back by the various legions, she determined that the strength of the opposing army was so strong that it was abnormal and decisive to kill.

So she did not dare to use the hard way, but chose not to fight head-on.

However, the other side did not suffer much from her various raids. On the contrary, thousands of space destruction weapons were put into the system of Mufu, and countless lives died.

Now, by the other side to find her command post, face-to-face hard to avoid, she can not escape.

With the terrible fighting capacity of the other side, she is basically sure that she has lost.

Tactically, the other side may not win her, but the other side's soldiers are powerful. They will surely lose in space war, but they have no way out.

Surrender? It's impossible here with her.

"Prepare for war..."

All of a sudden, there was a rush of communication, interrupting her instructions. Seeing the communication, kariyi was shocked and hurried to connect.