Science and Technology Library

Chapter 936

Super high energy laser gun, antimatter bomb and energy shield are all ready. It looks like a gentle and harmless transport ship. At this moment, it becomes a ferocious monster.

Intelligent machinery and war violence continue to fall into space, followed by Shenwei, orderly fall into space.

Once the formation is completed, all the war violence goes towards the battlefield.

Everything is quiet, but it's like a raging tide.

The transport ship, which originally looked gentle, turned into a fierce beast, and life on the field changed greatly.

Elite Corps!

Officially the first word came out of their heads.

A strong army, even one of the top civilizations, cannot be brought to this level.

Whether it's the Pirates of the stars or the guards of aomu Luo, they can't help shivering. Murderous spirit, which can be felt across space.

"Let your Division retreat." There is no doubt that Chen Mo is domineering in the public channel.

Green wood is like a dream.

"Retreat, all, out of the field."

Just now he was still angry at Chen Mo's request, but now he completely forgot.

To this extent, the terrorist corps, even the top civilization, may not have, and most terrifying is the energy response of antimatter.

In an instant, antimatter's energy response reaches an unprecedented level.

Dense and activated antimatter bombs, as if without money, are coming towards the battlefield. If you don't escape here, there is only one consequence, that is death.

Is this the Legion of divine civilization?

This army, beyond his understanding of the army.

"Damn it."

Gilliam was cold. He was angry at the impetuous convoy's intervention. Now, it seems that he poured a basin of ice water on his angry head.

Large frightful warships, ultra-high energy pulse lasers, dense antimatter bombs, as well as powerful intelligent machines, strict and terrible battle armour division.

Top teams?

Gillham's scalp is numb.

As star pirates, they have never seen so many activated antimatter bombs. This is a top regular army.

He suddenly remembered a shadow frequency that had spread in the star pirate circle some time ago. A medium-sized star Pirate Group was destroyed by the unknown battle group A in an instant.

One by one, the light clusters explode like stars, and the fire clusters submerge the intelligent machinery and the battlefield.

In the wide space, Gilliam suddenly felt a little small and terrible. They had nowhere to escape. Before they could think more, he was submerged by the light of the light. More and more light clusters split, occupying space, fear, death, explosion, light became the main melody, playing the prelude from hell.

The light is gone, and the current situation of the battlefield is exposed to the public again.

Intelligent machines are like leaves that have been swept away. Only a few remains float in space, sometimes sparking. The ship was broken, and the flying pieces were like sand in the wind.

There are only the battle armour division of the interstellar pirates, scattered in space, and the fear after the terrorist explosion.

Their armor has an energy shield that can withstand the explosive energy of ultra-high energy. Except for the Armor Division hit by the anti matter proton bomb, the rest of them are safe.

Damn it.

Gilliam's eyes were split.

Seeing the fast flying Shenwei, Gilliam's anger overcame fear and became furious.

He worked hard to run the pirate regiment for half his life, thus destroying most of it. Now it's almost time to catch Joel nanlo, they can get unimaginable wealth and expand the team.

Now, because of the intervention of this unknown force, his whole life is in vain.

"Kill me." Gilliam urges the war armour to rush towards Kuyao, the leader.

Big charge.

When the big charge started, all the pirates flew to the nearest Shenwei. Even though the pirates still have the fear of the explosion, they can't help it.

The commander's armour has the highest temporary control over all armour, which is the same in all armour regiments and regiments. This command can only be used once.

When the order of the big charge rings, the built-in AI of the war armour will not allow them to retreat on the battlefield, or they will be judged as deserters. The AI of the war armour will disable the power of human control and be controlled by the AI.

Being aimed at by antimatter bullets, Kuyao seemed unafraid, avoiding a laser attack, and immediately started the laser of battle armour.

In a flash, a giant sphere of light in space lights up.

Light shrouded, a picture of the synthesis of the quantum radar in the daytime, was displayed in front of Kuyao.

Facing the high-speed rush of Gilliam, Kuyao looks like a meal, the speed becomes faster.


At the moment of collision, Kuyao's spear went straight through Gilliam's head, like a long needle into tofu, and hung his body and armor on the spear.

The curtain of the massacre opened.

There is no sound, only the pulse laser from time to time, as well as the light cluster of antimatter bombs. The dead space is like a deep hell, and the distant planets are like the eyes of death.No more than two hours from the beginning to the end.

More than two million star pirates, all buried in this cold space.

Gilem died, and the elite top division didn't even take a turn in each other's hands. The frightened pirates couldn't even hold up the strength of resistance, no matter how big the space was, they tried to escape from the battlefield.

The green wood is full of cold.

The gun that Kuyao killed Gilliam just now, he saw it clearly, too fast. It was just like the action of predicting Gilliam. He solved it with one shot at will. There was no drag and no gorgeous action. It was killing skill.

Top class division.

He also paid attention to other movements of Shenwei, either one move or two moves. If you can kill your opponent with one move, there is absolutely no second move.

The star pirates who just fought with him and made him die hard were slaughtered like pigs and sheep at this moment.

Because even he, in the face of this unreasonable absolute strength, he can't think of any way to deal with it. It's unreasonable. It's like a person was killed with money, they don't even have the ability to resist.

Top class war division, top class war robot.

The identity of the battle armour fleet has been raised infinitely in qingmuluo.

Divine civilization? It seems that there is no such team and it is not the sign.

Top civilization?

With the method of exclusion, Qingmu Luo could not think of any top civilization he could think of. Finally, he could not think of any top civilization with such a terrible army.

If this team is going to make their decision?

He couldn't think of any way to get away safely.

"What do you think?" Joel nanlo changed from shock to wonder.

"Division of all battles." The green wood Luo says with a wry smile.

"Do you know which faction?"

"I don't know. Compared with the black pupil army of the black pupil civilization, the thunderbolt army of the thunderbolt civilization can't let up much, but they are not divine civilization." The green wood Luo says definitely.

"It's not a divine civilization, but a team comparable to the divine civilization Corps."

Just now, the angry guard regiment and the armour division, this time no one reviled. The guard regiment was silent and dare not revile again.

The number of their armour divisions was not large, and the star Pirate Group was able to force them to step back. What's more, this two-hour massacre of the unknown forces of the star Pirate Group. It's very easy to annoy each other, kill them, and catch the professor.

"Professor, the goods are here. Pay." Chen muring's voice came from the universal public communication channel.

Joel nanluo is now very curious about Chen Mo's identity: "friend, can you meet me? Thank you face to face."
