Science and Technology Library

Chapter 933

Poison skin female sits on the first seat of the main hall, the conference table in front of her is floating the star map of the chaotic place. Gray 21 beside, mask cover face, can not see the real appearance, but the body grows up, much stronger than before.

There is a life under the cloak standing behind the poison skin girl. Black glass. If you don't look carefully, it's hard to believe that it's a life standing there.

Beside is wisdom, a life with thin appearance, skin like dead tree skin and big eyes.

The life of Luo nationality is as wise as a demon.

"How many pieces are there now?"

"Thirty seven." With the finger of wisdom, the marks of the hologram appear, scattered in all corners of the chaos.

"Speed up." The voice of poison skin female is cold: "the situation changes too fast, drag down bad."

"I see." Said wit at once.

"A new batch of potions will come tomorrow, and the best subordinates will be selected for development."

As soon as poison skin woman's words fell, all life and spirit on the field were shocked. They could know what the potion the head said was.

As one of the twelve places, chaos is also the most chaotic area in the universe.

There are murderers, civilized escapees, conspirators, interstellar exiles, warmongers, liars, conspirators, adventurers, killers, etc. there are all kinds of vicious people. From another point of view, there are also plenty of talents here.

There are four of the top ten killer organizations in the universe in this chaotic place, which shows the great competition.

There is also the largest black market in the universe, the underground trading market. There is no thing that dare not sell here, even the things of the divine civilization are no exception. The hand of divine civilization has not reached here, even dare not attack here.

The most vicious murderers in the whole universe are concentrated here. If they poke a hornet's nest, the divine civilization will lose a piece of meat.

Their organization, which has been growing rapidly in a chaotic place over the years, has a steady stream of experts, who come out by developing super abilities and cultivating top class war armour divisions with potions.

They all know that there are big forces behind the organization, but they never dare to ask which force is the first.

Asked not to ask, they are suffering.

However, the super ability development technology is not mature in the divine civilization, and they have a lot of information in it.


Chen Mo looks at Xiaoyu. Now he is on the spaceship, but no one is there. Xiaoyu's eyes seem to eat him.

He asked Xiaoyu how to find it. He knew that it was the little mother beast who brought them to find it. Xiaoyu also told him about his experience in this period. During the period when he did the experiment, he didn't provoke Xiaoyu. Now he feels that he needs to settle accounts after autumn.

"Xiaoyu, what do you want to do with this?"

"What do you say?" Xiaoyu goes to Chen Mo and says, "I want to strangle you now."

"It's not good to murder your husband."

"You know what's wrong?" Xiaoyu looks at Chen Mo menacingly. It seems that if he doesn't say one of them, he will suffer. It's inevitable that he will catch up with them.

"I know it's wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"It's all wrong. You shouldn't experiment without permission. It worries you." Chen Mo confesses and counsels directly. He is a man who can bend and stretch.

"Son of a bitch, stinky man."

Xiaoyu finally can't help but lie in Chen's silence, feeling extremely relieved. In blue river star, there are many lives. It's not good for her to be alone with Chen Mo on the spaceship.

Touch the back of Xiaoyu with only one active hand and feel the temperature on Xiaoyu. Chen Mo feels a warmth.

"Foam wipe..." The little mother animal is covering her eyes, and her claws are quietly letting out a gap. Her lovely appearance makes Chen Mo and Xiaoyu Zhile happy.

After Wencun, Xiaoyu pushes Chen Mo to the command center of the spacecraft.

This event will be very busy. The chaos is coming. It's the time for heroes to come out in large numbers. The time when the world 's talents and talents are gathered in Tianxing monument will definitely not be peaceful this time.

Shenwei is not weak, or even one of the top teams in the universe.

Today, more than half of Shenwei's troops are top-level battle armour divisions, and the rest are all elite senior battle armour divisions, with weapons and equipment. In addition to space weapons and light speed destruction weapons, other weapons are top-level.

In case of war, Shenwei is not afraid of the same team of any civilization.

Shenwei's discipline and killing intensity are the highest in the March ant group, enough to protect Chen Mo's safety in the tianxingbei. With Chen Mo's body now, he doesn't care if he doesn't have a guard.

"Destination tianxingbei, let's go."

The space route determined by the star map is very clear. The celestial steles are not far away from the space where Jinhai city is located. They are not as far away from the super star system of raniakaya, only 10 billion light-years away. They can jump in about seven days.

The celestial stele is near the central region of the universe, a permanent middle ground.

The seven divine civilizations and their affiliated civilizations control the seven realms. In addition, the twelve regions, 108 cities, and many top civilizations control the rest of the star realms.The celestial stele belongs to the permanent middle site, so there is no civilized declaration of ownership. It belongs to all life in the universe. The security is under the responsibility of an independent Department of the Space Alliance Security Agency, even without the intervention of the space alliance Council.

From Jinhai city to tianxingbei, over ten billion years, various high-level civilizations and top-level civilizations have been in a state of staggered star regions. The space between the spheres of influence belongs to the public space sea.

If you want to jump into the space of other forces, you need to report in advance. Otherwise, they will be attacked as intruders if they are found by the detector. This application process is very troublesome, and even requires taxes or tolls, so Chen and Mo choose public space sea coordinates for jumping, which saves a lot of things.

The public space sea has no process and is free of charge, but it has its own risks, such as the untimely report of space turbulence and the presence of interstellar pirates.

In the space public space channel without the guard of the civilization corps, the space pirates will use the space jamming equipment to pull out the spacecraft passing through the space from the space direction vector coordinates for space hijacking.

They have met many times before.

For the first long-distance space travel, sylan and uncle crocodile are very nervous. Now they are not running goods dozens of light-years away, but tens of billions of light-years. The road ahead is unknown.

But they were not nervous when they saw the kitten beside them, so they were embarrassed. They have seen the world, and now the little kittens are calmer than them.

With the end of the countdown, everyone felt dizzy and blank, unable to think.

Just for a moment, the feeling of turning around disappeared. The parents of the kitten, unable to stand it, retched beside them.

When the feeling of the body recovers, Chen murmurs and opens his eyes.

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

The ship's shrill alarm pulled everyone out of the trance.

Kuyao's face changed slightly. He hurriedly checked the cause of the alarm. The helmets of other Shenwei and battle armor were instantly covered. Chen Mo's armor is no exception. Even if he can't control it, artificial intelligence automatically controls the armor to cover his body. Several divine guards quickly protect him in the middle.

"What's the matter?" Chen murmured.

"We didn't get to our destination, encountered the interference of the space coordinate vector, and were stopped." Kuyao said.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and all the eyes of life fell on the hologram frequency.