Science and Technology Library

Chapter 934

Zhu He walked quickly to the War Department, and now she is in charge of the Intelligence Department of the March ant group.

As the eyes of the marching ant group, their functions are extremely important. They should try their best to find out any important information and submit it to the Department of operations as soon as possible.

This is the first major meeting of the Department of operations since the new strategy was put in place.

Entering the conference room of the Department of operations, we can see LAN, the first one. The others are just arriving, and there are other senior officials following Zhu He. Even wat Mu and other people who were on the expedition also took their seats through holographic projection.

See everyone to Qi, LAN stop thinking: "fire hibiscus, talk about the latest information."

"We launched the whole intelligence system to find out the wormholes in the surrounding space." Zhu he stood up, went to the holographic projection in the center of the conference room, and dragged his hands to project the star map: "including the skull galaxy, there are four."

The hologram project puts out the star map of Pisces and Cetacea and its surroundings, which is huge.

Others on the field listened carefully. This meeting is about the deployment of the future.

"Pisces and Cetacea - Skull galaxy, giant quasar Cluster - Gulu galaxy, Sloan Great Wall - white fog galaxy, Mufu hole - Muwu galaxy."

No one interrupted Zhu He.

"The skull galaxy, needless to say, is connected with an's superstar cluster in the dark forest region; the wormhole of Gulu galaxy is connected with the white star civilization, and the tianlucheng of the giant quasar cluster is one of the 108 cities. The top civilization is tianlucheng, which occupies half of the star region of the giant quasar cluster, and has eight legions. Its power cannot be underestimated."

Zhu he introduced it very carefully and clearly. She was more afraid of intelligence problems than anyone else. Intelligence problems are fatal to war.

"The white fog galaxy of the Sloan great wall connects the underworld controlled by the underworld civilization. Some time ago, the Ming Tea of the Ming body civilization took the war department through the white fog wormhole with unknown intention. However, he disappeared in the space of the Sloan Great Wall, and his whereabouts are unknown. The reliable news is that Mingda defected with the Ministry of war. Because of the defection of the Ming Tea, the white fog hollow appears the defense empty window, now it is controlled by the Sloan civilization.

The last is the Muwu galaxy of Mufu hollow, which belongs to Mufu city of 108 city. The galaxies in Mufu hollow are rare and the life is rare. The whole Mufu hollow and the surrounding galaxies are controlled by the Mufu civilization. Although he is a top civilization, his strength is weak. The wormhole is also leading to the dark forest

"Deal with Sloan civilization and Mufu civilization first." LAN's eyes flashed a fine light.

LAN asked Zhu He to sit down first, and glanced at other people on the court. Everyone was awe inspiring and upright.

"It's a time of chaos. If we want to survive, we will be very passive in close defense, so we need to change our strategy."

LAN looks calm and stands up. He and Zhao Min have contacted Chen Mo, who agrees with them.

"The emergence of wormholes has brought the distance between civilizations closer to 10 billion light-years, which has greatly accelerated the complexity of the war. Wormholes are a must for soldiers. Only by controlling wormholes can we take the initiative in the war. "

Speaking of this, LAN's silver ring like eyes burst out with intense heat, and his voice was mixed with a little crazy. He turned to smile and became light again.

"Our opponent is divine civilization, and there are more than one, but we can't wait for divine civilization to find us, otherwise we will suffer. Before they find us, we need stronger strength, more resources and star regions. We also have a small universe. Why can't we be a divine civilization? "

As soon as the last sentence came out, the atmosphere on the field became extremely fanatical, and the war started until the madness was rampant.

Haze raised sharp corners of the mouth, such as knives, long eyes in the fire flash.

"It's time for our knife to go out of its sheath."


However, LAN decided to speed up the expedition again and make Xiao Li's scalp numb.

But he just needs to execute.

With a steady supply of weapons and technology, Xiao Li became extremely confident.

In LAN's small pressure, Xiao Li showed unprecedented command ability. He is a strong general himself, because he did not enter the Andean civilization corps system, so he chose to form his own battle group.

With his outstanding talent, he is also well-known in the Andersen supercluster. Based on the strength of the battle a regiment, when Hongqiao is found, it is enough to show his ability to raise the regiment to enter and attack the three advanced civilizations with the force of lightning.

Now he belongs to the marching ant group. He has received Lan's systematic and tactical instruction and developed super abilities. He is more confident in his own strength.

In the face of the storm like attack of Xiao Li, the civilization of an family and the surrounding affiliated civilization are not in a circle. Some battle groups and advanced civilizations surrendered to prevent extinction.

Those civilizations who once refused to accept Xiao Li, even beat their feet and chests, and regretted it.

However, it did not change Xiao Li's soft hand.

Xiao Li, who has won a great victory, has made faster progress in the journey. He has recruited the elite and strong generals of the famous battle a regiment and the advanced civilization regiment of an's super star regiment to join the War Department of the night owl.

It is clear to all life that there is no life to stop Xiao Li, who is fully deployed, in the Andersen supercluster. The suspense of this war is not great.After this battle, there are many elite generals under the Nightowl War Department.

Although there is no break in, Xiao Li believes that after the new recruits break in with the old Department, the combat effectiveness of the War Department of the night owls will be improved.


There is fighting ahead.

There is no sound and light in the space. Each ball of light is like the fire of hell, covering the whole space.

Debris and debris raged through space.

One is the interstellar pirates, and the other is the ships pulled out by the space interference. The battle between the two sides is in the stage of incandescence.

Obviously, Chen and Mo are the second fleet pulled out of space by space jamming equipment, and the first fleet pulled out has been fighting with the interstellar pirates.

Chen Mo and others are confused.

The battle between the two sides is in the stage of incandescence. The wreckage of the spaceship and the remnant of the battle armor are all telling about the tragic battle.

It's not only Chen Mo's circle, but also the two sides in the battle. I didn't expect that when they were fighting fiercely, a fleet would suddenly appear. But when they saw that it wasn't a warship, they were relieved that they were not afraid of being reinforcements of the other side.

It's not good to fight on both sides now.

In this case, it is not wise for them to take part in the battle. Working with the first lives to solve the pirates? It's impossible. They don't know the first fleet coming, so they won't be good people to help each other.

"Get out of here first." Chen Mo orders not to watch.

The fleet's engines started again, ready to leave.

Now there is a slight inclination in the battle in space. Depending on the situation, the Pirates of the stars begin to take the upper hand. Chen Mo doesn't want them to come to trouble them after the battle.

"My friend, this is Joel nanlo. Please help us. Thank you very much." When the spacecraft is ready to start and leave, a distress signal appears on the public communication channel.

"Joel Naro?"

Chen Mo and the crew were stunned.