Science and Technology Library

Chapter 932

"Come in, come in."

The cat father led Chen Mo and Xiaoyu into the house.

Knowing Xiaoyu's identity, the cat's father is surprised and happy. Chen Mo said that his wife may have a way to cure his daughter. Now Xiaoyu is here.

"Their father, they are?" As soon as she entered the door, the cat's mother was surprised to see the strange fish and Jingge. She was a little nervous. The life of the spaceship they saw just now is wearing these armours.

"This is Mr. Chen Mo's wife. Come to Po." Father kitten hurriedly introduced.


Looking at Xiaoyu and others again, the alert in the eyes of kitten's mother disappears, leaving only surprise and hope.

"Really?" Xiaoyu is not sure to look at Chen mo.

Chen Mo nodded: "her consciousness fell into deep sleep and her body gene mutation should be caused by stagnation in the process of body evolution. We just need to develop her superpowers, catalyse her body to continue to evolve, awaken her consciousness, and should be able to wake up. "

"Then I'll try."

Chen Mo tells her parents what she thinks.

This kind of treatment, they should respect the choice of parents, who do not know what will happen. Although it is possible to wake up the kitten, it is not certain.

There are many lives of awakening super power after seeing the star map stele. The kitten is met by him, and he also likes the kitten. It's her luck, just like he met sylan and uncle crocodile.

The parents of kittens are shocked to learn that kittens can awaken their superpowers. Super ability has always been the standard match of divine life. Even though super ability has little effect on war armour, the brain also evolves and will become more full and stronger.

Sylan and uncle Avon were listening and standing there.

Super power development!

Uncle crocodile Wen's mouth can swallow an ostrich egg, which is very shocking. It took a long time for them to come back to their senses and calm down their shocked mood. They are sure that they seem to have saved a great man in space.

Super power, divine life, they know what it means.

"Lucky, are you sure this method will work?" Asked the crocodile.

They also like kittens very much. Naturally, they don't want something to happen to kittens.

"I'm not sure, but the best way I can think of is this. Her body and brain cell structure mutation, gene mutation, is that evolution has not been completed. If only consciousness wakes up, no one knows whether there will be major events due to physical problems, and the decision is in your hands. "

Chen Mo looks at the kitten's parents. Since then, the kitten's parents still take care of him, so he doesn't want the kitten to sleep all the time.

For a moment, the kitten's parents murmured and made a decision.

The father took a deep breath and said firmly, "Sir, we agree."

The airship in the air and the orderly soldiers have shown that Chen Mo is not the life of ordinary civilization, and the medical technology must be stronger than their asteroid, which is their last hope.

And this is a chance for kittens to become better. They also want their children to become more intelligent and excellent divine life.

When the kitten's parents left, the medical cabin quickly changed and a medical bed appeared in the room. After injecting the kitten with the agent of super power development, Xiaoyu takes a deep breath and sits down, enters the super state, and reaches for the kitten's brain.


"The boss found it."

LAN receives the message from Kuyao. The narrow corners of her mouth bend up. The whole person is much more relaxed. When the boss finds out, their worries will disappear. According to the current situation, they can take their time.

Quantum life.

It's more advanced and mysterious than divine life.

Immortality, immortality and immortality are the highest requirements of life. They are all shocked by the courage and boundlessness of the boss.

"What's special about the heaven, the stars and the earth?" Zhao Min asked a question about jumping off. Because Chen Mo and Xiaoyu will not come back directly, but will go to Tianxing monument.

"The heaven, the stars, the steles and the earth event is the most top talent event in the whole universe. All the heroes gather to gather the most intelligent group of life in the whole universe. The main star of Tianxing stele is a stele engraved with the life knowledge and thoughts of Mu's Tianxing. The boss should have his plan. "

Chen Mo wants to go to tianxingbei. He has no accident. Any intelligent life will go to tianxingbei at least once in his life. Lan also went there when he was young. He met his former leader and joined the black maple leaf battle group A.

"President, I've always been curious. Has the boss said that he has any ambition?"

"Ambition? His ambition and ambition are all in research. From the time I knew him, it was a mess of research, but every time it was unexpected. " Zhao Min's face is a little more relaxed. She sleeps uneasily during this period of time. Now that Chen Mo is safe, her heart is completely down.

"Have you ever thought about chasing deer?" LAN looked at her eyes and they were shining. She didn't know what she was thinking.

Zhao Min's spirit was shocked. He was surprised to see LAN: "I haven't heard of him. He's always asking. March ant group can survive.""To live, it's very demanding. Maybe we need a goal."

It seems that understanding Lan's idea, Zhao Min becomes extremely serious: "you mean..."

"Why not? We are now all equipped with technology, talents, pattern and geographical conditions. We are in favor of the time and the place, and there is only one thing left."


"The boss's ambition."

LAN's eyes are full of energy and fighting spirit. If that step can be achieved, how brilliant the boss will be. And they will be famous forever.

"The boss is excellent. He is the best life I have ever seen. He is not inferior to, or even superior to, the talented leaders such as Tong Qing and Dan. But the boss doesn't have their ambition. Otherwise, he can compete with Tong Qing and Dan in the system of Shi Gan Xing.

Now the chaos is coming, if the boss has no ambition, we will be very passive in the future. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Our mature super ability development technology will not be concealed for a long time. Our opponent is a divine civilization. If we want to survive, we must kill all the lives and forces that are covetous to us, and not be beaten passively. "

LAN's idea is very simple. Chen Mo is the leader of the March ant group. Chen Mo's ambition is the direction and goal of the March ant group. Now the direction of the March ant group is very uncertain, just studying technology, which is very dangerous for the turbulent times.

Zhao Min's eyes were bright.

"Prepare the layout according to your idea, and I'll tell him when he comes back. He's a very smart man. His brain knows better than anyone else. Sometimes he has to push him to move, or he'll think about his technical research. "

Under Zhao Min's and LAN's instructions, the whole marching ant group seems to be activated and rejuvenated. A huge machine is running. Only the high-level can feel that the marching ant group's direction is more clear and firm. Only when the right opportunity comes, they can make a splash.

Even the people at the bottom of the March ant group can feel a positive change in spirit.

The outside world does not know that in the remote corner of the universe, a giant beast is waking up.


Chen Mo is right. The kitten's consciousness falls into deep sleep.

The movement of her conscious body is extremely slow and almost stagnant. As for the reason, it should be the change of brain cells and structure in the process of evolution that makes her weak consciousness unable to keep up with the change.

Familiar with the road, Xiaoyu enters into the kitten's consciousness and gently touches her consciousness body.

Slowly, the conscious body moves a little faster, and the kitten's fingers move with the conscious body.


Chen Mo looks at the data of the instrument quietly.

The data shows that the kitten's physical evolution is back on track.

This is a good thing.

The whole town is quiet. The ten giant spaceships in the sky are so cool. Besides, there are millions of elite soldiers. The residents of the town have spread that the unfortunate uncle, the leader of these soldiers, is a great man.

The unlucky uncle, who has been sitting in a wheelchair and guiding the children's war training, is the leader of a top force.

This has brought a great shock to the life of the town.

Kittens can't get close to home, but there are many lives around.

They have all heard that the wife of the unlucky uncle has a way to treat the kitten's disease. Now it seems that the wife of the unlucky uncle has come to find him.

Sylan and uncle crocodile are OK. They are still in shock. Today, they have received a lot of information. They haven't slowed down yet. The parents of kittens are anxious. Kittens are their lifeblood. In case of treatment failure, they don't know what to do.

Four hours later, when the cat's parents were in a panic, the door of the house opened.

"The kitten really woke up."

"It's amazing, uncle. It's not a cannon. It's really powerful."

"Hey, don't call me unlucky uncle again, or he will be angry and you will be finished."

"That's my uncle's wife. She's also a kind of person. A kind of person looks good."

The life exclamation and joy of watching from afar is heartfelt for the kitten to wake up happy.

The kitten's parents saw the kitten coming out, crying with joy, and held her in their arms. Sylan and uncle crocodile Wen smile pleasantly. At least the unlucky guy is not a liar. He can really treat the kitten.

"Come in and talk." Uncle crocodile Wen looked around and whispered.

If kittens develop their superpowers, they will be sensational to the town and even the whole blue river star. Divine life, even in Jinhai City, is the top level of life. If the kitten has super power, the town can't fry.

The kitten's parents were stunned and soon relieved. They said hello to the neighbors and life and took the kitten back to the house.

"Kitty, look at your abilities." Chen Mo said.

The cat's big eyes are still turning on Xiaoyu. She feels a kind of cordiality. Hearing Chen Mo's words, she just nods: "Oh, yes, but how to use it?"

"I'll do it."

Xiaoyu chuckled and pointed out his finger on the cat's head.I saw the hair on the kitten, which exploded instantly, the eyes turned red, the little body slowly pulled up, a little beautiful cat shaped, milk fierce milk fierce.


the most classic abilities of orcs are awakened and their strength and reaction speed are greatly increased. Whether they are wearing battle armor or bare handed, their strength is greatly improved.

The parents of kittens are ecstatic, kittens really have the ability, which means that kittens are God level life in the future, and they may become the top class armour division in the future, they don't worry about their children's failure.

It's the first time they've seen them, even if they're prepared.

Xiaoyu points on the kitten's forehead again.

Only to see her body slowly shrinking, back to the previous petite and exquisite appearance, big eyes are still looking at Xiaoyu curiously.

"The promise is done, and I'm almost leaving. Are you going to come with us and move to our place? " Chen Mo asked several people with a smile.

Several people in the room looked at each other.